Which one should I play first? Yakuza Kiwami or Yakuza 0?

Which one should I play first? Yakuza Kiwami or Yakuza 0?

Other urls found in this thread:


>combat is designed for one on one battles
>every encounter is you versus a hundred enemies
>the slightest tap knocks you to the floor and you have to mash X for five minutes before you can climb up to your feet, get stunlocked for ten minutes straight and get knocked back down again
>most enemies have five minute stunlock combos, even if you avoid the combo you have to stand back and wait out the five minutes before you can dare to attack the uninterruptible combo
Don't bother, it's shit.

You're talking about Kiwami?

by the time you get to the point of being set up against a million enemies at pmce and bullshit bosses, you should have enough upgraded to negate or use that shit to your advantage.

Of course, the game does a poor job of telling you that beyond "YOU GOT ENOUGH POINTS TO UPGRADE" And does an even poorer job at showing you how to use those skills.

Play Y0 first. Not only is it a prequel, it's just the better game.

>tfw cant into Tiger Drop despite having it unlocked.

How? Are you a downie? It's so easy.


Just play Yakuza 0
is the only one worth playing of the series

Play Yakuza 0 and if you like it move onto 1. You are going to have to give these games time to breathe and develop. There are a lot of cutscenes in the beginning especially. Basically the first night of playing set yourself up for watching a movie rather than a video game. Then as you progress through the chapters, the game becomes a lot more relaxed and allows you to goof off doing dumb shit.

Thanks guys

Warning you now that these games are the same shit over and over with a melodramatic story you'd be hard pressed to care about. Combat is very simple and mostly based around filling up your special meter and hitting QTEs.

Yakuza thread. Cool.
Can we just talk about how this motherfucker, on his last moments of life, decided that his way to go was to suplex another motherfucker off a goddamn skyscraper?

>>the slightest tap knocks you to the floor

This is what I hate about Zero and Kiwami.

Fucking 0fags..

Last decent boss in the series, although the hitman from Zero was pretty cool.

>tfw Mine could've solved a lot of problems in further Yakuza games because every single time the issue was money
Glad he's dead cuz Mine sucks daigo dick too much

OP will see for himself soon enough.

>Combat is very simple and mostly based around filling up your special meter and hitting QTEs.


Just another shitposter. Series went to absolute shit with Zerofags. Surprised he didn't complain about health items.

Everything needs to be God Hand or Dark Souls.

The problem in Yakuza 3 within the Tojo Clan shouldn't have even happened if Daigo's mom stepped in again like she did in 2, where the fuck did she go? Also did the Kazuma family just disband after Kashiwagi gets killed? And Kiryu has nothing to say about that?

3's plot pisses me off, even if I didn't dislike a lot of the new characters it introduced.

I thought the issues there would be obvious. The combat doesn't take much thought, and anything cool is a canned animation that really loses its impact when you've seen it so many times. It makes what's meant to be awesome into a chore.

I haven't even played that one.


Stop playing video games.

3 is pure garbage.

I was going to write this off as hyperbole, but the combat really is like this. Enemies knocking you down with a jab is ridiculous. Combat sucks until you have Dragon styled maxed and even then most encounters are ass because 30 enemies at a time all wailing on your back.

That being said still enjoyed it, Maijima everywhere was fun for a while at least....until it wasn't.

Hitting the same QTEs over and over is a chore. Have you got a real response this time?

Only good part of 3 is the final boss, everything else is fucking terrible.
>Muh Okinawa pointless plot
>Muh forced Rikiya drama
>Half the game is boring orphanage shit

Play 0. Kiwami is garbage.

They're not QTEs, heat moves are button prompts. If it's so boring, stop spamming them.

If you have never played this series and it’s going to be these two games, play Y0 and then Kiwami, this is not up for debate.

Start with 1 like an adult.

What are you talking about? A cinematic sequence where you have to hit the button prompts in an allotted time are exactly what a QTE is.
Do Yakuza fans really think that there's no QTEs in the games?

Kiwami or the PS2 original. Zero fags are fucking ridiculous. Why the fuck would you play the prequel to a long running series with established characters first?

Which Yakuza on ps3 is worth getting if I get one? Seems like 3 is the favorite on the system but 4 is better overall. Kinda expensive used so advice would help.

The little shits at the orphanage grew on me and I did like Okinawa until I realized that there was fucking nothing to do there. I think the entire game should've just been based at Okinawa (with it having more activities and so on to do there obviously) and the local yakuza's plight against Wesker or whatever the fuck.

If you care about story development, play 3.
If you don't, play 4.
Don't you dare talk shit about my boy Rikiya.

0. The story and characters in Kiwami are really not as developed as later games and playing through 0 first gives some much needed depth to many of them and makes you care about them when you otherwise wouldn't.

It's cheap.

To be fair, the remake of 1 being made out as a game you should play after Zero. It's understandable why people would just start at Zero.

I'm pretty sure most people in these threads started at the PS3 games if anything, I don't get the borderline elitism on not starting at 1 at all.

>0fags hating on 3
The orphanage and Rikya stuff were some of the series standout moments

if you gonna play Kiwami and not the original first game, you may as well start with zero.

Dead Souls

They both have the option to view summaries of previous games, though I think 4's more newcomer friendly to be honest with how it's plot is.


Start with 0 then play through release order(if you dont wanna play ps2 yakuza 1 then play kiwami but dont play Kiwami 2 if it gets localized). Kiwami plays exactly like 0 so if you like that games combat then you will porbably enjoy kiwami.

