>wow, a true masterpiece and immersive work of art

>a boring, pretentious walking simulator with no substance at all

boo on you
got stuck at the windmill, didntcha

Also, it's not a videogame.

But it has combat, and puzzles and shit. It's not just walking around alone in first person, waiting for the disembodied voice to tell you the next story bit.

It's an excellent game though

Still the best Team Ico game.

ico > sotc
inside > limbo
HoD > AW

Ironically your post more accurately describes the what if release dates for Breath of the Wild.

I dont know what kinda of weird mongoloid you gotta be to not find enjoyment in ico. I played it for the first time in 2009 and it hadn't aged compared to other newer games on more powerful consoles.

It's fine, just too short.

It's my favourite game of all time

same here. don't have a top number or anything, but there's a lot up there

This is exactly why I'm on the fence for getting the last guardian

I can't tell if people just hate these types a games now a days or if its really just shit
And nothing I do will ever tell me besides buying it myself but idk if I should

Not sure if decrying neo Sup Forums or just tastelet

sotc > ico
both are great

The hint system frustrates me. I don't like how some of the puzzles are designed, especially the dog you have to use fire on and the 15th colossus. Is the remake doing anything to address this?

For a few minutes yes. This game doesn't really guide you in any way and ledges don't always seem like you can climb onto them. It's a great game...just those monsters health need to be reduced a bit.

>you will never finish the game in under 2 hours for the platinum trophy

Why do they make you want to rush through such a game? It's just so world record tier stupid time to achieve.

i guess so...but once you get the sword, they get a bit easier

Blame the west for ruining the "games as art" concept.

You can run past most encounters btw

I know but sometimes they randomly come when you walk in another room.

I'm thinking of getting this.

plus if you have to separate from yorda, they'll overwhelm her pretty fast

I would say Limbo was better. Inside just didn't really bother too much with the puzzles. It was a lot of fun also doing that section with the buzz saws in pitch black.

Get it. I thought it was amazing

Japan Studio also made this, which had a bit of an Ico vibe.

was wondering about that game. looked good but forgot all about till you said something

Haven't played it either. Still haven't even bothered with the SOTC remaster on PS3 (only played half hour). I really felt Ico was a better game right from the very beginning.

It is on PlayStation Now I think if you have a PS4. Otherwise it's currently full price on PS3 and disc versions are expensive. It's only 3 hours long, though. Not even that.

It's like, Ico is a bunch of nothing between shitty combat, and the escort aspect barely adds anything, there are only a handful of times where she needs to stand on something or something, it's like you're just dragging a useless luggage bag around.
SotC is a bunch of nothing between fucking awesome, unique combat.
It's amazing that I don't like Ico at all but think SotC is a masterpiece.

ps3 and low on hdd space. but i bought some games ill never play so i'm sure i can make some room. i'll look it up later. actually, i have to take off anyway. just came to check in