It's Popful Mail!

It's Popful Mail!

Other urls found in this thread:

>ywn nail mail

I'd fuck that hedgehog

was this just a game or was it based off another piece of media?

It was a game.

Someone post that video showing the NA dub

You know which one I'm talking about

JP: December 20, 1991[1]
JP: 1992[2]
Sega CD
JP: April 1, 1994
NA: February 23, 1995
Super Famicom
JP: June 10, 1994
PC Engine CD
JP: August 12, 1994
JP: December 28, 2006

What's the best version?

I don't know which one you're talking about, but I love the dub.

I really like the PC Engine version for the visuals, but the gameplay isn't the greatest.

it pretty much goes pc88




So, the greedy elf chick is named "Mail", but what is "Popful"? Does it mean anything?

that's her full name, i think

You pop Mail ful of cum.

Sell me on this game, Sup Forums, and tell me why I should care.

It's basically Slayers right down to the main character resembling Lina Inverse.

Sega CD

Nice action platformer with a good soundtrack


Oh. So it's terrible but put on a pedestal because oldfags had nothing better?


I would "pop" her "full" of my male

I'm referring to sex

I don't get it.

Where's her pants?

it's subpar but bright grindy platform hack and slash arpg on sega CD. It's so abysmal, you don't need to care about it. I'd rather play any Monster Boy game over this shit. The ones who do are waifufaggot like OP that speak in this insufferable terms.

SNES is best, in my opinion. Doesn't look as nice as the Sega CD version but it controls much better.

PCE is good for having the original bump combat and the best animations/voiced dialogue.

Yep, it's her full name.

90s anime elves don't need pants.
Not where they're going.

Bump combat like in Ys? I didn't know Popful had that too. That's sweet.

whoa, wait, she's a prostitute?

Yeah, the original PC88/98 versions had it and so did PCE. It's kind of like classic Ys, you can run into the enemies to damage them, but it's based on where they're facing, so you're better off just jumping on them with minimum repercussion most of the time.
PCE was largely an improvement because it's one of the few versions that remembered that keeping the player character in the middle of the screen at all times actually helps. Also best animations/dialogue, like I said.

I still prefer the SNES version best, though, it has its issues, but the combat and controls felt smoother than in the other games. And it feels kind of like what Wanderers from Ys would have been if it had actually been good, down to significantly less grinding bullshit.

Bounty hunter. He wants to pay her to take him with her on her adventures, IIRC.

The Sega CD version we got is shit. SIMS fucked up the gameplay of the port and Working Designs nailed the coffin shut by fucking with the health values. It's a fucking slog.

I played some of the PC Engine version and it was actually really fun. The combat is totally different--take the first real boss, the Wood Golem. In the Sega CD version you have to A.) flail around trying to catch the head, which takes forever or B.) figure out you can just stunlock it from behind, which is even more boring than it sounds. Either way it's not that hard but it's fucking tedious. On PC Engine you run up its fucking arm to stab it in the face and it's the tightest anime shit, Jesus Christ. It wasn't very challenging but it was fucking smooth.

I couldn't get past the mountains of Japanese dialogue, but anybody who can needs to know the truth.

therres a difficulty fix for the sega cd version now

>it feels kind of like what Wanderers from Ys would have been if it had actually been good
Wow, this is kinda how I felt about Popful Mail even from just the Sega CD version. I'll definitely have to check out the SNES version then.

Wanderers was my first Ys, but I'm glad it didn't turn me away from checking out the earlier games. Knowing that a Popful game had bump combat too makes me wish those series had done a crossover.

Meh, Sister Sonic was better.

If I could get my head around the hexidecimal bullshit involved in messing around with 16-bit games, I'd seriously consider translating the SNES, PCE and PC98 versions, it's a damn shame they're not available in English.

>Wow, this is kinda how I felt about Popful Mail even from just the Sega CD version. I'll definitely have to check out the SNES version then.
Well in the Sega CD version Mail could only attack to the side, IIRC, SNES Mail has all-directional attacks like Adol in Wanderers, only it plays better.
It's going to be tough to work through if you can't read nip, though. You have to convert monster points into actual cash at shops, which is a bit weird but doesn't really hamper gameplay. If you managed to get through Wanderers, then you should be able to manage SNES Mail, provided you can figure out some of the story stuff.

