October 2016

>october 2016
>switch trailer released
>Sup Forums laughs at it and claims it's going to flop

>fast forward 14 months
>only 9 months and the Switch is already outselling the Wii-U in Japan, and outpacing the PS2's first year sales
>more and more 3rd party support announced from every corner
>pokemon mainline game sure to be a heavy hitter when it gets released

How did Nintendo do it?

Other urls found in this thread:


This is blatant falseflagging and against the rules.

Yeah, nah. Delete this immediately. Who hype for PS4? Hehe!

by catering to the soyboys

>How did Nintendo do it?
By making good games.

Nintendo... Is doomed.
It is over.
This year the sales will fall flat.
Goodbye, Nintendo. We'll be seeing you on PS4 soon.

lul just bought one. waiting for nintendo to deliver. i waited and waited for it to flop. its only getting stronger. got the red mario version. sucks no physical mario game

By being the only company that's still making handhelds when no one else wants to bother thanks to Mobile Gaming, and Nintendo's going at it solely because they have franchises with enough brand recognition to make it happen such as Mario, Zelda, Pokemon and Smash Bros to print money.

Remember there was 6 months when the pee u never got any games

You sound like a big ol fat Normie.

>January 2018
>OP generalizes an entire internet community and labels them with one widely inaccurate opinion
>Goes on to describe how badly this imaginary opinion was proven wrong

worked for you so(n)yboys eh

This soy milk shit makes no fucking sense at all.

>only 9 months and the Switch is already outselling the Wii-U in Japan



Yeah it's odd. Soy is better for you than milk.

i am, i have a job and everything. I used to be a neet, a proper Sup Forumsirgin. tho i got a life, its not that bad you know. The outernet isnt all that bad user.

Nintendo’s death has been falsely prophesied since 1992. It’s always fun to see a new prophecy.

>outselling the shittiest console since the dreamcast

congrats I guess

For men and boys, the phytoestrogens in soy do not appear to have any effect on hormone levels and have not been shown to affect sexual development or fertility.

>Ps2 sold amazingly fast
>Nintendo fans say it's the worst console ever and doesn't have a single good game

>suddenly the Switch is completely different all because of the brand name on it

If massive amounts of sales and games makes your console terrible, then why are you excited for the Switch?

By not releasing another underpowered pseudo-PC like everyone else.

i mean the ps2 did have a shitty library but i wouldn't go that far

Only retards said it would flop. Everyone smart realized it would sell well. Should have been obvious as fuck that the idea of a portable console would hook in normalfags, which is why Nintendo advertised it that way rather than as a really powerful handheld with a HDMI out, which is what it really is.

>nintendo fans are soyboys
>not a single cinematic third person experience on the switch


They actually released a device specifically to do what they wanted.

Not just make a PC box that sits.

has more games than my ps4

>Pokemon selling well despite the $20 boost and the paid internet thing.

That boat's gonna sink as soon as it sails. Pokemon's main audience are kids, so I can't picture the paying extra 50$ just so the can do what previous cheaper games allowed them to do for free, like transfering pokes and online trading.

Like literally everyone was "concerned" and saying bad shit, everyone on Sup Forums and Youtube and Twitter.

They will never get that third party support, occassional low effort ports sure, third party exclusives past what has been announced or primary platform multiplats no.


>only 9 months and the Switch is already outselling the Wii-U in Japan, and outpacing the PS2's first year sales
No shit, japan is the most casual and irrelevant market these days. JP devs make games for worldwide, not japan because of it.

>more and more 3rd party support announced from every corner
You mean 3rd party favoring ps4 over switch. The only thing switch is getting is 2D indies because they need to jump on during no games desperation.

>pokemon mainline game sure to be a heavy hitter when it gets released
3DS had 8 of these, and no one liked them.

One of these days you guys will learn that the money of men with funny beards is just as green as anyone else's. Until then, stay vaguely annoyed and triggered.

>They will never get that third party support,

>As they get third party support

>strawmanning this hard
>with TF2 reaction image to boot

>everyone on Sup Forums

That doesn't say a damn thing. If it exists, there's some faggot here obsessed with seeing it fail. That goes for Sony, Microsoft, Valve, Square, whatever.

I don't know, I remember making fun of the trailer as well and now I'm inseparable from my Switch.

>3DS had 8 of these, and no one liked them.
Each one sold like 15m you fucking retard.

>outselling the Wii-U in Japan
omg, shut down everything.
Insane that it sells that well.

I know you have brain problems but the point is it's already outsold a console that's been out for 6 years in 9 months.

It's over. You tried tho and the effort was noticeable.

I don't think all games require nintendo online

>Sales mean a person who bought a game absolutely loved it and kept it.

you can't be this retarded.

Why does this video seem afraid

Doesn't change the fact no one liked them. People buy them because of the brand name. A behavior of casuals.

the only interesting game in this video is a fucking HD remaster

>PS2 didn't have a single good game

Only the biggest of fanboys would ever claim this.

It was the system with the worst hardware and support, though. It won despite its flaws because the overall early momentum translated into immense third party support. The Xbox had better hardware overall and the Gamecube had better specs in some areas while also having some amazing first party exclusives.

