What went wrong?

what went wrong?

it's not fun

Underwhelming climax
Fucked difficulty
Samey level design
Hamfisted marketing that made discussion of the game impossible


the salt just won't stop

Oscar bait

The marketing turned me off. I'm playing Wolfenstein The New Order, the first game, and I'm enjoying it more than when I first played it a few years ago.

>Hamfisted marketing that made discussion of the game impossible
the whole game was anti white, not the just the marketing

Case in point

half the game was cutscenes

nothing, game's great.

Can you at least play the game before sprouting bullshit?

Appealed to SJWs who don't buy or play video games.

leftists, the one true enemy of humanity, hijacked the series

I pirated it, you leftypol shill

>the whole game was anti white, not the just the marketing


>I didn't play the game
>Can't replay missions
>Boss fights are shit
>Strasse > Retard Hitler > Engel
>The new cast sucks ass
>Wyatt is even more unlikable
>Missed opportunities, such as the power armor
>The story makes no sense whatsoever
Among other things.
Then please, explain your reasoning.

lots of things really

>mom I posted it again!

can you both they your shit out of here?

Why should I hate my own raced. leftypol subhuman?

The content of the game was insulting and the marketing matched it.

Its the whole sjw-ness of it, I remember watching youtube with the gf and we got an ad for this shit, and right after the whole punching nazis thing my gf turns to me and said “why would i want to punch myself?”

This is how this conversation will go down

Me: It's not anti-white
You: *Posts image of BJ saying "white ass nazis fascists pigs"*
Me: "It's just him being awkward, as it's a play on words for what was just said 2 minutes prior"
You: Something something soyboy, something something Hillary

Like clockword

Stop dating dullards.

Yeah the gunplay is pretty boring and a lot of the big fights you're just in a shooting gallery in open areas. The game seems to want you to stealth it most of the time but then they're like "lol just kill like 500 dudes or whatever until the next cutscene"

It'd be much better if it went the route of DOOM or Bulletstorm where it's just making polished combat instead of pretending like it's an even remotely engaging stealth game.

Why would you use a anecdotal/specific example when the theme and concept of the entire presentation condtradicts your statement? People are just going to see that fallacy in the logic and ignore your post. Of course you're only to getting shitty responses dude, learn to fucking analyze.

Maybe it's just the middle chapter curse, but TNC feels rushed and incomplete.

TNO had great pacing while TNC feels really jumbled, the latter has better moments but as a whole the game feels more disjointed. When you play the final mission in TNO you fucking know it's the climax of the game, TNC's ending comes out of nowhere and you don't even realize you're fighting the "final boss".

The fact that the gameplay is damn near indentical is also fucking shitty. It pretty much doesn't address any of the previous game's problems.

I post in these threads for the shitposting, I'm not going to deconstruct an argument that hardly has any real logic to begin with.

Join in on the fun

It couldn't have anything to do with the hamfisted liberal preaching and racemixing shoved in? Nah no way let's just blay white males and the alt-right instead like always lol

See pic

It all started nearly three and a half years ago...

Every sinle thing you do in the sub is tedious time filler. Sassy black woman instantly takes over the resistance. BJ getting decapitated turns out to be a watered down version of stroggification. The gadgets are super boring and so is the power armor. Low weapon and enemy variety. Shitty HUD. The fucking fuck scene in the sub and the retarded scene where the pregnant chick bathes in blood. Difficulty all over the place

Only good part was venus and the fat nazi choking the sassy black chick.

sjw pandering

Giant Bomb GOTY

>unironically proving him right

They really need to stop with the trilogy meme, the middle part is more often than not just unsatisfying, at least until the final chapter is out. It's always much better to try to tell the story in one go, with no filler, no dangling threads left to be resolved in the future.

People needs to leave politics where they belong and stop mixing them with their emotions and ego.

Then shit like this wouldn't happen.

I can tell from this post that your social and family life are unfulfilling, and you spend too much time masturbating. You should do something about this, maybe go outside and interact with some real people, spend less larping on the internet. We're worried about you user.

If developers didn't want this to be the main point of discussion. They wouldn't have included the content they did. As far as I can tell this is probably the reception they thought they would get. I don't see what the issue is.


>Extremists unironically view themselves as some sort of enlightened defiers

Absolutely nothing you fucking nazi.

your main allies in game are an anti white leftist (just like you) and an black supremacist. hjow ias that not anit white?

One of your allies is literally a former nazi.

"Anti-white" is not a real thing

Who cares, I just want it down to $20 or $10, I have a free season pass coming.

It's weird how many people are trying to argue about the politics of the game when the actual problem is the gameplay is mediocre.

>"Anti-white" is not a real thing
t. soft skulled soyboy

What? Meet more people dude. Better yet, visit the bible belt. Plenty of gospel churches for you to go in an get the evil eye.

bj is way too fragile for 65% of the game. that's the biggest problem. i think the level design is pretty ok, better than others give it credit for, but it could use some work- i think a lot of the problems with the level design, like how enemy dense levels are and how difficult it is to take out both commanders before inciting the wrath of the german reinforcements, can be made less annoying if bj has more health.

