Better than Dark Souls

Better than Dark Souls.

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This is not an accomplishment given how painfully mediocre Dark Souls is.
It's like being a band "better than Linkin Park"

Not really.


Yeah if you're weeb trash. The protag is literally a weeb

>small maps
>combos and skills mostly useless in missions
>same 5 enemies over and over
>can abuse living weapon on bosses
>shit writing with gay villain and disjointed cutscenes
>William dialogue consist 90% of grunting
At least Okatsu was cute.

I wouldn't call it better but it was at least as good as them.
Sequel when?

Better then Dark Souls, but Bloodborne is better then it

NOOOOOOO what have you done?
Now the thread will be invaded by the PC fags, their autism and their lies

I didn't even finish it. It just felt like a soulles grindfest.

>combos and skills mostly useless in missions

Well, it is called Nioh and not Dark Souls.


>You can't like both at the same time
Why are you people so autistic?

I hate Soulsborne but I liked Nioh. Probably because Nioh emphasizes more on the "action" part of action RPG and is a lot faster. Soulsborne is a fucking bore with basic ass combat that can put me to sleep within an hour.

less affordable than dark souls

What kind of multiplayer does it have? Can you summon coop and be invaded?

>Can you summon coop
Yes. Two kinds of co-op modes.
>be invaded
No. But you can summon and fight AI controlled player's revenants from blood stains. And get their gear they drop.

There's a pvp mode, but it's a wasteland and on PC you're likely to only find tryhard cheaters in there.

DaS = DeS > Nioh > Bloodborne > DaS2 > DaS3

More like dollar bin dark souls

You're right, but Nioh has some flaws.
The gameplay, the combat and the general mechanics are amazing, no doubt, but when it comes to elements like atmosphere, music, story, characters, and enemy variety it feels lackluster. The level design is mediocre too.
It's still my current favorite game though.

My only complaint is how utterly broken the game's balance gets on higher difficulties. By the time I was in the Abyss, I found myself either killing bosses effortlessly or spending half an hour getting one shot and slowly wittling their health down.

Has anybody got the Japanese physical version of Nioh Complete Edition on PS4. I'm thinking of importing it since the complete edition is download only outside of Japan. However I was wondering if anybody knew if the Japanese version includes options for English voices and text. I'm assuming it does since they are already in the game and it makes no sense to remove them. Also is the DLC on the disc or do you just get a download voucher (since if its just a voucher I might as well just download it, the entire appeal for me is having a physical version so I can save space on my PS4).

Not a hard thing to accomplish.

Why do people ever say das2>das3?

I'm never playing a Soul game again unless it's Bloodborne 2 or Nioh 2

Why do people call Nioh a "soul" game? It's more ninja gaiden-ish.


Because everyone is a fucking normie or a soul babby who didn't play the NG reboot on the Xbox HUEG. Nioh is very much a slightly slower NGB.

Soulsborne straight up ruined cuhrayzee by making it slow and easy.

I play alot of ninja gaiden (heck NG2 is my fav game of all time) but it still mostly feels like souls to me.

I don't start fights by using buffs on myself and debuff enemies in NG, I run and start immediately
I don't hit at something, back off, and try again forever in NG, a few good hits and the shit you're hacking at is dead as long it's not a boss
NG throws a ton a dudes at you, Nioh don't, just like Souls
NG doesn't limit your stamina or amount of dodges you do
Even gameplay details like the parries are like Souls, not Ninja Gaiden (a huge shame since NG has by far the better parry system in videogames)

So yeah I disagree with this. It's not NG4, it sucks, but we still got a very very VERY good game instead.

Is it good, though?

>I never played Bloodborne

because souls is mainstream hardcore and is what fucking every remotely hard game gets called as being like anymore
the only thing nioh and souls share is graves

I don't really follow atmosphere complaints. Feels like I'm in period Japan plus folklore elements.

Fighting bosses in this game makes me wish I was playing MHW instead, though. Everything is so telegraphed and predictable after you've seen the moveset a few times. The same can be said about souls, but I enjoy this combat significantly more.

Even a piece of shit is better and Nioh actually has some qualities here and there and fun moves.

The level design is awful, the music get's extremely repetitive, the story makes no sense, recycles enemies, etc. Dark Souls is good at having constant variety in every aspect. The only good level in Nioh was the ninja temple one with the frog boss at the end. Had good level design, was actually challenging, and lot's of patterns to follow like enemy placement. I wish the whole game was like that.

There are a FEW standout levels in Nioh, but the structure of the world and reusing so many fucking stages makes the whole playthrough really dull in comparison to Dark Souls. Yes you don't have to do all the optional shit in Nioh, but it just shows how lazy that game is. A sequel could be 10/10 since it sold well and was critically well received. So a sequel would get money this time to avoid having to reuse stages, mirror shit, and have more enemy variety.

Basically SoulsBorne but with actual good combat.

