Who will they add in the 3rd game?

Who will they add in the 3rd game?
And there will be if you still didn't know this is going to be a trilogy.
Chaos Daemons
Ogre Kingdom
Seem like good contenders but a 4th faction should also be there for a base game.

DLC for the second game, or not at all
>Chaos Dwaves
>Ogre Kingdoms
>Split the Warriors of Chaos into separate factions
If they want a vanilla faction, it will be Kislev

hank hill

It won't be chaos daemons, it'll be chaos split into 4 factions.

1 faction for each chaos god; Slaneesh, Nurgle, Khorne and Tzeentch. DLC will be Chaos Dwarves, Orges and Araby. Maybe Kislev, but I doubt it.

no, it will be daemons, they are their own faction.


All other factions will become irrelevant once best boy comes in.

Who is even going to be the DLC for 2 other than Tomb Kings?

I'm not even sure why have 3 games at this point, don't 1 and 2 pretty much give us the map, barring stuff you could easily do with DLC?

Lords pack and maybe some side shit like vampire coast or Araby

>fantasyfags think they're getting a third Soyhammer game