What are your expectations for VR in 2018?

What are your expectations for VR in 2018?

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A VR headset that doesn't cost 500 to 800 dollars.

VRChat increasing sales by billions.

>Rift is $399
>PSVR is $249
The future is here!


No pixels.


Nothing, because we're still a ways off. GPUs to drive a better panel is still niche due to the power required, and wireless tech still isn't there yet either.

I wouldn't expect too much out of VR over the next 2-3 years.

Extremely comfortable and has games, what's the problem?

Traps being as lewd as possible.

I have some money set aside for it but I'm still holding out for either a price drop in the vive or an announcement for a 2nd generation

It's a paradox; people want the cost to go down but also want to not be tethered to a super computer to run the thing.

What does the one have to do with the other?
You can build a PC that runs VR games well for about the same price as the Vive itself.

Even more dead than it was this year

More VR MMOs
House of the dead VR
Time crisis VR
More space games


Post reported and hidden for spreading false information

Oh no, it's the console war babys.

Wireless VR, Sony pushing their VR even more at E3, more triple A studios trying VR. VR is seriously just a gimmick, it's like all the early wii games like sports and tennis and what not. More specifically PSVR is more like that. I played PSVR for the first time about a week ago and yeah it's cool the first time you go in but after having to physically move to play just makes it really annoying for someone who cant stand for more than 10 minutes until experiencing back pain and im not even fat

>having to physically move to play
I haven't had to do this with any of the games I've played on PSVR

Fading into obscurity.

You need the exercise

Doesnt matter because no matter what I wont be purchasing one.

For it to die because it's a meme that does nothing but make people nauseous

Not even super hot? How?

Most people don't have that problem.

Git gud soy boy

I haven't played Superhot on PSVR but can't you use the dualshock? Fuck the move. The best games let you use dualshock + sit down.

Still waiting on you to list some PSVR games

4k per eye equivalent (capable of perfectly legible and comfortable ~1080p virtual monitors) and native wireless are the new baseline standards

exterior ergonomic design converges while display technology diverges. head mounting converging possibly to the point of actual industry-wide standardization, especially of hygiene-critical components eg. the face gasket itself.

display tech will be hugely variable (hardware foveation, multiple 'light field display' types, DLP onto iris, etc.).

Smell addon

Eve: Valkyrie

If you want to try some minigames, Megaton Rainfall, Robinson: The Journey, Here They Lie, Batman: Arkham VR, those are the better of the lower budget VR games I have played.

There's more games on the way like Golem, Moss, Ace Combat 7, Zone of the Enders remake, and The Inpatient (Until Dawn creator). Also, FROM Soft is PSVR registered and confirmed to be working on something currently unknown.

There's your games, bet you could find some more on PSN, but that's 100+ hours already.

I see you can't handle the bantz.
Ok I'll list games and you can dismiss them all.

Super hot
Rec room
Elite dangerous
Ultra wings
No heroes allowed
Monsters of the deep

* Eve not Elite dangerous

cheaper headsets
sex with my waifu
more low-poly games where you pick up objects
a vr game with sjw pandering

that's what I see happening

>someone who cant stand for more than 10 minutes until experiencing back pain and im not even fat
>not even fat

I just have horrible posture, i weigh 148

that's a lot of kilos, son

First decent MMORPGS
with the spellcasting displayed at 3:15

>VR is looking to be a dying trend in early 2017
>VRchat gets better and better
>normie YouTubers and waifu fags play it
>now VR is thriving more than ever

How long until mobile VR and PSVR versions of VRchat?

Try a job where you're on your feet and moving 8 hours a day you soylent cuck.

how do you even work a job?

NSFW VRchat with better models and scenes.

Nazi uprising in VRchat that starts off harmless, ironic and pretty funny with some serious undertones but ends up taking off, becoming unironic and spills out into the real world.

vr glove instead of controllers fucking when

Price cuts

If no killer apps come along, then death. Which will be a shame because the technology is right fucking there, devs are just very uncreative with it.

>having to physically move to play just makes it really annoying
I'm in great shape, and I still agree with this. I don't play vidya to be up moving around. I play it because I want to just sit around like a vegetable. I think the Switch is doing it right. You can put the screen wherever you want and your hands are free to move independently. You can hold them together like a traditional controller, or lay on your bed with your arms spread out to your sides. Ultimate in comfy gaming. For VR, I don't want to do more than just look around and maybe move my arms a bit like I'm pressing a keyboard or controller. None of that flailing shit like the Wii had.

