So what games did you rent from steam under a limited revocable license during this sale Sup Forums?

So what games did you rent from steam under a limited revocable license during this sale Sup Forums?

Shut up nerd. I bet you think you are smart but in reality you are just a giant faggot

Fuck out of here!

Factorio, but I got that from the dev's site.
You're being a bit harsh on the lad.

I'm not a faggot UwU

You kind of are.

Republic commando, it was absolute garbage playing it in 2017.

Even games that you buy physically have limited licenses you know

Limited revocable license? You mean you buy shit and refund, or is this really a thing?

Are physical games any different now anyway? console games at least have to be authorized and installed on the HDD, and account permissions can be revoked and shit, even with older games you didn't actually own the games, just the license, you were just able to resell the discs at least, wish Steam had a user marketplace to buy cheap russian games off of instead of going to G2A and doing it

where do you get off bulling people pal? He asked a simple in innocent question and then you start this shit.

nothing. just made an account and downloaded it and have to put some money on it

>those fucking eyebrows

alright. gotta go

Is it really that bad?

dumb hikaru poster

haha lol sure got them with that smartass unoriginal comment and smug anime girl hehe frick xP

Its the kind of game you would absolutely love to play when you're a kid. As an adult... Ehh.

>instead of going to G2A and doing it
this is what i hate.
>g-grey market sites hurt everyone financially!
>we won't actually implement a second hand sales market ourselves that would cut out the middle man and almost guarantee that the problem is eliminated tho lol buy more hats

Is that a koala?

it's your mom