Why are gunfags so autistic?

Why are gunfags so autistic?

God forbid you say the word "clip"

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games can do whatever they want man, they're games.
it's when they try to say they're realistic and then call it a clip is where the issue lies.

Now that bright created some buzz can we have a fantasy swat game already?

What games these days says they're realistic?

Because it takes all of fifteen seconds to look up what a gun looks like and how a normal human reloads it. Having shitty gun reloads/improper animations pulls people out of the game because they know how these things work in real life. Magic spells and dragons and shit don't trigger people's autism because those things don't fucking exist, the designers can do whatever you want. If you make an MP5 and you reload the gun by sticking in a Baby Ruth then call it the "Baby Ruth Blaster", not a fucking MP5.

>One thing follows imaginary rules and if maintained consistently, there can be no argument made against it in its setting
>The other is analog to reality and is thus, prone to some rules from our reality, like casing ejecting into the player's fucking face
Yeah it's literally the same thing guiz xDD

/k/fags try too hard to be funny by pretending to be pissed at gun innacuracies when it really does not bother them at all

they're also prone to posting poor, outdated WH40k or stalker memes

>Magic spells and dragons and shit don't trigger people's autism because those things don't fucking exist,
Haha, right.

I support gun control just because of the autistic screeching that would ensue.

When something is fantastical you don't have anything to get wrong.
When there is something that has a real life analog that you fuck up because you can't be assed to do research it's all on you.

I support your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you don't reply to this post.

>why are gunfags so especially autistic
>who cares about clips vs mags it's just a name lol
>meanwhile the daily "Skyrim dragons are actually wyverns" thread was archived just a bit earlier

Kill yourself my dude

>be gun fag
> adore stupid over designed fantasy guns.
Honestly it's one of the biggest reasons I still play shooters.

>this forced 12 year old humor meme is still around
Maybe if I warn everyone that you post is a "reply to this post or" nobody will reply to it huh

jokes on you she's already dead

Doom 3's shotgun is apparently unrealistic enough to trigger /k/fags.

Clip is literally an entirely different object. It's like calling a pen a pencil. Or calling an orange an apple.

>put realistic guns in your game
>but don't bother with realistic animations or logical function
sorry that some of us have standards

>autistic civil war that would ensue

Over the top guns > Realistic guns that function like the real versions > "Realistic" guns that break the way it works in real life

kek, based

If 90% of people called pens pencils, would it matter what the dictionary said? That would just mean the dictionary didn't describe the actual language.

Like, just google the word "clip" and tell me who's right?

I bet you think you're real cute huh?


>90% of people
>im retarded so everyone else must be too

I googled it and it gave me the actual definition. Oh and fuck you for that argument, that shitty argument led to "literally" having two contradicting meanings

>implying the screeching after every single mass shooting isnt so much sweeter
Why take the lump sum when the interest pays out more?


I like me a good exaggerated pump action shotgun pump even if it's retarded. Double barrel is the best though.

>it's scifi/fantasy, just turn your brain off!
All the best fiction follows its own rules. There's a reason why the eagles didn't fly the ring into the lava. If you want to put guns in there, you have to follow the rules of a gun.



But user, "retarded" is a specific medical that can only be used by a trained medical professional. So if the meaning of "clip" can only be one specific thing, you can't use the word "retarded" in this context.

But user, you used the word "you" instead of "ye" or "thou" which means you accept that the English language can change over time if enough people start using words differently.

Fantasy and science fiction universes can have rules on which they operate.
If I have a hyperspace drive that's supposed to take me X light years in Y days, that's consistent and you can build a plot around it. If drawing X geometric figure with Y powder on Z phase of the moon will get me W demon, then cool that works. You don't even have to sketch out the whole made-up system for the reader, just give the appearance of following a rule set.

Meanwhile guns or computers or other things that are a known quantity IRL have to at least sort of adhere to reality or you'll annoy the fuck out of and break the immersion of people who know about them.

In a game setting in which dragons and magic exist, seeing those things is expected.

In a game which presents real-life guns, we expect those guns to at least function somewhat similarly to their real-life counterparts, visually at the very least. Seeing shit like the awful lever action reload in Fallout 4 is completely immersion breaking because, ignoring "gunfag" stuff, seeing a physically impossible action within the rules of the setting occur is immersion-breaking.

>God forbid you say the word that doesn't mean what you think it means but use it anyway because cognitive dissonance won't allow you to be wrong on a matter you don't actually care about
yeah why would people ever use the right words for anything. the nerve

>syntactic simplification and generalization of medical terms is the same as misusing a category term
Hard descriptivism and nominalism are for Jews and brainlets

>"ye" or "thou"
Thou was street slang and ye was just because of laziness.

It indicates the lack of even the barest effort. It's like having a game about car racing and calling the steering wheel the 'handle bars'. It's not the fucking handle bars and the smallest amount of research will reveal that, and it's idiotic to have a game centered around a concept and not put any actual research into realizing that concept.

