What's your power level, Sup Forums?

What's your power level, Sup Forums?

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i don't wanna go past that

this is real

40. Stopped there 2 years ago and really have no plan to level up anymore.

Decent i guess

Are you me?

i honestly regretted it a bit, should've just stayed under 100 but i can't do anything about it now anymore.


14 years of service

2. I don't even know how to level up.

Is this some kind of gamer score for PC

no reason to go any higher

Why do you regret it?

I'm not autistic so it's only 15

I'm you from last year.

step it up home boy

Level 27. Only that high since crafting badges during one of the winter sales a couple years ago was actually (barely) profitable.

fuck you, I'm never the best at anything

21. Crafting badges just seems like a waste of time.


Ayyy, I've got 26 too.

some people berate me for it or even claimed to get intimidated to add me because i have a high level and ''wouldn't pay attention to them'' because i'm ''too important'' or something


the yellow is ugly but I'll deal with it until steams events like this one get me out

Friend collectors are cancer


what can I say, i made the account back in 2003

40 is the place I stop.
>tfw could have had 7 years of service if I didnt lose all my login information

level bros


0 just like in real life

Maika a cute.

Step 1: Open your profile
Step 2: Click on the face of the friend at the top of your friend's list
Step 3: Click on the face of the friend at the top of their friend's list
Step 4: Repeat until you reach pic related
Step 5: If you end up in a loop, switch to the 2nd highest at the first friend of the loop and repeat Step 3-4
Step 6: Reply to this post with how many clicks it took to reach pic related

4, and that's only because one of my closest friends turned into a card slut.

4 clicks desu family

I've done this kind of thing out of boredom, badgefags are trully horrifying...not even Sup Forums have so many ponies making sex

5 what the fuck who is this guy?

5. Holy shit, I didn't know i was so close.
TL;DR: There's a war for highest account level and every event that passes, someone takes the lead away from the current head.
>2nd highest has 2K friends

6 clicks and one was because a guy had a friend with lower level than him.


8 clicks
How do people get them so high?

someday i might pay the pc jew enough to get to level 69. farthest i would go though.

You have to do the card sets. Endlessly. Clicking the same three buttons for hours on end. And it costs you money.

>7 years
big man

What happened to Palmdesert?


Yes, buddies, lots of people made steam accounts back in 2003 to play CS1.6 in high school.
The only reason you seem like special snowflakes now is that everyone else grew up and their accounts are now gathering dust.

4, good game.

He got a life.

poor guy

69 lmao

i was going to keep levelling but i'm extremely childish. now i just sell my cards.

stay mad tiny son with your forty digit steam id


What if I have no friends?

1. Use Idlemaster (steamidlemaster.com/)to get cards from all the games you own (even if you haven't installed them)
2. Use steamtradematcher.com/ to get rid of any dubs.
3. Buy cards to complete the sets. Complete the 3/5 sets first since you get the same amount of XP regardless of how many cards you need to compete a set. For anything needing 3 or more cards to complete buy booster packs and repeat step 2 if you get any dubs

If you don't want to spend actual money, just sell a bunch of your most expensive cards and use it as seed money. It's surprising what some cards will go for (especially for weeb games).

Then you win.

Honestly, it seems those people are very stupid. Do you really want them as Steam freinds?

4 clicks. What the shit is this guy's level so high for?

>mfw PalmDeser stop giving a fuck
I liked that weird nippon guy and his awful awful musical taste.


One year too late

9 clicks, welp

If you give money to Steam then your level is 0.

of course not but for the most part of 2016 and 2017 i really only seemed to get negative attention from anyone who'd add me and shit, it just fucked up with me a bit and i usually worry about the tiniest things now

Don’t want that shitty orange color that they give for 20+


6 clicks, holy shit. I'm only lv 40

yeah give it to gog who sells drm games now as well, they are much better lmao

Fuck them too, I don't give money to them either.
>GOG sells DRM free
I hate this meme. Digital distribution is inherently DRM.

>i dont buy anything with drm
lmao, what did i expect, of course Sup Forums dosent play any games

>9 years of service
>only play TF2

6. I didnt even know the levels go past 100.

>What is pirating
>what is paying for the few proper physical releases such as the Witcher games

i wish i could still enjoy tf2

20 without even trying.

>how dare they try to protect their product from being stolen
>steals everything