
Worth it at 30 bucks?

Give me your thoughts, Bros.

All I read is that it’s good but the gameplay is bad but I’ve seen videos and the game play looks fun but to be honest it’s hard to take anyone on Sup Forums serious when they talk about gameplay and add if it’s fun or not. No character creator which is a let down but whatever. I play sonic and that has no creator. I imagine gameplay is that the enemy can be a little spongy

Overworld exploration is almost genre-defining with everything being handcrafted and sprinkled with environmental story telling and the jetpack is one of the most simple yet surpisingly fun additions to an open world RPG ever.
The shit you do actually has short and long term consequences and there are quite a lot of amusing "gotcha" moments during the quests.

(Melee) combat on the other hand feels like the retarded bastard child of Dark Souls, Risen2/3 and Witcher 1 and people still debate if stats and skills even do anything.
Graphics-wise it's somewhere between "presentable" and "are you fucking shitting me?!".

are you a burger? because americans seem unable to comprehend PB games

it's worth it if you like other pb games

I am. And I haven't played gothic or risen.

It's pretty good. The exploration is absolutely amazing. Quests have multiple outcomes and your choices actually matter. Gameplay's alright, I liked the melee, it's pretty fun once you get the hang of it and know how things work. Graphics are also pretty neat, nothing outstanding, but they do the job.
However, I'd suggest you wait a bit before playing the game. The latest patch kind of fucked up the weather big time and added an obnoxious blue filter. Nights are no longer nights with this latest patch. Wait until it either gets changed by the devs or modders fix it.

I have it on console and so far it’s good, if you like Risen and other games by these guys it seems to be a game with similar build quality, kinda janky but not in a bad way. Just you can tell where time was spent and where it wasn’t but so far that’s been: this game from afar looks like shit but holy fuck the technicalities and specifics are really well thought out.

To put it into a concept it’s the opposite of a Feng Zhu digital painting. The wide concept is sorta muddy but the details are incredible, and the devs gave a fuck. Story and world is really cool but the art style is generic. Gameplay is stiff but mechanics are solid. I’m 25 or so hours in.

You have been chatting with literal children believing they are adults, third worlder

Screenshot taken before the patch.

Screenshot taken after the patch. The time is roughly the same in both, sometime around midnight.

how is the combat compared to Risen? i liked the combat in that game.

It’s like Risen but if it was influenced by the pacing of demon souls.

its wonderful IF you like these types of games
return to form for the dev
but its no accessible or polished
its less then 20 germans making something with a larger scope then skyrim


So what's the short list on the things I should be forgiving of since it's a PB game?

I'm a patient man.

In terms of RPG mechanics its amazing. Huge world full of unique shit to explore, many quests have multiple (more than 2) solutions, tons of choices you make have consequences that will show up a dozen hours later. if you're used to playing old WRPGs like Morrowind and Gothic 2 then you wont mind the combat jank at all, if you started gaming with the PS3 or something then you'll kill yourself I guess

Does it have the goofy targeting system Gothic 2 had?


>singleplayer RPG
Of course not.
Buy it for 5 or 7.49 max next year.

I’m sorry money is tight for you, bro

played for about 30 hours

Can say: not worth the money.
Really monotonous and shallow, playing as cleric makes ANY encounter trivial because of stagger spamming black hole

Has no depth to it, no deeper systems to master or discover, it's very 'mainstream'.
I love PB games but this just misses the mark.

Much better games out there for 30 bugs.

This post reeks of a Dark Souls fag.
Why are you people so pretentious...

It has trash combat / controls and even trashier never ending dialogue

I'm sorry you are dumb, bro.

>Half hour of work to buy game
>He's the dumb one
Fuck off retard

I loved it, it was very addictive. Its fun to explore and the atmosphere is pretty comfy, especially the desert.

It seems hard at first, but once you figure out the patterns, fighting becomes ok. Cleared the game on the 3rd of 4 diff settings. Never had problems with enemies.
Liked the ending, but i wish they would have handlet it better, like even more options to end it.
Try it, its something fresh.

typical Sup Forums; the only dark souls ive played is 1 on fucking 360.

Why would you defend this boring game anyway, even gothic 3 is better. It has nothing, it has no interesting mechanics, no amazing mobs or world, no satisfying combat, it's all bland.

Like I said, i love PB games, poured days into gothic but this is just subpar. Risen 3 is better even.

>your choices matter and can affect things much later

I really want this meme to die.

>(Melee) combat on the other hand feels like the retarded bastard child of Dark Souls, Risen2/3 and Witcher 1 and people still debate if stats and skills even do anything.
I leld

There is a quest where you decide the fate of a city.
I went thru guides to ensure that the quest ends the way i wanted.
I cant recall a game where i was so anal about a singe quest.
You are just sceptic, because you probably seen too many dogshit games that dont hold up to their promises of mattering choices.

Top fucking kek, what a blunder

I kinda liked both. See, this proof that pb don't know what they're doing half the time. Everything is hit or miss with them, they might actually be retarded.

>t. deluded buyfag

I've played ELEX. Domed City is the exception, not the rule. The grand majority of quests are self contained and do not influence the rest of the game. Don't buy into that retarded tutorial prompt that should be turned off anyway.

>even gothic 3 is better.
ever since gothic 3, pb haven't made a game that is better than fucking arcania gothic 4

it's on gog so it's an easy pirate

I'm just 10hr in and feeling kinda stuck. I have a hard time killing those mutant chicken when many quests require me to kill raptors or need some personality skill. I think the problem is short of elexit though.
What's the good way to earn it?

Lure them out one by one, you can go near one and if it charges, you run, away from the herd, so others wont engage, takes some practice.
Or get a companion to help you.

I never had problems with elex, just steal everything and sell. 1skillpoint in pickpocket is also a nice thing to have.

Sup Forums loves this game, you mongoloid. It has a general going daily.

As an ameriburger who enjoyed Gothic 2. I also enjoyed Elex, but it leaves you wanting more to do at the end of the game. They fucked up the progression by making it so you can basically everything in ACT1. I feel like it desperately needs some kind of endgame expac or DLC, but unfortunately there won't be any.

It'll be -75% in the next 12 months, just like any other Gothic/Risen game, I'd just wait a little bit.