The changing of the spelling/pronunciation of a word with the same definition =/= changing the definition of a word on the fly. Again, you are making the same arguments as the people who made "literally" have two meanings that contradict eachother.

Why are carfags so autistic?

God forbid you call the wheel the moving saucer.

>If 90% of people called pens pencils, would it matter what the dictionary said?
Yes? If you start calling pens pencils, then how do you specify that you need a pen, and not a pencil? Your thinking is retarded.


The purpose of language is to communicate an idea. Words only exist if they successfully communicate the same thing between two people. Indeed, the only possible way to judge if a word is "correct" is to see if it successfully communicates the meaning that the speaker intended.

If I say "I flarped my gibmeta in the dombie" and you have no idea what I mean, then language has failed and I'm not using real words.

If I say "I reloaded my pistol with a rooster" you will think of me trying to stuff a bird into a gun - so my communication has failed and I'm using the wrong word.

If I say "I reloaded my pistol with a clip" you know exactly what I mean, so even if you don't like it language has successfully communicated the exact thing I wanted to say, ergo the words must be real and correct.

I can't imagine someone who isn't a gunfag paying much attention to "real" gun reload animations. Yet alone whine about Bethesda's (of all companies) lack of game polish on a chinese cartoon board.

Battlefield 1 also has a reload animation for the double barrel like the SS in Doom 2. Probably one of the only things I still enjoy about Battlefield.

How do people know you're talking about a gun magazine instead of a paper magazine? They both have the same word. Your thinking is retarded.

Those special reload animations are God's gift to gamers.

>shoot one bullet, leaving you with 4 in your gun
>character shoves 5 bullets into the gun
>5 bullets are in your gun now (not 9)
You are a literal retard if this doesn't break your immersion.

>hhhhnnnngggg why would you get annoyed if I call something the wrong thing huhuhuh

And you fags get upset when someone calls characters 'toons'. Go figure.

>You meet a person on the street
>They talk to you about how mudcrabs are horrid creatures
>You meet a completely different person
>They say the exact same thing, word for word, with the exact same voice.

You are a literal retard if this doesn't break your immersion more than a reload animation.

the only buzz Bright created was about how shit it was

Have you heard of the high elves?

>You shoot someone with a gun right in the heart
>They just lose a little bit from a red bar over their head
But no, the reloading is the problem.

This is some weird false equivalence.

The shit that's listed above is fictional, you can do whatever the fuck you want with them as long as it doesn't step into DA tier. The bottom is literally using a real tool incorrectly, it's no different from using the handle end of a spade to try and dig a hole. Even in a medieval or sci-fi setting it's a blatantly incorrect thing to do.

a reload animation is something that took a sizable chunk of time for an animator to create. The difference between something that you are is going to take exactly the same amount of time to make (for a good vs bad reload animation) vs reusing the same terrible writing is night and day. One saves you money, the other is inexcusable

Top category is stuff that is known to be fictional. It's part of suspension of disbelief.

Bottom part is something that is real and is extremely easy to just do a quick google and find out how to do it right. If it's wrong it shows a lack of attention to detail.

Plebbit tier taste man, Bright was great.

Any movie with THIS in it is not shit.

It doesn't. Because I couldn't give two fucks about a reload animation for a video game gun. Reloading is something that happens all the fucking time in any FPS and after putting in even a few hours, you start to not really pay any attention to the reload animations in general. Special exception to cool fantasy/sci-fi weapons, of course.

that's not how suspension of disbelief works. I can believe in magic in a world with magic
I can believe a man can fly, I can't believe a man can reverse time by flying around the earth opposite to its rotation speed so fast that it starts rotating the opposite direction too

>all of Far Cry 2's guns are left-handed versions for some reason

the crosshair represents where the character is aiming so the "hold right mouse button to reduce rng" mechanic is not needed and absolutely unwelcome in shooters

just as you only need one button to jump properly, and not have to focus your jump, you do not need to press more than one button to shoot where your character is already aiming as represented by the crosshair

>just orcs and elves inserted into a hamfisted modern-day racial/class allegory
>the plot is literally as generic as possible despite the setting

a difference between hip shooting and aiming down the sights isn't a bad game mechanic, it just doesn't belong in casul consolebabby multiplayer shooters. Stuff like that belongs in Arma and stalker. Deliberately paced shooters. Imagine if the planes in battlefield had flight simulator level realism, that would be just as out of place.

it's because having your crosshair jitter all over the screen would be annoying as fuck and keeping it at all times perfectly level would either be completely unrealistic or else mean you're playing as the fucking terminator

If your whole game is centered around gunplay and the gun likely takes up a quarter of the screen why wouldn't you make the actual gun shit top quality?

the players of those games like it, so they keep it
it's part of what keeps them casual games

>you start to not really pay any attention to the reload animations in general
You're not everybody, and it's especially grating if you have even a basic understanding of firearms.