The PS2 was also the Wii of its time though. There were a lot of good games to play amidst a sea of total garbage.

Sure but not in any meaningful way will it get third party support. Do you want to play indie games that look far far worse than mk8 and run nowhere near as good?

>shows footage of Shadow of the Colossus

Pokemon sales aren't losing steam. If "everyone" really hated them, then they wouldn't sell so well.

kys blundernigger

yeah a console that was a complete failure

Oh shit! Are all these games going to get new trailers in 2018?
Get hype PS4 bros!

if Sony released a new PSP that outsold the VIta within 9 months, that'd be really good news.


It's ACfag.


>good reviews
>games continue to sell like hot cakes


Do you have brain damage?

christ what an autist

>vaguely annoyed and triggered

>tfw you dont want any of those games

is there nothing in 2018 to look forward to?

it just werks
>all those Bright colora
>can play mario and jump all over the place
>it fights nicely in my small hands
>perfect soycon controls

>paid reviews
>casuals bought them because of the brand name

And no one liked them. Don't pretend otherwise.

Do you think you're clever when you type dumb shit out like this? Serious question.

The delusion to somehow omit that the only games it has are a few low effort ports and a mario game that managed to be more retarded than even sunshine or galaxy.

i honestly don't give a shit about reported sales numbers for switch. Even a fact of "more people buy garbage" doesn't defy that it is garbage.

also japs are consumerist shitlord mongoloidss like every other rook same asian country. More often than not the culture and it's people bandwagon cause individual opinion and identity means little when you're functionally just one clone of 100 million, which combined with nationalism means of course they want the newest japanese piece of tech, and is therefore the same reason the xbox brand isn't as popular in japan.

Be a weeb, like japan, like anime and vidya, whatever - just don't pretend to even understand the average japanese person, cause what you're really getting access to as a foreigner is only the cream of the crop.

Not an argument.

Nope. Sorry fatass, everyone liked them. And everyone ITT thinks you're a dumb fuck. x

Thanks for confirming it, ACfag.

Pokemon games dont sell because they're good games, they sell because they're a 1 week timewaster that everyone is going to be talking about, and they want to be in on the trend.

Case in point, I only bought Ultra sun to discuss the fallout on /vp/. Games were as terrible and lackluster as I hoped, and I got my moneys worth in the form of a 2 week shitpost central on /vp/.

We can look forward to you killing yourself.


I like that The Switch is the platform for bitesized/midsized games. There is a market for it.

>people don't buy a product because they genuinely enjoy it

Confirming what? That you can't handle a little discourse? I'm sorry I violated your safe space.

To put it simply, there are not a whole lot of game consoles that have sold over 3.3 million in ten months in Japan.

Nice damage control, sonybros.

Nobody over 15 genuinely enjoys pokemon that isnt gen 1 nostalgia wanking like Pokemon Go user. Don't be this obtuse.

The absolute state of the drones

Everyone does though. Sorry you're in the wrong, spic.

No, Everyone doesn't. Go outside for once in your life and stop assuming people who don't agree with you are different ethnicities. Get the Sup Forums poison out of your lungs for cripes sake.

Pokemon makes heavy use of online features, to the point it would be stupid from their part to NOT attemp to make more cash by making it a paid service.

>being this mad that everyone likes those games

Calm down, spic.

Okay, we'll pretend people liked X and Y. We'll pretend people didn't think ORAS was the worst games in the series. We'll pretend Sun and Moon didn't get completely forgotten by the community a week after launch. We'll pretend Ultra titles fixed any flaws.

I'm 23 and I liked Pokémon Sun. A friend of mine liked it too.
Checkmate atheist.

No need to pretend. Reviews and sales back those statements up. x

Soy bullshit is just bro science. Only people that watch Alex Jones believe this meme. There might be things in the environment changing how masculine men are, but its not their soy intake.

I go outside and see people banging on Pokémon and Monster Hunter on their 3DSes. But then again, I'm studying abroad.

Nintentoddlers. Simple shit nibba.

>Pokemon sells alot, that means it's good, get rekt sonybro

>FIFA, COD and Madden sell alot as well
>"t-those don't count, they're just fake fun, Nintendo is genuine"

>being this mad that everyone thinks you're retarded

>I don't like it therefore no one else liked it

>user who can't even spell (alot) thinks his opinion matters more than the majority

Who are you quoting, or dare I say it, strawmanning?

What games do you play?

Everyone is laughing at you now. Save yourself the embarrassment and just close the tab.

>reddit spacing

Yeah, but you're saying nobody enjoys the 3DS Pokemon faggot. You're comparison because we're not autistically screeching that nobody enjoyed Fifa, Cod, or Madden dumbass. Pokemon X and Y managed to sell 16 million. Sun and Moon years later proceeded to also sell around 16 million. I'd assume most of the people who bought Sun and Moon had played X and Y prior and it left them with a good enough impression that they wanted to try out the new one therefore meaning a sizeable amount of people enjoyed it. You are legitimately retarded, I hope you kys.



just spiderman look ok, the rest are movies, QTE, or remakes.

Fucking kek that cat