I'm too dumb for PCE emulation, is there an easy plug-and-play program for it?

I used MagicEngine but you'll need a virtual drive and last I heard DaemonTools shouldn't be touched anymore. Dunno what to suggest, really.

Honestly, the PC98 version isn't significantly worse and Anex86 runs it just fine without fuss, so you could try that.

>Well in the Sega CD version Mail could only attack to the side, IIRC, SNES Mail has all-directional attacks like Adol in Wanderers, only it plays better.
That's cool. Yeah, even with its problems, I just preferred the pacing of CD Popful over Wanderers for some reason. It just felt more fun to keep going and see what happened next.

>Sister Sonic
>Plans to localize Popful Mail for an English release were first made by Sega, which wanted to replace the characters with characters from the Sonic franchise.[6] This project, called Sister Sonic, was to star Sonic the Hedgehog's long lost sister.[7][8] Originally, Sister Sonic was announced as a role-playing game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series with no mention of it being a rework of Popful Mail.[9] Sega made plans to reveal the game at the American International Toy Fair in June 1993, but the game was never revealed.[9][10] Upon hearing reports that the game was a rework of Popful Mail, fans launched a campaign, sending letters to Sega urging them to release Popful Mail in its original, Japanese state.[6] Due to the negative feedback, Sister Sonic was delayed,[10] and eventually cancelled.[11][12][6] Electronic Gaming Monthly cited the whole affair as a great example of the power of consumers to directly influence a video game company's decisions.[10]
What the fuck, man.

I'm a win 10 cuck and it natively mounts cd images out of box, it's one of like 2 things it does right. I'll try it out user.

you can just use mednafin for pce now

How do you even run this thing?

The PCE version is voiced, often without even a text box. Even if you replaced every single dialogue box and menu (seriously, that alone would be a total bitch) it wouldn't really work out. You'd have to face one of two nightmares: subtitling all the textless cutscenes with custom code, or ripping the dialogue tracks off the Working Designs SegaCD version and somehow replacing the PCE dialogue praying the timing is compatible and compression/formatting simple. And the purists wouldn't even appreciate that anyway because it'd still be WD dialogue. Also the PCE was an 8-bit system

I don't know what the kids do these days but I still use MedGUI Reborn. It's finicky but if you can run it, at least it wouldn't be command line. I guess there's RetroArch with Mednafen core if you were willing to suck it up and use RetroArch...

>Upon hearing reports that the game was a rework of Popful Mail, fans launched a campaign, sending letters to Sega urging them to release Popful Mail in its original, Japanese state. Due to the negative feedback
I knew the rest but not this part. It's hilarious that after all that Sega gave it to fucking Working Designs. I wonder if they did it on purpose out of spite

have the bios in the right place and drag n drop the cue file
its one of those things that "just werks" but feels shitty if you want to edit anything, even controls

My didn't expect a Popful Mail thread to last this long.

>Sega: Fuck you guys we're gonna give it Working Designs because you didn't let us change the game enjoy your increased difficultly fags!

Yeah I can see it.

I was playing Langrisser PCECD on MAME, worked pretty well a while ago.

>have the bios in the right place and drag n drop the cue file
Man, I thought I had everything in the right place but I don't even know. I'm too tired to be messing around with this stuff.
Thanks all the same.

>increased difficultly
Man, that makes it sound appealing. The actual changes are all baby's first rom hack shit like making items cost two, three, or fourteen times as much or enemies taking three times as long to kill

What about the fucked hitboxes and the fact that Mail's recovery iframes last less time than her stun state, so it's possible to be stunlocked to death by touching an enemy? Was that in the original version?

It's all fun and games until you take one step too far.

This one?

I'm not sure it would have been handled any better by another company at that time though. Everything was getting retweaked and repackaged back then.

Fun fact: Her VA is also Lina Inverse's VA.

