I finished this game a few hours ago. It was very enjoyable, though now I do not feel anything else but emptiness.
Please suggest to me another game that is similar, if any of you would.
I finished this game a few hours ago. It was very enjoyable, though now I do not feel anything else but emptiness
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Play the sequel: virtue last reward
Lucky for you, there's a sequel.
Unfortunately for you, it's heavy sequel bait for a third game that's pretty shitty.
I wish this game had less dialogue. All the dialogue is shitty embarrassing weeb garbage that keeps making me ragequit. The elevator dialogue between June and Junpei about being wet was fucking awful. Otherwise good game.
Don't listen to this faggot with shit taste
the 2 sequels are pretty good i suggest you to play them
I finished it a week ago, There were many things I liked about it but the ending is so fucking shitty, also I really hate the tellatale way of telling the story. The only really great thing about it was Killing Q with the crossbow
Like others have said, check out the sequels. Third was was kinda disappointing, but its still decent
>mfw 6 year old june had to watch jumpy's shitty flirting
Ah, thank you both for telling me, though I am already aware of its sequels. Are any of you aware of a game similar to this in setting or atmosphere? I have not been as invested in a game for quite a while.
just got my first ending it kinda snuck up on me. fucking clover axed my ass. how did she hid it? how the fuck did she kill seven?. i also noticed a lot of grammar errors near the end of my route.
You could read Ever17. It's pretty much zero escape's prototype by the same author. It's harder to get through but the payoff is much better implemented.
probably sneaked up on him
I've been meaning to play it, But does it have any gameplay or is it only text?
Completely text with no gameplay.
Thank you very much for the suggestion. I shall look into later.
* into it
do you want gameplay or would you be cool with a VN?
For VNs there is Higurashi, Umineko and Root Double, and for games there's Danganronpa.
but fucking how? seven is huge.
I still have umineko to finish on my plate but I'll check it as soon as I'm done with this
fuck man idk loli powers?
Any suggestion of either would be welcome.
might want to take a break after Umineko honestly. The next VN you read will probably be disappointing after that ride.
There are like 2 scenes like that, most of the dialogue are just stuff like all-ice or the conspiracy/pseudoscience stuff
What is it you liked about 999 the most? Did you like the oppressive atmosphere, or the final revelations more? Did you play for the puzzles or storyline? Were you trying to figure things out while reading or were you just along for the ride?
It's like my third time attempting to finish it, first time barely made it through part one, second time i Enlisted so I kinda stopped. This shit's my moby dick
Not him but I liked it because I like old school Resident Evil's puzzles and the puzzles in this game have the same atmosphere, minus the whole horror thing. Everything else was garbage and the plot is laughably contrived. I just wish they would make an entire game of puzzles with no attempt at story.
It was a collection of the atmosphere, the storyline, and piecing things together is what I myself, found to be the most memorable parts of the game.
There was also the interactions with the character of June/Akane that added to the experience. I found that I wholeheartedly cared about her. I do not often find myself attached to characters of fiction, so I found it odd.
If you like the series you should never under any circumstances touch the third iteration. It is a massive pile of disappointing garbage and betrayal to actual consumers of the series.
Your best option is to pretend it does not exist.
I really had a boner for the number system and how all the twists and plot development were based on a simple system, Like at certain times you could figure out some of the twists by running numbers before they were revealed. The sequel with the color shit that changed every round didn't have the same feel.
S-Stop user, it still hurts
Hotel dusk/last window, ghost trick, ace attorney, layton.
>mfw someone told me the creator only wrote the sygma route
True. He also rewrote the script.
there aren't nearly enough zero escape memes
The hell is with everyone playing 999 lately?
I also played it and beat it for the first time just a few days ago apropos of nothing.
>You will never finish 999 at 3 A.M. trying to figure it out what the hell just happened, for the first time again.
I want to erase my memory so bad, sometimes.
Why didn't he rewrite the whole thing?
Why did he include Alice in VLR just to go "lol fuck you for thinking I would follow up on ALLICE in any meaningful way."
The puzzles were absolute trash with maybe two or three exceptions. They're barely "puzzles."
The writing and setup are excellent, though. It's a great way to conduct a murder mystery and the plot predicts your own predictions.
I don't remember that bgm
It plays for 30 seconds before a bad end, the submarine one I think. No wonder you can't remember it.
The game doesn't consider Sub a bad end for some reason.
Clover will never see her brother again.
Should have just send Alice through Alien time pod and end up in Egypt a la cryogenic freeze. Then the plot whole is covered.
Same for me, I had work the next day but after I got the first ending I could not sleep until I understood everything
I always get them confused.
I just don't get why it counts as a normal ending.
It's arguably even worse than knife, especially once you learn why the sub wouldn't have worked anyway.
Sad that retarded speculation ended up being better than the memefest that is ZTD.
I'm the guy that made that, and here's the latest version that I updated just a few fays ago.
Are you me? I finished it this morning.
House in Fata Morgana is bretty gud
I mean, it's not perfect but what it does right, it does well.
>Finish it the first time.
>Knife end.
Thank god I i haven't played that shitfest that VLR is and time proved me wrong. 999 the best.
I really disliked VLR for the first 20 hours, stopped playing it but came back to finish it a few years later and found it to get really interesting after a while. Not expecting you to waste dozens of hours on a game you dont think youd like though.
>the shot of Alice in the desert
I haven't been so scared since MGS2
Just finished 999 this morning with that ending. Does the 2nd one pick up right where that leaves off? It was kind of an abrupt ending i thought..
After a surprising use of low fantasy going the full japanese crazy sci-fi route wasn't the right call, and kind of shat on the first one.
Still would play, is the glitch fixed?
Just VNs in general
I played it on 3ds and got a glitch that wiped my save at one of the puzzles, idk about the pc version.
But yeah I definitely enjoyed 999 more, but VLR got its act together farther in, at least to me. My main gripe was the setting felt so bland, with all the generic concrete hallways.
literally the exact opposite, VLR takes place AFTER the 3rd game. Its essentially the third game chronologically.
I had fun with ZTD
VLR already took a mostly-grounded scifi thriller and turned it into a fucking shonen anime, so ZTD going balls-deep in the crazy was fine by me.
The memes are worth it.
that's a big fucking spoiler to tell someone my dude
Don't know why people hate VLR so much, it was a good game just not a good sequel. Now ZTD exists it's even better.
Wish more games used something like the Ally/Betray system, how I wish I could experience Alice's unavoidable betrayals for the first time again.
There's its sequels Virtue's Last Reward (which I think is quite good) and Zero Time Dilemma (which is very flawed but I still got some enjoyment out of).
>Ace Attorney series (play in release order)
>Ghost Trick
>Danganronpa series (basically Zero Escape and Ace Attorney put in a blender with a dash of Persona, do this one last)
This guy's games.