Latest leak of the original Versus XIII plot from 2ch



Other urls found in this thread:病






I don't read chinese

Got an English summary?

>versus fags will never not be butthurt
Truly a great timeline








I don't speak gookanese



Kys subhumans

A few quick translations from Google:
>Chapter 1 was basically Kingsglaive
>Clarus and Glauca are the traitors
>Ravus is the chapter boss, he is told to protect Noctis by Ardyn
>Afterwards, Noctis learns the truth about the betrayers from Cor, but hides it from Gladiolus
>Someone from Accordo leaks Noctis's position to the Empire and they run away to Tenebrae
>Gentiana tells Noctis about the origin of Eos
>Gentiana tells Noctis to go to Niflheim to learn the truth about the Daemons and meet Stella

That one guy was saying he doesn't understand Japanese though...


Shit like this triggers me to no end

I can't believe they made Kingsglaive a movie.

>Ravus ambushes Noctis and company in Niflheim, but he lets them go and tells them Verstael's location
>Daemons were made from the corpses of people from Solheim
>Verstael is a boss, after you rescue Prompto
>Afterwards you fight Iedolas. His goal was to create technology to replace the crystals.
>After you beat Iedolas, Ardyn kills him. Ardyn was the one who taught the Empire how to make Daemons.
>Ardyn's goal is to make Lucis Caelum and Nox Fleuret fight and open Etro's gate
>Noctis's emotions are the key to opening the gate
>The Niflheim building collapses and Noctis and company escape while Stella rescues them
>Verstael becomes the new Emperor of Niflheim at the end of Chapter 2

Let it go my son

Fucking French

Seriously. Those were important events. XV biggest problem is the expostition.

>Afterwards you fight Iedolas. His goal was to create technology to replace the crystals.
>Ardyn's goal is to make Lucis Caelum and Nox Fleuret fight and open Etro's gate
Damn, this already sounds much better than the XV we got.

I don't even get it. Versus looks as terrible as XV actually is.

Kingsglaive should've been in the game as a prologue. A FFXII-like situation where we play as the dude with the blades and then switch over to Noctis for the rest of the game.
The movie just dragged out a bunch of shit that didn't matter in the end because none of it was in the game except for the fake corpse hanging above ardyns throne

It's actually kinda fucked up how radically different this is to XV, I knew they rewrote a lot of it but god damn.

What? A line break in the middle of a katakana word?

I don't know if this is bullshit or not but it already sounds 100 times better than what Tabata shitted out. Holy shit

Versus XIII originally was supposed to have a very dark story, almost kinda like a Yoko Taro game

Could Cor defeat Glauca?

Versusbabies very rabbid today

Yoko Taro usually has a lot of fucked up humor sprinkled in which I doubt this would have

Does he have credentials or is this some fanfic shit that people do here as well all the time?

Not exactly Yoko Taro but it would have been definitely a very obscure and mature game

>very dark
From what I understand it was going to be a tragic story, which we kind of got in XV but not in a good way

I thought peoole hated the mythos

>Noctis wakes up the Astrals together with Stella
>Gladiolus learns the truth and leaves the party
>Noctis fights Clarus and as Noctis is about to be defeated Gladiolus protects him and dies
>Noctis goes super saiyan and kills Clarus

>Ravus appears and says Noctis is now no better than a Daemon and must be defeated
>While in control of Ravus, you fight Noctis
>In the first battle, Ravus wins. In the second battle, while in control of Ravus, Noctis wins and Ravus dies.

>The final crystal gets used up and the world turns crazy and just according to Ardyn's plan, Etro's gate opens up
>You find Etro and she is sleeping (the logo is Etro sleeping). She doesn't wake up so Ardyn tries to kill her, and she wakes up.
>Etro sees Stella and asks her to stay with her in her world. Stella refuses.
>Etro fuses with Ardyn, who in turns fuses with Stella, turning into Orphan (I assume from FFXIII)

>After defeating the Orphan fusion, you fight against her one-on-one as Noctis. In the end, Noctis stays behind in Etro's realm and pushes the rest of the party to the other side of the gate.

>The ending is Stella visiting someone's grave while Ignis leads Lucis together with Niflheim to create technology to replace crystals.
>With Noctis sitting on the throne sleeping the game ends.

It was going to be "tragical" but at the same time it would have dark themes as well

there's more if people who can read jap want to parse through.

VSfags man. You guys are hilarious


Not even a "Versusfag" but the plot would have been dark

Here's the English translation in its entirety



This last post got kind of retarded there. Prefer XV's version to this section.

Come on, this no different from previous leak.

people hate that the mythos was basically shoved in near the end

as well as kingsglaive being a movie instead of something in game, along with the levi invasion

>you don't like my fanfic game you must like XV
And people still wonder why you fags are considered worse than XIIIfags at least they dump lewds sometimes before shitting up a thread with muh nomura or muh tabata.

>autists will never not be buthurt over versusfags being butthurt

Damn, those japs are merciless in that 2ch thread. Pretty much every other post is someone telling Tabata to die or go kill himself. And making fun of FFXV for being discounted to 980 yen.

I wish we had less Tabatafags in the west.

>versus autism and XV faggotry is the only FF discussion that happens on Sup Forums now.
This series deserves to die.

I swear XV ruined any FF thread on Sup Forums. Literally just full of angry people calling others vsersusfags or XIIIfags or other fags from a random game or series

and this is over a year after the game came out. Japanese fans are dedicated I'll give them that.