I never had this problem even on legend difficulty. Talking about Zero and Kiwami.

>series gets popular
>people call it out for being shit
>fans get absolutely ass-blasted

Every time.

How can I play the first game without the awful dub?

3 is the game where combat became fun though. And also has some of the best soundtracks.

I don't mind them but the series gets away with shit Sup Forums would crucify other games for.

You play it with the awful dub. it gives ya some laughs


I started with 1. 3 is trash, and the orphanage shit drags on for far too long. Kiryu crying like a little girl over Rikiya, while barely giving two shits about Kashiwagi really posse me off.

>but dont play Kiwami 2 if it gets localized

Mind naming some examples? Cause these days it seems Sup Forums literally calls anything shit. I only stay here for some yakuza and TF2 threads.

Get 0 and then Kiwami.

It's shit like Kiwami

Did they stretch 'motherfucker' to match the animation? Isn't that the opposite of what usually happens.

Lots of cut content.
Sure, there are moments where the game looks and works amazingly, like the Ryuji fights, but it's pretty bland in other moments.
They also took out Crazy Ken Band, which made a lot of moments in the original better.

All of the bitching about witcher 3 could be thrown at yakuza tenfold.

Because they cut out alot of the good music from 2, liscensed music is also gone. The combat is now 6's combat when it should kiryus moveset from 1-5.

Nah, apparently the way audo files were sorted is changed in the usa release so I think in the japanese version its one whole audio recording while in the usa one they tried splicing up into parts so it fits the lips better. Course that failed.

Literal movie-games.
Casual as fuck combat where you can pause the game and spam healing items.
Reusing assets out the fucking ass.
Has a shitty zombie spin-off.


>Lots of cut content.
thats a shame

Constantly re-used assets, combat based around cinematic QTE attacks, getting attacked by a group of thugs two minutes up the same road where you just beat up a group of thugs.
I can probably come up with more but I really don't mind the games that much

>bad, repetetive combat
>borderline nonsensical storylines with a lot of cheesy melodrama
>shallow leveling systems

>Didn't even list any examples


Are you actually retarded?

Rikiya is the lowest point of the entire series, the most forced drama we've seen in an incredibly melodramatic series.
>Nishiki, Yumi and Kazama all die
>No tears
>Literally who, a guy he's interacted with for all of 3 days dies
>Cries like a bitch

>a free (You)
Works everytime, thanks.

>3 days

I agree 3 is shit, but they knew each other much longer than 3 days.

The reuse of fucking everything from environments to character models, the total non-interaction of the world where the player basically can't touch anything unless its during a heat action, heat actions taking all control away from the player other than QTEs, the core gameplay being incredibly repetitive and braindead, the focus on cinematic storytelling otherwise derided in games.

Honestly I love this series but fatigue has barely even set in yet with Kiwami. Wait till people see how similar 6 and Kiwami 2 are and the shitposting will increase 10fold.

Man, 0 had a banger OST.

Literal movie games makes no sense since every game these days has cutscenes.

There are QTE in the cutscenes which I agree should not be there

Thats True but you could always not get the healing items

Nothing wrong with re-using assets

and having a zombie spin-off is an irrelevant point.

The combat is only boring when facing random encounters as they are always easy

How is being cheesy and nonsensical a bad thing? As for the leveling up how is it shallow? Its a skill tree based system. If you mean why there isnt branching paths to choose how you play I personally rather have everything at once once I have enough exp.

You asked for examples and I listed them. Don't get butthurt.


>another (You)
Even better than I expected.


don't equip charismatic autobiography or photo.

Not to mention that he was basically just Shinji.


Fuck off retard.

I agree about the QTE and heat actions. In 1-3 at least they were quick but now they can be very long webm related. as for qte I would honestly rather have it be one straight long fight.

I love how people try to find the smallest shit to shit on 3, while not it's by no means an amazing game (not like any of the games in the series are) but your examples are what EVERY Yakuza game has, literary half of the story content is some dumb filler shit to make the game longer.
You should at least complete a single Yakuza game once with skipping all the cutscenes, you would be surprised how instead of playing 20 hours to complete you will only need 4 hours...
Plus, to defend the orphanage shit a little, Kiryu wanted this and that was the next development in the series that everyone knew about and was a nice little addition considering it took like 2 hours to finish.

>three (You)s
I should do it more often.

>accidentally doing that overly-long low damage heat move Akiyama has in 5 whenever an enemy is even remotely close to a wall


This was one of the few things i liked from K2.

You typed out so much, but said so little. I'm impressed.

Love these retarded exaggerations

Keep going user, I will gladly accept them in my (You) collection.


youtube.com/watch?v=w6knhBcxusg (KIA kiwami 2)
youtube.com/watch?v=jT0r_UnT6bU (KIA yakuza 2)

>these days

This series has been extremely cutscene heavy since the PS2 days, it's only gotten worse over time.

>Nothing wrong with re-using assets
>and having a zombie spin-off is an irrelevant point.

Remember er the guy asked for things the games had that Sup Forums usually bitches about. You don't need to get all defensive. I'm simply listing what he asked for.



Said so little?
What I typed means that 3 has some great parts and it's just only the final boss fight that is good.
Maybe try having some argument next time instead of trying to make up some witty facebook response.

Very nice

>Yakuza 3, 4, 5, and Dead Souls re-released on PS4 as an anthology
>1080p with stable 60FPS
Would you buy it?

