What does this man have to do to win your trust, love and confidence in his company and its products?

What does this man have to do to win your trust, love and confidence in his company and its products?

look at that stone face, does he even have a soul? nintengooks have no souls

that guy looks like a real hard motherfucker

stop censoring shit

more anime titties

Getting his Kyoto Yakuza buddies to come and make me trust him.

Several things
>stop attaching known franchises to terrible 2D budget projects (Hey Pikmin, Chibi Robo, Yoshi's Island 3DS, etc)
>Amiibo shit needs to be turned down
>Stop falling for the """"player agency"""" meme by creating sandbox shit with no direction
>actually use dormant IPs (FZero) or use established IPs in creative ways (3rd person StarFox a la Assault)
>Stop with the fucking nickle-and-dime DLC in Fire Emblem and other shit
>Release a version of the Switch without the handheld shit a la PSTV
>Stop announcing shit when there's nothing to show for (Metroid Prime 4, Pokemon Switch, etc)

>stop attaching known franchises to terrible 2D budget projects (Hey Pikmin, Chibi Robo, Yoshi's Island 3DS
Those franchises don't deserve budgets. You're lucky they get games at all.

Do you WANT me to trust, love, and have confidence in Nintendo or not?

Pikmin 3 was fucking fantastic. Easily Nutendo's best recent AAA release. Pikmin is honestly the only thing that'll get me to buy a switch. And the handful of interesting 3rd party exclusives

all these ideas are horrible and you should feel bad.

I don't care if you do or not. Pikmin doesn't sell and never has. Nintendo is stupid for continuing to dump money on a franchise that won't give a return on investment.

>all ideas are horrible
>turning down amiibo shit is a horrible idea
Modern Nintendo fans, everyone

Pikmin 4 is still in development.

More tits and ass.

It's called passion projects, asswipe
They get the fringe fans to buy the consoles
People like myself. The core Zelda and Mario shit does nothing for me, but when Nintendo pulls out the more obscure shit (Fatal Frame, Pikmin, Eternal Darkness, Baten Kaitos, etc...) I get excited.
Please see >Stop announcing shit when there's nothing to show for (Metroid Prime 4, Pokemon Switch, etc)
I'm optimistic, but we haven't heard or seen anything about it,

>Bill Nye the Reddit guy gif

Pls go and stay go

Right now?

I dislike the switch's entire premise as weak hardware/motion controls. The hardware is garbage, the build quality is garbage, the entire motion control thing has been done and its dead. It's overpriced and quite frankly I will not buy it as is.

HOWEVER, It's getting games, and some decent ones at least so that counts for something. So when it drops to a FAIR PRICE ($100+ over manufacturing/shipping costs isn't fair) and gets a hardware revision, and a bunch more games that I want, I might eventually get one. We'll see.

What they need to do now, to actually get my praise and support is put out a new handheld. BEFORE you DESPERATELY FLING your cheeto encrusted fingers over your keys in a mad dash attempt to defend DADDY NINTENDO'S NEW PLATFORM. No, you twat, the Switch isn't a handheld. It's a portable console by Nintendo's own words. You got a problem with that, take it up with them. Fact is a fact. It's an attempt at damage controlling for the WiiU's failure, which it's succeeding at I might add.

I want a new handheld, one that matters. No more dual screens, no more touch screen gimmicks, no more gyros, or augmented reality. Just a plain old handheld, with a focus on one screen to not only save battery, but keep costs sane, which allows it to have decent portable hardware at a modest price. That's it.

Get that hardware made, make it strong, give it a good and health launch line up with everything mentioned above in consideration, get that 3rd party support full of megaman games, castlevanias, and other titles that you'd see on 2D platforms. You'd gain a customer back.

This better?

that amiibo shit is basically "shit i don't like" though. you have nothing to stand on but your feelings

Isn't he part of the Yakuza?


get out

he already has

he's better than Iwata who was running the company into the ground. Iwata dying was basically the best thing that could happen to Nintendo after how poorly he mismanaged the company. he should have stepped down after the Wii U.

a backflip live on camera

>reddit spacing

Stop treating me like a mentally retarded child just because I live on the same continent as soccer moms and pink haired women's studies majors and give me the things that make similar Japanese people give a shit about Nintendo.

>win your trust
That's something a weak male does. Tries to "win" you over.

Kimishima-san isn't a weak bitch. He doesn't win your trust and confidence. He demands your compliance.

You will understand.

If Nintendo didn't confirm development of these projects, people would just be complaining about series being dead instead. Look at Metroid over the past few years and Pokemon after Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon were announced for 3DS.

From a financial standpoint, yeah, it is. Manchildren are willing to spend upwards of $60 for those cheap plastic toys

Video games are a business, buddy. They need to actually sell for companies to stay in business. You want passion projects as if they grow on trees and pixie dust, but that's not how shit works. Pikmin doesn't sell, it never has. Nintendo had zero interest in reviving the series after the failure of the first two games, but Miyamoto announced it without their consent or prior knowledge. Pikmin doesn't deserve any more games. Developing them is a waste of money.

I don't care about business shit. Why the FUCK do you?
The Gamecube was the best of their recent consoles even though it was the worst selling of the bunch

Not him but I don't care about a corporations money or their well being, or if some faggot nigger on the internet thinks I'm "entitled'. They can make the games their fans want or fuck off. I'm not dependent on Nintendo or their IP's, I'm completely disconnected from them.

Based Oyabun bringing anime tiddies to west.


Because it literally determines whether or not they can keep making video games, you retard. You want to "love, trust, and have confidence in them" and they need to actually sell video games.

>The Gamecube was the best of their recent consoles
I don't even have a reaction image to express how stupid you are.

He has to buy me 10 of the hottest sex slaves Japan has to offer. Then I'll THINK about supporting him.

One night with AIKA
That'll get me on board

He needs to make games I like. I don't like platformers.

Make someone make a game that panders to me, a disgusting furry faggot

Stops paid online
Stops Amiibos
Stops trying to get AAA ports and works on getting smaller titles which run well on the Switch

I'll suck dick just the way Nintengaf wants if he does that.

Ugh, girl fetishists are so dumb and disgusting.

>Stops trying to get AAA ports and works on getting smaller titles which run well on the Switch
Passion Projects like No More Heroes and Octopath are what'll get me on board

I can just picture him smoking a cigar in a rainy narrow Japanese alleyway as he watches his men beat a disloyal captain to death.