No pixels
Shoes, Matt, anything that would allow me to walk inside the vr world while remaining still in reality
Full body tracking
Wireless headsets
Modular headset design

>I don't want to do the things that are done in VR so I will shill the switch

this thread is not about whether people are lazy fucks that play games only to become retarded for two hours but about the consumer's expectations for VR

Just like it was back in the 90's.

To tank even harder.
Aside from simulators, VR is useless. And even in simulators, they are far from being common place. At best, they're a niche witchin a niche.

I agree with him though. Motion controls are shit. I just want to use the HMD to enhance my immersion in games I already play. Games like Prey or Far Cry 5, for example, absolutely should fucking have HMD support, it would double the entertainment value for me. They don't though because everyone currently imagines VR like it NEEDS to have the stupid motion controls with it.

All I know is VRChat will probably end up going the way of Second Life and become a cesspool of furries getting their rocks off

Play modded Fallout 4 in wireless roomscale VR and come back.

These failed because hardware was shit. Hardware is no longer shit.

I'd rather go to a real range

Can't you just do that now with vorp or whatever?

I know what you mean user.
I use my phone in a shitty headset with Trinus to do just that.

It's still shit famboi

The PC requirements on the Vive site seem pretty low. Does actually trying to play any game with it increase it a ton or something?

For the hype to completely die off.


why do you have to buy the same game over again? what changes?

Vorpx is extremely overrated.

I can play non VR payday 2 with maxed out graphics on 1080p with my GTX 770
on VR the resolution is like 800x600 and quality is all low, but im still getting 90fps

>hardware was shit
No it wasn't. The 90's era hardware was a decade ahead of its time. Problem is that nobody wants to pay 600 dollarydoos for techdemo goggles. For that kind of money, SS1 should have been orgasmic.

Say what?

VRChat getting out of hand.


Add REZ Infinite on there. Area X is a thing of beauty, VR or otherwise.

I want that little mouse game, played the demo, its fun, cute and comfy

>Say what?

why is fallout 4 vr a separate game

then you don't get the point of VR
have you just used PSVR or what ?

What about stuff like VRChat? It's actually the only VR thing I'm interested in because I'm lonely and desperate.

Tod wants money?


I want slimerancher vr!

more shooting galleries, more teleport to move, more unity assets, and more obnoxious webms of guys being epic VR anime girls

surprisngly, theres less ps move-mandatory games than vr games that only use normal controllers

Do or die year.

Ideally Sony will start packing the PSVR in with the pro. it has to have the adoption rate.

you can play it without VR but it's like l4d2 without the mods
it's not worth it you are essentially going to spend at least $350 for mods
also that's not a game my GTX 770 can run that well either

this, panty smell peripheral is going to change people's lives, and I'm not joking, it's a fucking miracle if it finally happens


Why can literal one man studios make better VR experiences than Bethesda?

>then you don't get the point of VR
If the point isn't to enhance immersion, what is?

this isn't an answer to my question though

Virtual Boy 2 plz

to be in the game
and having motion controls helps you interact more naturally with it
have you used a vive or a properly set up oculus in roomscale before ?

Because Bethesda literally phoned it in, like everything they do. This time though, they really did call in a separate team to do the VR port.

my vive purchase will be outdated by the end of the year by the vive 2

and i'll have probably bought the wireless receiver for my vive days before the announcement and i'll finally kill myself and be free

Vive 2 isn't a thing. Devs already said that there won't be a second headset to come in 2018.

>to be in the game
That's what enhancing immersion means. Motion controls do not contribute to that, however, because they lead to shittier games.

>Higher Res Headsets
>better controllers
>more and better porn/porn games

I have reason to believe that all 3 of these will come true in 2018. It's going to be a good year lads.

then i'll live another year it seems

how unfortunate

oh fuck that rune casting looks so fun, can i be a healslut in this?

>you can play it without VR but it's like l4d2 without the mods
Yeah, I tried it. Seeing the stuff others do with VR makes me really want to get it, even if I'm too awkward to make friends just like every other game.
Even if I can just be a dancing loli, that would be fine.


>tfw got a 780
>really want a vive but it's 1000 bucks
Are you overclocking at all?
I need some kind of light at the end of this tunnel that doesn't have another price tag on it.

What's the best VR headset for porn? Only thing I'm interested in at the moment. Seeing more and more JAV release being VR movie only but I doubt that investing into a Rift or Vive just for VR movie is worth it.

>making claims without arguments
oh, I see, you're just retarded


Because flight sims and VR go together like milk and cookies

Name one good motion control mandatory game. Just one, all I need.