Stupid ideas you had as a kid

>”I wish there was a GTA set in my town!”

Other urls found in this thread:

>[Game I like with good level design] should go open world
Who knew that every developer on the god damn planet was gonna listen to me?

>I wish this game had a sequel!

You singlehandedly ruined thief you little shit.

>one day i'll play half life 3

But St Louis would work
>west side of the river is populated and niggy
>east side is farms and methlabs
>diverse population because half the people moving west just stop here
Also we have lax gun laws and a fuckton of car dealerships

>One sequel
>Book sequel
>Another sequel rumored

Hope you’re happy

>"I want to be a game developer when I grow up!"
Dodged that fucking bullet

>"Why can't they just build an open-world 3D Pokemon game on top of the Skyrim engine or something"

Still so surreal that I would talk to my friends in middle school about theories of what it would be about, and always expecting it to come out. I wonder if that's how Silent Hills will feel in the future.

>stupid ideas you had as a kid
>Skyrim engine

X-2 was good though

11 year olds are kids user.

>I want a game like DOOM where your character face is a spider man mask and you use laser guns that shoot spider poopoo at monsters then punch them in the face with a robotic arm
so basically something achievable through modding the game now i guess

pretty sure the shit dev and console preference killed thief

I actually used to think this, pretty much word for word
what's wrong with us bro?

>X-2 was good though
In which dimension?

>being a little kid when skyrim came out

Vice City already existed

I just wanted dumb crossovers, like zelda + final fantasy

I've got a few:
>every game ever made should be 40 hours or more
>any finale that doesn't end in a multi-phase JRPG- style boss battle (complete with lengthy pre-battle monologue by the villain) is trash
>actually coming up with a pitch for a GTA game set across the entire world that I planned to present to Rockstar

I think thats a pretty neat Idea desu, make a custom gtaV map of your city or town to just explore it. shame mod tools aren't that advanced

>actually coming up with a pitch for a GTA game set across the entire world that I planned to present to Rockstar
If possible, this would probably be incredible.

Skyrim came out twelve years ago, user

I still think a smaller town GTA would be great. You could really get the details right.

it came out 6 years ago

It's better than the worst FF, X.

nigga it came out 8 years ago stop trollin

Man I can't wait for the sequel

>there should be a big king of fighters tournament and the winner would be made into a new character

>6 years ago was 12 years ago

I thought game maps should be infinitely big and detailed, I thought the reason invisible walls existed was because the game was being mean and hiding the rest of the world from me.

This was actually true in metroid 1
For the lazy: when glitching out of bounds in metroid 1, the game pulled room data from wrong areas of the rom, meaning that with glitches the game map becomes approximately 75% larger.

Every game should have a God Mode cheat code where you're invincible, can fly around, easily kill enemies, and solve puzzles instantly.

I used to think devs made tricky puzzles and hard missions just to scam people into buying an impossible game.

did they hit the donkey?

Is he okay?

That would be fun for a second play through just to mess around

donkey is dead.

Skyrim came out more than 6 years ago.

>"I wish that they could make a 3D Sonic game!"

"I wish King's Field was in third-person."
and boy howdy I fucking got it

>I really want to play Sacred 2 and Diablo 3! It would be amazing!
Kill me

Bully exists.

The other poster lied, the donkey was getting up as the car approached.
Look for the lack of fresh tire tracks

being italian I thought that AC2 would've featured my city since it was relevant in those times

>this meticulously designed multiplayer map is nice, but wouldn't it be better if you could walk in every building and shoot through every window?

I thought it would be a good idea to waste my teenage years playing WoW

That would be kind of cool, maybe not GTA but a GTA-like. Set during the 90s. I live in the second largest city in Russia and it was known as "Crime capital" during the 90s, you had contract killers, racket, gangs, all kind of shit. Plus, it's a nice historical location with lots of landmarks.

it needs to be gta and in consoles. some faggot dev made a gta like game of my town a couple of years ago and i didnt give a fuck about it.

>they should make mario kart but with guns

rockstar made a gta based on london and it was in shit tier 2d and i used to live there for 7 years. wasnt happy about it and I still want them to make the next big 3d one about london.