Yeah, sorry, but no. Bloodborne is the only soulsborne game I actually own, I rented DaS1 to 3. Hated them all but liked Das3 the best. Demon Souls is the only one I haven't even touched.

I got fucking memed into buying Bloodborne because it "has fast combat". Bull FUCKING shit. People in burgerland have snails controlling their muscles. It's the same shit as Dark Souls, just with a more original and cooler theme. The only way that it's faster is that it encourages you to mash R1 to get your health back, you can do that crap in Dark Souls without hiding behind your shield. I stopped at Vicar Amelia after realizing the game is just not fun and is console flamewar bait.

Soulsborne is the new Call of Duty-esque milking franchise, good thing its creator has a brain and fucked off... for now.

it sounds more like you're choosing to play it like a Souls game
stamina is a non-issue when you can chain together all the right moves, ki pulses and dodges
I don't think it's NG4 either, I describe it more like ninja gaiden and kid icarus 3ds fused which I feel is a lot more apt

They're not people who try to learn and play video games, they're people who have their own idea of the videogame that they'd want to play the most, and try to fit that "conceptual videogame" inside others to see in which ones it fits the most. It's like how some BB fans don't like DaS2 because they can't play like BB inside DaS2, but they like DaS3 because they can play DaS3 like BB, but they'll still like the game less because it's not BB.

I like both for different reasons

Because I prefer soul memory over weapon reinforcement as matchmaking criteria.

Why are you?
Faggot OP said one is better than the other, not that he dislike something.

>i don't really follow the atmosphere complaints
Let me explain.
Almost every level has the same atmosphere.
Everything is always either dark, cramped up and fiery or misty and dirty.
But, again, the gameplay is the strongest element of this game, since the developers focused on it.

>There's a pvp mode, but it's a wasteland and on PC you're likely to only find tryhard cheaters in there.
Really? That's a shame. I was really looking forward to see how my build fares against others. How does the matchmaking work?

>I prefer soul memory


Nioh ruined me on these types of games. Nioh has better combat, but that's really all it has going for it. Souls has better everything else. I can't play either one for more than half an hour before I get bummed out and start to wish I was playing the other game.

fake and gay

At least Nioh has a reason to get a sequel then.
Souls though? If the next one going to be the same shit again then FUCK THAT, I'd rather get Armored Core back.


>At least Nioh has a reason to get a sequel then.
The story is all told, I have a hard time thinking what it could be about.

That too

Well I didn't finish the DLCs yet I don't know how it ends, but the sequel is literally already confirmed

I agree, I would love to see a sequel to Nioh with vastly more interesting environments and a greater enemy variety. I wouldn't mind if they dropped the Diablo loot either, but that's just me

WIlliam Adams dies 5 years after the events of the DLCs and the DLCs happen 15 years after the events of the base game. After the Siege of Osaka, Japan is supposed to usher in an era of peace. So unless inbetween those 5 years something happens with that spanish chick, I don't know what a sequel would be about unless it's set hundred of years in the future or past with a different war.

What are the chances it will actually come out in 2018? I'm getting hard just thinking about them expanding the skill system.

2 has Sweet Shalquoir and its not retard proof easy like 3

I hope they give it a proper dev cycle desu, early 2019 sound perfect.
I've played this so much since it released on PC I can hardly believe it, and I'm not done yet. I won't mind a good breather until and surprise us with a new game that's properly developed with a ton of content

Is this the Ninja Gaiden of Dark Souls?

I wanted to buy it but sadly it didn't go on sale, so i want to ask, is the level design good like DS1?, thats the only souls game i've played

I don't even know how you can compare the level design since Nioh is mission-based and thus tighter by default. It doesn't help that the setting being period Japan imposes limits on such design (but if you're into history/culture you'd probably dig it).

i don't even know myself that's why i'm asking, it really looks similar to DS but i'm asking because level interconnected level design was the best feature for me, what does nioh does really good then, does it have good combat?

It's the Ninja Souls of Dark Gaiden

It's really not best to think of this game as similar to Souls. Just think of it as an action game that just happened to lift soul retrieval from them. The consensus in these threads and in the wider discourse is that yes, the combat is non-arguably the best quality Nioh possesses.

>because level interconnected level design
It's mission-based, didn't you read?

Not at all, the level design is simply not the focus. Each stage has some shortcuts and some have circularity but they're not complex and not even that good to look at.
The selling point of the game is the combat, which has much more to it than Souls', and the loot/stat customization, if that's your thing.

im more fond of it right now, but i have to admit there are a lot of problems in it that just dont happen to bother me much

Is it hard to maintain the edgy contrarian faggot persona on a daily basis, user?

Do Books of Reincarnation reset my title perks as well?

>he don't like my vedio gwame WAAAA WAAAA WAAA WAAAAAA

ended up uninstalling half way through
rather replay dark souls 2