Absolute lol at EOPs.

I just wish they had put in another year of development into XV. Just one more fucking year.

as opposed to what? XIV and mmoshit?

XV is the latest FF game out right now. makes sense that most FF threads are about it.

Better than lightingfags desu
How they manage to be more obnoxious than other waifufags is a mystery

Fucking hell, this seems even longer than XV. I want this in my life.

Are you done? Jesus christ how angry can you get at your boogeymans. You're the only ones that just randomly show up and call people names and waah they so rabbid and butthurt while everyone else is just reading the "leaks"

Most threads aren't even about XV, even XV threads are 99% just people calling each other names and one autist going nuts.

Wow, Versusbabies really are the most asshurt.

>more people still cling to V13 shit than the game that actually came out
Sad and funny

Calm demeanor VS-kun

this sounds god awful though病

like clockwork

why would anyone cling to a game like xv

Basicly every FF thread in a nutshell at this point as soon as anyhting XV related is in it.
For some reason all the people that followed V13 or XV for too long are insecure as fuck

>Tabata will ruin other games in the future

Well it gains points by actually existing which is better than people clinging to an unfulfilled promise like it would be the greatest game of the century

i am going to start FFXV for the first time tonight.

any pointers on what i should be doing?

Both is just pathetic. I'd rather just move on than clinging to shit or nothing.
But these threads just boil down to screaming names at each other until everyone is tired

yeah, but it loses points by being a bad game. so negative points is worse than 0 points.
Be prepared to lose your heart to best girl Iris, the only good thing Tabata added to the game.

i was asking more along the lines of how i should be utilizing skills, etc. honestly i have no idea if you can even customize yourself in FFXV - weapons or characters.

Explore, ignore the main quests

Imperials above us!

My heart won't let go

I don't even know why i come to XV related threads anymore, they just give me headaches

Well you already have it so depending on your autism you can join this threads and keep the shitposting going after you are done with it

Not really, you can't fuck up or anything. Just enjoy (or not)

why are Square such giant pussies? it's funny how scared they are to actually take a risk with their female leads. the closest we've come to this are with Ashe and Fang.
Stella was supposed to be a major antagonist, not some cop-out boss at the end. what in the fuck.

I would bet my life that Tabata will eventually replace Nomura as the director for the FFVII Remake.

All the signs are there. FFVII Remake announced years ago with no signs of progress and likely delays. Tabata is brought to "save" the project, and ends up cutting key parts of FFVII out to save time and get the game out on time.

Rinse and repeat.

ONLY use the Greatsword weapon class, they're the strongest and are somewhat satisfying to hit shit with
Playing as Prompto breaks the game early on because lol bazooka, he stays good too and is amazing for enemies weak to guns
the exploration grid is actually good if you camp constantly
don't ignore hunts, they're the only way to re-battle most bosses like Behemoths and whatnot
killing enemies with warp strikes or link strikes gives you AP so make sure you always kill enemies that way or you'll be begging for AP for the entire game

Most importantly, Royal Arms are dogshit but give you great stat bonuses for having them equipped so make sure to have at least the Axe equipped for more damage.

Doesn't really matter, the combat almost doesn't evolve at all and is piss easy which is my biggest problem with the game.
If it at least had good combat and bossfights i'd go back to it every now and then or do some challenges, but that there's just nothing there and the blance is totally fucked maybe worse than FF8
Almost nothing can kill you unless you really try and everything you do is OP

For the slight chance that there might be some decent discussion

>it has been 0 days since Versusfags cried about Tabata

I think I prefer Tabata's version.

Sounds a little meh, but at the same time... ending the game on a sleeping Noctis on the throne, with one last crystal behind him, would have been fucking awesome.

>Same thing is gonna happen with KH3
Why even bother playing the games at this point?

>almost nothing can kill you
A lot does, which means you constantly have to go into the menu to heal, which is poor design.

>Etro fuses with Ardyn, who in turns fuses with Stella, turning into Orphan (I assume from FFXIII)

you kids really need to stop letting your imaginations run so wild

>no Noctis vs Stella fight in Insomnia

Well he's working on his new next gen IP now with the team he was gifted out of nowhere so he probably won't touch anyhting else now. AlsoXV was relly the only situation where this happenned so far.

It would be a baaaaaaad idea to fuck up the remake of 7, though.

Nomura would probably kill himself if he ever got taken away from Kingdom Hearts. It's all he really gives a shit about nowadays, he's been wanting to leave FF for years.

I think the first time i actually had to do that was in the dungeon where you had to push blocks and later on there're like 2-3 iron giants and sneks and shit.
There's just so much shit you can do to avoid attacks or make yourself invincible for 10 seconds

Next Comrades update when?

>The final crystal gets used up and the world turns crazy and just according to Ardyn's plan, Etro's gate opens up
>You find Etro and she is sleeping (the logo is Etro sleeping). She doesn't wake up so Ardyn tries to kill her, and she wakes up.
>Etro sees Stella and asks her to stay with her in her world. Stella refuses.
>Etro fuses with Ardyn, who in turns fuses with Stella, turning into Orphan (I assume from FFXIII)

This makes the second half of XV look like a masterpiece what the fuck am i even reading.

>you kids
You sound like you need a diaper.

haha good one

Is this all you guys can do at this point?
Why do FFfags love just making random posts with calling others names

Nonsense, they'll just find some new literally who to give the keys to. Tabata is going in the doghouse with Toriyama.