>it's another switchtards beg for monhun and salty-grapes post episode
Fuck that shit
Instead we're going to talk about weapons we've been considering using in World that we haven't used before
The Dual Blades look sick as fuck this time around. Also the naruto running and back handling looks pretty edgy, but the cool kind of edgy, the kind of edgy I'd wanna use against a monster. I always used to view them as the double toothpicks of plebs, but now they actually look like fun.


It always looks so bulky and boring. What changed?

its like a regular lance
but gun

Does it have the charge thing like the lance? That looked fun for chasing down monsters

it does but instead you point it backwards and slam into the monster like a rocket

Good luck cutting tails and hitting anything other than a monsters ankles with those

After playing the beta I must say every weapon feels really wonderful, particularly liked the feeling of Hammer this time, which I never used much of in previous games

Though Insect Glaive and Switch Axe are feeling good too, and Charge Blade is back to its glorious 4U playstyle

Im a FU vet and World is looking to be my favorite MonHun yet, how triggered does that make grapes-fags?

That sounds rad
Got a webm or gif?

i lied


I honestly wouldn’t have minded if that single art was incorporated into the gunlance moveset cause that provided a nice boost to mobility and positioning that the regular gunlance can’t manage

Lets not talk about the grapefags

In any case, I absolutely loved the CB in 4U and all supposed tech it brought with it. Didn't play X or since I heard there were some issues with those, but am genuinely looking forward to this one.
The CB was really a blast to play and it looks like it's got a lot more blasting in to do in World. And yes, I'm ready to be called a shitter by elitists, but I play to have fun and have fun I will.

It’s an optional Hunter Art from Generations

Arts are only present in that game

but they did apparently make you able to hop forwards now
i have never played a game so i dont really know about new moves

>doesnt own a Switch an PC

Enjoy beta testing, faggots. PC will be the definitive version to paly MHW on.

Fuck elitists

Switch Axe is my favorite weapon type but I always get called a shitter when I mention it, heaven forbid I enjoy a stylish weapon with an alternating playstyle

Just use what you enjoy using, and remember, make your hunter as stylish as possible cause Fashion Hunter is where the true meta game lies

>Frontier gives GL a mini Blast Dash that you can combo into a number of moves including Wyvern Fire

It's fantastic.

Unfortunately the hop can’t replace a jet blast into an overhead slam that flinches monsters most times

gen gunlance was crazy fun

Also if you’ve never played one of the games why are you shitposting?

Maybe he wants to join in later and has been watching some clips?

why is it being outsold by a wii game bros

It's not fair
Quick, everyone preorder as many copies as you can... we can't let them go back to nintendo!!!

Why can’t we have something like this or the blast dash in World to improve gunlance mobility?

Lance has a lot of options for gap close and positioning, not so much on gunlance

I warned you about these fags. Now they're gonna come in en masse...

Well, anyway, how are the ranged weapons? LBG and HBG look too unaesthetic for me, so is Bow really viable?

i follow alot of games i have never played
also i have never had the chance to play any of them
poor man here

my bad meant to quote

Jokes on you you linked to my post

im not salty about world, I love it, I just miss the blast dash from Gen, and as such will likely use gunlance a bit less this time around

also you just made me realize that i own a ps2 and can play the first 2 games if i can get hold of them

switchaxe or longsword for first timeplayer

i used sa in beta but coudnt kill diablos

Well user I really hope you’re able to join us in World here in a few weeks, it’ll be a good place to jump into the series

i really hope you’re not so poor you lack any form of console, that’d make me sad


Get this frontier shit out of here. Gen was a mistake on all levels. Just make a new weapon instead of ruining old ones.

pc only

Man, now THAT makes me want to hold a gunlance. But if it reduced the speed, as is, its too anime

lmao this is real?
i was just making shit up
when are they gonna add the car weapon?

Git gud scrub

I was solo hunting Diablos with that and Charge Blade (was almost timing out though)

Just use whatever feels good, and don’t lock yourself into using one weapon type, that’s when you become a detriment online, as some hunts will benefit from a change of weaponry

>shills still try with their fake hype threads


who buys games on amazon?

>anti-shills having to resort to photoshop

>salty grapefags have arrived

>everyone already preoreded it thanks to the numbers over the past 6 months

Man, its pretty good to see EDF5 doing well though, I love edf.

>To save our mother earth from any alien attack!

>any and all gripes or criticisms about the game are met with bing bing when I've been with the series since F2

user, I legitimately wonder when the last time it was that you had fun

He's getting a lot of (You)s, so probably right about now

Been with the series since FU

Why don’t you like World friend?

It's a fake picture user.

I'm more mixed about the game, going to buy it and have a good time like I did with the beta, but there's a good amount of things I don't like about the new changes

pardon the autism

You didn't autism enough. Beta had camps unlocked. In the main game you have to do expedition quest hunts after you discover a camp site in order to unlock them. You also have to upgrade them like town.
9 carts and 20 minute timer was from the gamescom/tgs showfloor build exclusively. Everyone that went to Osaka said the game was standard 3 cart/50 minute.
Also those mini wyverns around the map can be slingered for quick travel around the map provided you know what route they take from one zone to another.
A lot of that other shit is just menu settings that you can change like turning off the radial wheel and going back to classic item use; or if you want to keep the menu you can switch to R3 click instead of flick.

I would like to have both the item wheel and be able to control my camera at the same time, like hold down the stick to select an item option, when the only option for the wheel is to have it off, or have it select items by stick click or flick

also that's nice to hear about the camps, and I did experiment with the little flying guys in the demo to get to Rath faster, so when you learn their routes and everything I assume they'll be much nicer to sue than regular travel

Yeah. It was already confirmed that the little flying monsters have fixed routes so if you know what they are you can avoid getting lost while chasing things like Rath when that asshole goes on his world tour.
Even the camp stuff is neat because on of the Japanese youtubers said during the Osaka trip he had to fight Rathalos in order to get the camp next to the nest and even then it was difficult at his armor/weapon level on top of monsters leaving the map all together after a certain amount of time in expedition mode.

what's everyone's problems with healing while moving? In previous games barring arena and boss fights, you could just zone out to heal with no problem, it's just cutting out the middleman

oh is EDF5 not doing well?

Well for one, you can still zone out to heal, a lot of monster will just not follow you even when aggro'd if you go out of their zone. And second, I think it removes a lot of what Monhun is about with the dedication to your actions and committing to things, pretty much every move or action locks you in place for a time so you have to be careful with how you plan things, most of that is gone with being able to move while healing, and especially while running as fast as you do, and without the flex at the end of the animation.

It's doing fine but it's at like 17 on the sales chart. MHW is still number one. Dissidia is creeping into the top 10 but Japan apparently really fucking loves Everybody's Golf.

>Giving a sluggish weapon an option for mobility is somehow ruining it


Why don't we just give every weapon demon mode then so they can run around sanic fast? That way they don't have to actually play the strengths and weaknesses of a weapon. We should just make first charge be a true charge on great sword too; fuck standing around having to utilize position and timing. Take away shells draining sharpness too.

>hurr if you think the game looks bad and casualized then you're a salty switchnigger
When will this meme die? When the game comes out and sells like shit?

I'm honestly disappointed they went this direction with the series, because it kills any chance of an actually good console MH ever releasing.

You are a salty switchnigger. If you weren't you'd realize that nothing world did has casualized the game as much as 3rd gen did.

It has to be earned. The option is not always available. People like you will be the death of this series. Nice slippery slope you have there.

And still people pretend that switchfags shitting on MHW are more numerous than fags shitting on switchfags shitting on MHW