Has there even been a good street racing game since NFS Most Wanted (2005)? Sorry...

Has there even been a good street racing game since NFS Most Wanted (2005)? Sorry, but The Crew is Ubisoft and therefore literal shit.

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There hasn't been a good street racing game since NFS Underground 2

There hasn't been a good street racing game since The Need For Speed (1994)

I wonder why this is.
Did people get autistic and go "oh no you'll encourage it irl!"

They should just do a street racing/car mod game with a dystopian cyberpunk aesthetic or something. No one will get mad at endangering public safety if some shadowy mega-corporation owns your organs.

Steam classifies GTA5 and Rocket League as racing games. Someone needs to end this madness.

Nope, replaying old titles is your only option.


Lots of games also decided you needed "realistic damage." Which, of course, immediately dis-incentivizes driving 200 mph into just the right spot in a road block to send the cop cars flipping.

I have the same question. I bought this game with my 360 when it launched and I didn't expect it to be even half as enjoyable as it was.





NFS Carbon was pretty good too

>Did people get autistic and go "oh no you'll encourage it irl!"
I remember talking about NFS MW with my parents and them chimping out when I mentioned how you have to go as fast as possible when you pass a speed camera.

Why do people even praise NFSMW so much? I remember it as pretty bland, and also absolutely god-awful looking with that yellow and bloom.

Forza Horizon 3; no cops, bright sunny environment, chilled festival atmosphere, drive what you want.

If only it weren't 50 GB, you didn't have to download Good Goy Operating System 10 for it, and they didn't jew you with car packs for ten bucks on a monthly basis.

40-60gb is normal nowadays

Why aren't these on steam FFS

Mein neger.

The last good NFS was Hot Pursuit (the new one)

this would be great because you can do something like “they banned owning any weaponry, which extended to self-driven vehicles”.
So all public transport is done via under and above ground mag train networks or company robot cars that broadcast route and location, and most of the game is just obliterating cop drone cars on derelict streets.

just get them on iso zone you dumb fuck why do you want to give even more money to that fucking fat jew

Underground 1&2 were the best ones, also best soundtracks

Music license expired

FH3 is awesome

I tried The Crew as an open world cruising game but it doesn't support the G29.
Only open world driving games I've got are ETS2/ATS.
Wouldn't mind a HD remaster of NFSU/2/MW/Carbon collection if they put wheel support in.

Forza Horizon series got that one covered. Kinda like Underground but better.
Underground was the moment when Need for Speed died

Try the Initial D games. Or just get I to Initial D in general, it's unironically a great series.

ubisoft is owned by ea, and ea made nfs most wanted
so by your logic...


You're at the club when this guy cuts your breaklines
What do you do?

absolute trash port that barely works but i'd be lying if i didn't spend hours and hours offroading in a VW Touareg and fantasized about owning GOD TIER houses with fucking insane garages that you could fill with your dream cars
spent a shit ton of time in the casino extension too

Need For Speed The Run was a legitimately good game and the cross country campaign mode thing was exciting as shit. Racing some other asshole as an avalanching mountain is being destroyed by explosives around you was some of the most fun I'd had in videogames in a while.

I love how every race starts as in "already in progress" kind of thing and there's no burnout at the start line stuff so you're probably going to be at or near top speed for the entirety of the race.

>3 hour long with qte cinematics

proof that you haven't played the game

there are exactly 2 (two) qte cutscenes in the entire however many hour campaign and both are no longer than 5 minutes max

No, it is not

3-4 hours are a lot

uh, yeah. even if your going semantics that ubisoft ONLY sucked when ea owned them, by 2004 ea owned 20% of ubisoft

Sadly the crew is probably the best since your pic.
It's ubishit, but I had fun with it. Lots of variety in vehicles/races.

Excluding niche opinions, the only games worth a shit after Hot Pursuit 2 but minus Underground (for the sake of less shitposting) is Most Wanted and well, Hot Pursuit 2010 by Criterion. But the latter is not the street racing you're looking for.

PC versions of Underground 2 and MW 2005 have controller support btw, at least for my old X360 pad.

I know you guys love your unlocked resolution but I hope you guys know hardware is inaccurate and has missing effects.

I was amazed the first time I played NFS MW 05 on PC and you could turn off the Piss Filter.


not an argument

>Challenge him to the touge
>let him get ahead
>turn off my headlights
>pass him on the last turn
>Crash and fucking die cause my lights are off and I can't see shit cause it's 1 in the morning.


Name a harder race than these.
Protip: you fucking can't.

Who here /supereurobeat/?

Threadly reminder of Test Drive: Eve of Destruction (Driven to Destruction)


>Most Wanted is the last good racing game
>Ubisoft games are automatically shit
I like your style.


Remember when EA was good?

More than a decade ago yeah, good times.

EA was always shit, it's just the developers trapped under their rule used to be good.

>when you are on the final lap and one of those goddamned delivery vans comes out of the corner

No, it was not.
We got games like Need for Speed and Jane's U.S. Navy Fighters for example, developed completely by EA.



He didn't cut the brakelines
They caused an oil leak seizing your engine


Unironically GTA V, right up until Jewstar/Take2 nerfed the payout to nothing and people stopped playing it

thread should have ended here

>this game with notoriously bad driving has excellent racing!

>notoriously bad driving
you're thinking of GTA IV

the newest need for speed was actually pretty good but the always online bullshit killed it almost instantly

t. training wheels babby

kys nigger


stop replying to me