You know, I loved Megumi's Mail voice, but there's something to be said for cheesy 90s anime dubs.
I want dub Mail to berate me.

It was a game, but they did try to expand it into something bigger during the era of mascots.
She had four or five sound stages (Where the VAs are locked in a recording booth and reenact a story)
She even had an anime pitch.

Mail is a total bitch, and it's absolutely wonderful. I wouldn't have it any other way.

>I want dub Mail to berate me.
Pay her first.

I never knew they jacked up the difficulty! That explains a lot, as I remember the game being pretty hard as a kid. It makes me want to replay it now using the patch that fixes everything to the JP values.

I bet that means they messed with Silhouette Mirage too, another game that was way too hard for what it was. Now I'm actually mad, fuck Vic Ireland.

Of course. But it has to be authentic, horribly dated pejoratives, like chowderhead.

What would you want in a remake?

>All these pointless Falcom remakes
>No new notSlayers game yet

>mail will never bully your penis and call you a numbskull in exchange for cold, hard gold

Mourning and weeping, we struggle through this vale of tears.

I'm really unimaginative, so something like the Oath in Felghana or Ys Origin. Dunno if it would work as well, though.

Damn man, why'd you have to remind me of all the wonderful things we can't have?

I'm not sure what I would want in Popful Mail remake. I wonder if Nu-Falcom would even consider it.

Patches to un-fuck the Sega CD version of Popful Mail and other games Working Designs took a big fat dump on.

SFC translation patch when?

I might do TL the script at some point (it's pretty different from the Sega CD version), but someone else will have to get it running, I can't figure that shit out.

Use Mednafen.

I tried to play this once and you die in like 4 hits to the first boss and he takes like 40

Maybe contact someone on ROMhacking?

Also Tat is voiced by Xellos

That's probably the thing to do. I need to actually make the time to TL it though, probably won't be able to for a while.

>I bet that means they messed with Silhouette Mirage too
Hahahaha, oh man. Working Designs did such a legendary hack job on Silhouette Mirage that it's the first thing I heard about the game. I think the main mechanics don't even work properly or something


I'm glad I bumped this thread. It's been a long time since I've seen so much Popful love.

The WD version of SM is so different it honestly should be considered a different game entirely.

>Silhouette Mirage

I completely forgot that game because epsxe hates it and wouldn't even run it.

All I remember is that in order to have any hope of progressing in the game you had to endlessly grind money to purchase upgrades in the first level. And if you fuck up and get hit and lose your upgrades you're better off just turning off the console because you're utterly fucked from that point.

Hope someone patches that game too, I'd like to play through it and have fun for once.

Eyy I remember this.

sounds like a good effort. I actually do like WD's Alundra though. particularly for the Jess dialogue.

I love how you need to step your detective skills up whenever you want to figure out the best version to play of an old Falcom game (that never got a "definitive" edition later on). Ys before the PSP was the worst case.

It is crazy that there can be successful Sup Forums Popful Mail thread in 2018

>mfw they literally just made up Bonaire's dialogue
Gotta love WD

it's pretty comfy ain't it?

It's quite surprising.

>When you're literally inches from the hot elf waifu most of the day
>But you're too much of a wuss to touch.
>Only look

>that ice level

Did these sound stages ever get translated?

Was this a sucessful game in Japan? I assume it did awful in America because of the Sega CD?

>/vr/ era Falcom
Did somebody announce a proper translation or port? I know they finally relented and brought Brandish over after twenty years or so. Never understood why Falcom was so hellbent against letting their games come to the West.

Not to my knowledge. I think they're just too obscure for anyone to take interest in them.

I can't speak for Japan because it had some traction there, but it was one of the best selling Sega CD games behind all the first party games.
That's not saying a lot though.

90s anatomy was so fucked

>enemies that fuck you up in a few hits
>take forever to kill
>all while dealing with slippery ice physics
>all this because WD fucked with the enemy stats

I'm sure I speak for a lot of people when I say "Good".

I remember making a bunch of friends on AOL that were Ys fans and they just all told me to play the TurboCD version. So my journey was pretty simple.

Well other than trying to download shit on dial-up.