I played this game back in 2016 and I dropped it after 4 hours. I heard it got a fuckton of updates...

I played this game back in 2016 and I dropped it after 4 hours. I heard it got a fuckton of updates. Is it worth revisiting?

It was worth playing before the updates.

How so? I found it pretty fucking boring.

Then what sort of update would change your mind? It seems your mind is already set.

I dunno what kind of updates did it get?

This is not the game for you and that is okay.

The earliest parts are the best and that's what I fell in love with. If you hated it then there's no point in returning because it hasn't changed. Unless your hate was because of what Sup Forums said, then re-visit it with an open mind.

I want to get back into it, dropped it after 20 hours because it got really boring, since the X update makes the game look great and I hear the games has been getting lots of updates to make it more enjoyable. Only problem is I also want the Season Pass and its not on sale.

Google it.

An update with a followable and concise story would be good. You know, what FF games are known for

FNC was a mistake.

The story is followable. All you have to do is pay attention.

Wait for FFVIIR let the soyboys fund it by buying shitty XV for you.

It's not really worth it, in my opinion. I was in a similar position as you. I finished the game in 2016, and didn't touch it for a year. I tried replaying it a couple of weeks ago, but everything about it is barebones. A lot of people raved about Episode Ignis, so that might be worth checking out. He was the best character in the group anyway.

No. There will be a second season pass this year, so the milking hasn't stopped. Stay away.

Go away youknowwho

Nice meme

What will be in that?

Who cares? Even if Square decides to add more content, it would make the story feel any less disjointed. They'll feel like things that got added as a second thought, which they are.

Well I liked the game aside from the story, but still I don't think they should bother trying to add to or fix the story, what's done is done. They should take it as a lesson for the next game.

if they fixed the empty world, lack of development for any character other than the main four, and one-note combat, then yeah it's totally worth checking out.

The combat and world is the most active of FF yet.

If I hated Crisis Core, will I hate FFXV? The combat looks similar

Yeah man the swathe of almost identical gas stations dotted across the huge empty map really made it feel alive.

Compared to earlier FFs yes it's the most alive.

>empty world bar occasional tusks and non-agressive wildlife
>night is samefagged up with bombs and giants

XII had a better world and more alive NPC world.

Same thing happened to me. Definetely my worst purchase of 2017.

XII's cities were nothing more than hubs with five stores. And more alive NPC world, come on you can't seriously believe that. Any criticism of XV as an FF relies solely on people not remember how the earlier FFs actually were.

>cities are hubs
Wow you don't say? Provide more context as to why. I've recently replayed XII's TZA edition and all of the games are still fresh in my head, plus a few spin-offs like CC. Don't pull bullshit excuses out of your ass.

I can go and play FFVII right now and feel more immersed in fucking Wall Market than I can in any location in XV. A location being "alive" doesn't equate to it being full of stock NPCs, which is what XV's towns are guilty of.

None of them offer meaningful interactions or feel like actual cities. Only one is even designed to at least be one, the rest are just medieval styled gas stations.

It seems like (You) are the one who doesn't remember the old games. Dialogue and even quests change as you progress through the game.

You already own it, just play it instead of asking for permission