You can slide down the ladders in the game

>you can slide down the ladders in the game

>if you slide down too fast you die

>you can slide up the ladders

>if you slide down the ladders at 60fps you fall through the ground

>pressing up sometimes brings you down the ladder

>jump onto rails
>no rail grinding

>enemies can climb ladders

>you can carry the ladders

>You can't climb the ladder, you just warp to the top when you interact with it.

>The enemy is a ladder

I fucking hate games where if you jump to skip parts of a ladder your character isn't allowed to do this and has to climb from the bottom

I'm glad cocaine is a thing so I can stay away from it and enjoy the works of its users.

>you can pick up the ladder and hit other wrestlers with it

>You can shoot while in the ladders

>The ladder is not a ladder, but rather a stepladder

>you can jump off the ladder

>you can climb a ladder while someone else is holding it
>you can climb ladders while also holding a ladder

>the ladder tsundere 1000 year old loli and you can have sex with it

>1st person game goes 3rd person while you climb the ladder

>the ladder is a non-interactive decoration

>if you punch enough trees and arrange the wood correctly you build a ladder and its in your inventory

>you have to look down at the ladder to climb down
>your character just walks off the ledge

>go up a really long ladder
>music starts to play half way through

>Also just a flat texture

>climbing ladders is a cutscene

>you can set the ladder on fire
>you can set the walls on fire
>you can set the world on fire


>climb the ladder
>the game reloads the entire room
>50% chance of the game crashing

>You can slide the gender slider knob all the way down

>the game begins and theres an epic introduction to the character being a badass in a dungeon, and then you get to play, at the bottom of a ladder
>but when you go to interact with the ladder, you see it is broken half way up to exit the dungeon
>the whole game turns into a ladder repair survival game wherein you must find various tools and supplies to repair the ladder
>the ladder is the final boss
>you are the ladder

>slowest character climbs ladders the fastest


>ladders are a loading screen because the developers don't know how to make them work

>ladder hanging half a foot above your character
>they cant grab onto it

>robot takes 10 minutes to climb ladders

>you can jump but you can't grab on

>You can kick ladders down while enemies are climbing them

>individual rungs are random paid lootbox items

>the ladder breaks as you climb it

>game has a ladder factory level

>boss is a ladder

>Chaos is a ladder

>you can let go while on a ladder
>you take fall damage

>party members can knock you off climbing segments

>you can get a panty shot while a female character climbs ladders


this is almost the plot to the original raving rabbids

re4 was a good game

>Chaosh isha laddah

>the game doesn't understand the concept of ladder based conveyance

>On harder difficulties enemies can use ladders

>Game has falling damage at all
>Game has falling damage
>It doesn't do much damage when you fall for around 20 ft.
>if you fall above 20 ft. you instantly die


>See a ladder
>friend keeps trying to tell me it's a stepladder

>Game has fall damage and ladders
>Let go of ladder high up.
>Grab onto the ladder after falling fair distance, take fall damage

>ladders in game
>character can run up walls

>have to look upward at an extreme angle to reliable go up a ladder
>almost impossible to defend yourself from campers on top of it because of the fact

>grow up thinking your ladder was your real ladder.
>turns out it was just your step ladder
>your mom lied to you all this time

>you cannot climb down ladders

>playground slide prop
>the ladder is climbable

>it takes forever

>you can sprint up ladders

>ladders can open doors

Does Gordon Freeman lower his gun when he climbs ladders?

>AI companion/escort can physically block you while ladder climbing

>you have to unlock the ladder climbing skill

>AI companion has an exterior like fish eggs

>you can heal while on ladders