AMD and DX9 Games

>have a rx470
>download adrenalin drivers
>DX9 games don't work but duno why

Are there still people using and buying newer Radeon cards nowadays? Fuck that shit, seriously...

I don't upgrade my driver's unless something absolutely demands it. This goes for not just AMD but also Nvidia, motherboard bios updates, audio drivers, etc.

> falling for the amd shills.

user I feel for you

this, you'll finally fix everything then 4 weeks from now new drivers come out

>being a brain dead brand loyal faggot

I completely defended AMD up through the r9300 series because they were easily the best performing mid-range cards. Then I upgraded to a 980ti because I wanted the best of the best and didn't have brand loyalty. Then I saw Polaris crash and fucking burn, upgraded to 1080ti to stay the best of the best, then saw Vega crash and fucking burn and I will still have a top 3 GPU at the end of 2018. This shit is a joke

I'm not brand loyal, amd just has trash items. You only need to buy one of their cards once to understand this.

AMD needs a Ryzen to happen to their GPU's.

Raja fucked them up good.

The eternal W A I T (tm)

I'm using a RX 460 right now and I have 0 issues. What's this about DX9 issues? I was playing PSO2 just fine yesterday.




>buys not 1 but 2 *80 series nVidia cards
>calls AMD a joke
Their CPUs are trash but their cards are good. nVidia and AMD have been trading places off an on since '12/'13 every other quarter. Can't go too wrong with either unless you're braindead and get a *80.

>Their CPUs are trash but their cards are good
It's literally the other way around.

FX cpu's are dead.

>not buying a 1060 with superior drivers
wew lad.

>cards good
> waste 1.5 times the amount of energy needed, creates more heat, creates more waste
I'm sorry but I really hate inefficient products. I dont care that amerifats use subsidized electricity, I don't condone wasting of energy so I stay away from AMD shit. Not to mention the horrible drivers.

This will backlash hard. They will be forced to fix it in successive patches. Mainly because of that stupid community manager that has no idea about how shit works.

GTX 1060 is $300 here, my RX 460 was $99. I don't play unoptimized shit like PUBG or AAA trash. Only weeb games.

that's a crazy price difference, then it makes sense. When I bought the 1060 it was the same price as the 480, maybe 20 euros more expensive.

Miners and shit fucked up GPU prices. They go for high end GPUs but haven't touched the mid-low range so that's why the 1060 is like 3x more expensive than a 460


My AMD card barely generates wattage. The fans don't even turn on until I load into FFXIV

>If you buy the best GPU you're a schmuck
Kill yourself, lad. My aurus 1080ti had the same $/performance as a 1070. 40% more price, 40% more performance

Problem with AMD cards right now is all the miners. For the price of a 580 right now you could buy a 1070 or in some cases a 1080. There's no point unless you're also planning to mine with it.

Honestly I don't see anything wrong with AMD catering to miners. AMD is making big money off of them compared to focusing on gamers since Nvidia has a monopoly on that PC gamer segment.
From a logical businees standpoint you go where the money is (mining) and focus less resources on stuff that's not making you money (gaming).




My dx9 games still work on my r9 270x

tfw have fx 6300 and radeon 7850

Oh yeah, the first gen of RX480 was running on the mobo power supply on a higher than allowed voltage, basically being able to permanently damage your mobo. So crazy.

>buying amd after the 200 series

That was their last good release and it was still shit compared to the competition power consumption and drivers wise. I know Kepler fell off hard but I'd still have recommended the 780/ti at the time just because of how much more power efficient it was and how much better driver support it had at the time. It literally took AMD 5 years to start releasing good drivers for the 200 series and that was solely because the 300 series were rebrands of the 200 series. If they had made a new arch for the 300 series the 200 series would have dropped off totally just like how the 300 series sucks right now due to most driver optimizations being focused on the rx and Vega cards.

Play some neptunia game, like rebirth1-3 with the latest drivers and see what happens.