>All these left-handed fucking guns everywhere
>Characters reloading them no problem when it's actually awkward as shit and potentially dangerous too

The cocking handle and ejection ports are on the right-side for a damn good reason. The CH being placed on the right means your hand is free from the trigger and it's impossible to misfire, while your left hand is able to firmly hold the rifle against your shoulder. The ejection port is there because hot metal flying in your face isn't fun in the slightest.

>Jackal buys a shitload of left handed guns from a factory
>nobody wants to buy that shit
>He has to sell them really cheap in order to get rid of them

Your mother must be so proud
Oh wait

toons as in cartoons? why not just call our characters animes then?

are you the autist getting mad at people calling you out for using toon in the SWTOR thread earlier?

A game doesn't have to be realistic, but its internal logic needs to be consistent. Aliens, magic and other paranormal elements aren't an issue if they're portrayed in a way that makes sense. If a game has real-life weapons, they should behave like their real life counterparts.

>The orcs are black people!

No the orcs are orcs and Will Smith is black. You just don't like the film because it can't fit into your brain ravaged by racism allegories.

soys dont care about realism

Making basic as fuck animations saves money too. If I was a big company who didn't give a fuck about some autistic gunfags, I'd probably just tell the animators to add in something passable and call it a day. Most people don't give a fuck. I'm not going to waste the time and money necessary to go buy a 1:1 model of the gun, set up mo-cap, get some ex-special ops and have them perform various reloads for a 144hz animation. All cause some autistic gunfags would be butthurt otherwise. Only a retarded company would do that.

You don't need a fucking mocap to make decent animations, Jesus.


Literally all of these were made by one college student contracted by Respawn Entertainment for Titanfall 2. A single fucking person.

>being this willfully ignorant of some the most blatant subtext ever put in a modern movie
a fucking Disney was literally more subtle about it

it doesn't belong anywhere. every time a game has aiming down the sights the gun takes up more than half your screen like it's some retard shooting with one eye open. realistically when using iron sights the gun should blur out and become transparent except for the iron sights to simulate how it actually is to shoot

It's to avoid copyrights.

well at that point you're better off having a tube that shoots red balls


why even have the red balls? just make it hitscan

>If I say "I reloaded my pistol with a clip" you know exactly what I mean, so even if you don't like it language has successfully communicated the exact thing I wanted to say, ergo the words must be real and correct.
No, because I assume that I am not dealing with a fucking idiot I will think you have a pistol capable of being reloaded with clips such as pic related

>hurr let me just pop another magazine into my revolver

Ok so how to you know these animations never used mo-cap?

devs that shit on realism dont care about immersion, their games are just a profit device for them. they know their targeted audience wouldn't even know or care so they spend the majority of the budget on marketing the hype train instead of actually making basic realism.

>being this willfully ignorant of some the most blatant subtext ever put in a modern movie

user we're talking about Bright, not Get Out.

Explain HOW orcs are black people when black people didn't side with the dark lord 2000 years ago? It's almost as if you didn't watch the film.

So are the elves in the film white people? Jews? Where do they fit in the "race analogy?"

What I want to know is when are we going to get another game that has real world guns going by 80s action movie logic?


It'd be like having a car drive sideways or have tires that spin the wrong direction in a video game and complaining about how stupid and incorrect it is and someone replying "it's a video gayme man u dont have a healthbar IRL lol stop being autistic".

One is supposed to emulate a real system so it sticks out when it doesn't.

That right then, was the shit

There's something called "Precision of Language."

You hang around stupid people and are likely a low-brow with a shit job if precision of language isn't important.

>hurr let me just pop another magazine into my revolver

the devs are too busy trying to make the video game feel like a movie. they put a lot of effort into the cutscenes and writers to write lines but they can give less of a fuck about details for realism when you are actually playing the game in games based on irl like military shooters. their making cinema with video game elements in it, not the other way around.

it'd be cool if fantasy elements were actually behind unrealistic gun use instead of being a crutch for lack of research
>when the magic psychic dragon aliens reached earth, they demanded magazines be called clips for reasons we still don't understand

>95% of the game has a gun taking up 25% of the screen

>Making them right shouldn't be a priority

The animator has multiple hour long videos on his channel showing him animating. He achieves that quality with really good keyframing, no mocap. Battlefield 1 has all keyframed FPS anims too, you just need a talented animator.

You have a gun and you say I need a a magazine for my gun

Because I can't fathom some of the design choices devs make with guns
>SPAS 12 with two barrels
>MP7 that fires grenades
Like, how does that happen? No one thinks "wait this gun only has one barrel" or "wait this smg doesn't have a grenade launcher attached to it"?

its not even about military first person shooters. you know their priorities are about making the game feel like a cool movie instead of taking a "video game first" approach.

just basic physical realism are ignored during actual gameplay when the cutscenes are over. like in GTA 5 you magically pull out a machine gun out of the arsenal of weapons in your ass. what if that happened in a hollywood movie? that would be totally unacceptable to the audience but in video games its OK as long as the cutscenes and dialogue are cinematic.

>but in video games its OK as long as the cutscenes and dialogue are cinematic.
and as long as they call it a mag instead of a clip
That's what's really important here