How did they spin the events of TNO into a new game? Seems like how ever II ends they'll still try for another sequel, if they have money.







developer included content that would fuel the discussion. If they didn't want us specifically talking about politics they wouldn't have done that.

The main antagonist is female though

Most of the people "arguing" clearly haven't even played it.

moot point

Howso? Why would you argue about something you don't know about?

you took the bait now deal with it

who knows, doesn't really matter.

why do you leftists want an anti white safespace?

Is the Far Cry 5 outrage reasonable? Not like they've advertised the game yet or had social media links. Not like the idea of a cult taking over a town is new, from Jonestown to Waco and who knows how many others in third world countries.

they failed to conclude the story for a second time

Leftist propaganda, that was completely biased on the develops political views.
It felt like they didn't know shit about Nazi ideology.

Why support an anti-white game by buying it? Let's Plays exist.

You'd have a point if the political discussion didn't revolve around shit people made up just to get mad about.

why do you want an anti-leftist safespace?

Pirate it then you dumb nigger. Kill yourself for watching LPs at all.

because the biggest leftist safespace on the internet is called reddit

Do you fucking listen to yourself? An "anti-white safespace"? Isn't that just NOT a safespace for white people? So what is it you're really asking for?

Just finished TNO, what a shit story and shit characters.

>ot like the idea of a cult taking over a town is new, from Jonestown to Waco and who knows how many others in third world countries.

Yeah but in the middle of the US during the 1st century, the feds should be buttfucking the cult.

>what is an ongoing story?

>Wolfenstein is inaccurate
holy shit

I think it follows the general cultural narrative and political perspective of certain people. I don't think it's reasonable, but I think that water is wet. The reaction to me looks like a natural human one.

It just didn't feel as good as the first.

I hope we fight rejuvenated turbo Hitler for the finale,.

It's an FPS.
FPS are a garbage genre.

>the middle of the US during the 1st century
Accidentally a far more interesting setting

>marketing was bashing Trump

Things that never happened.

No, you should hate politifcal activists as a whole.
Civilians just are not cut out for politics.

Why do you leftists want an anti white safespace?

irrelevant, it exists. This discussion would not exist in a game like forza.

levels are giant mazes, not fun to traverse, everything always feels claustrophobic

player dies in literally under 2 seconds of sustained enemy fire and enemies flank you and attack from multiple directions at once. I've played FPS since Wolf3d and this is the hardest FPS of all time. That is not a good thing, the game is unplayable if you want to actually have fun

When I start an FPS game I want to do everything except look at cutscenes, walk around in a "Base" and see characters be developed. The original iteration of Doom 4 was canceled because it was this game. It's funny how you should watch your superiors and copy them if you want to succeed

Using dog violence as an emotional latching on point within the first 10 minutes of the game to sell the anti-white propaganda made me sick. I turned the game off there and didn't return to it for weeks. If I had bought it, I would have returned it there and never played it again.

PS little black girls don't ever and didn't ever in history come up and try to socialize with little blonde white boys. It just never happened

>Using dog violence as an emotional latching on point within the first 10 minutes of the game to sell the anti-white propaganda

Nigga, please compare the first Wolfenstein and New Order and will get a whole other feeling when playing them. I don't give a shit about killing nazis or what. What I don't like is how you clearly see that in New Order they are forcing an ideology on you. Bethsheda allowed because of money from SJW.

Doesn't really look fun enough to even pirate too be honest. I would be happier if they made a new Wolfenstein 3D game.

>The political discussion exists because X
>But actually it was Y
>Irrelevant, it exists
sure m8

Nobody cares about how actual nazis were.
Nazis, like communists, were our enemies, and they deserved their destruction.
What I wonder is why the military isn't already crashing down on every single political rally and eliminating everyone, since nowadays all political activists are either commies or nazis.

How would you know literally underage child who watches LPs.

Why do you cocksuckers want to argue in bad faith?

That's the crazy part of all this, I don't even want to pirate the thing. I glanced at a let's play and that was the end of it. Any desire there was gone after that point.

>Make America Nazi-free Again

Yes, Trump never used a similar slogan.

>Bethsheda allowed because of money from SJW.

Can't blame them.
Modern idealists are lazy subhumans who's only purpose is being used as walking advertisment.
Pander to them a bit in your game and movie, and you'll have a fuckton of retards talking wonders about your product.
And since they never do anything aside from shitposting on the internet, you don't have to worry about them getting dangerous, they stopped being any danger ages ago.

Without a topic, there is nothing to discuss. By developing this game, using the art, code and words that they did. It encouraged that form of discussion. In a forza game, the discussion encouraged would be motor sports in nature.

The sun shines dude.

>So what is it you're really asking for?

The ultimate white safe space. As in everyone gtfo.

How is that bashing Trump if they thought it was a good enough slogan to copy?

>Using dog violence as an emotional latching on point within the first 10 minutes of the game to sell the anti-white propaganda made me sick
Well, good thing I hate dogs.

They're just Swedish.

>mockery is the greatest form of flattery goy