I thought that in Mario 64 the stained glass window of Peach on the front of the castle would have a level if you jumped through it

I was really into Sonic as a kid and would pray to god every night that the series would expand it's cast and that more people would grow to appreciate and love the characters more.

I don't know which god was listening to me back then.

Is this bait?

You got hit with a nasty Monkey's Paw

Getaway 2 was pretty decent. Had one of my favourite intros of all time as well...

I live in Montana and ubisoft made far cry 5 about it and I'm still isnt happy. It needs to be a Grand Theft Auto made by Rockstar for the release on PS4/PC with more than 90% rating on gamespot and its set in Montana. Fuck every other tryhard game, it needs to be GTA or bust.

i still actually want that, imagine the opening of GTA 5.

basicly middle of nowhere bank heists and car chases through corn fields and dirt roads full dukes of hazard type shit.

>gta Canadian prairie city
>get stabbed by natives if you walk around downtown or even stop at a light downtown
Exiting I guess

Contrarian. Disregarded.

>wouldn’t it be awesome if this game had more swimming!

Not him, but the sequel is great.FFX is kinda dull.

Open World itself isn't bad, it's just most are empty and have nothing in them besides shitty collect-a-thons.

>It's better than the worst FF, VII.

>The sequel is gonna be so good

>not getting your dick sucked while running deadmines

Don’t blame wow for your shortcomings

A first and second generation Pokemon game with a full region map of the regions from Gold/Silver and red/blue, like the size of Just cause 2. A complete remake from the ground up with more detail, secret areas to explore and to catch legendary pokemon, and with extra gameplay mechanics such as able to mount certain pokemon for land, sea, and air. Full 3d enviroment with cell shaded anime graphics like the legend of zelda the wind waker. Also, some random events such as thunderstorms, Blizzards, and a volcano that has a chance to erupt and if you're caught around the volcano during an eruption, you'd have to mount your Arcanine or Pegeot and gtfo. Also, some random events in some cities like probably Pokemon tournaments, races, and team rocket. I still dream about this today.

The gameplay was legit the best ATB RPG of all time, it's just everything else that was shit (garbage story, reused environments)

I still think that though.

It looks like it's taking a dirt bath as opposed to taking a dirt nap.

That's the problem with open world. Every game BECOMES open world. Few games start that way, hence they try to implement the feeling of what they were but in open world. It doesn't work because a lot of what makes games that existed pre-open world work is that they don't have to worry about filling a huge world full of shit so they can focus on what works and making solid content.

This isn't to say there aren't examples of open-world games that didn't have repetitive, ridiculous content. Gothic and Risen are great games that managed to be completely open world (and big, not massive for no reason) AND have lots of unique and solid content. But alas, why do that these days when you can convert a game that wasn't open world, into an open world game with repetitive busy work shit?

Honestly, I feel like if a game wants to be bigger and have more freedom they should just move to something akin to a metroidvania. I seriously feel that more so than any other genre/style of game world that metroidvania (when done right, ie having sequence breaking) is the best type of generic design philosophy.

If it's designed properly, ala Hollow Knight, Super Metroid, La Mulana, or SOTN then the game gives the player the proper linearity to allow for proper story events to take place. Also it provides just the right amount of freedom without feeling like you are just walking mindlessly from point A to B. And preferably, a proper metroidvania (or game for that matter) gives GOOD rewards for hard skills and doing stuff early, in the form of early game breaking gear and/or properly allowing alternative methods of killing hard enemies or bosses (usually in interesting ways) so that gameplay feels open, but expects more out of a player who goes off the beaten path.

Open world games almost cannot provide the same without some other drawback such as excessive boring travel, and/or fake looking gating. So that's why I just don't see it being done any better otherwise.

Yakuza 0

thief being on consoles isn't what ruined it. at least not thi4f.

>just play this one game from over a decade ago

I'm tired of big empty lifeless open worlds.

>I like videogames

>I should probably buy some video games.

I would have enjoyed high school life so much if it wasn't for this shitty life consuming hobby.

I hope I can fix it in college.

I have bad news for you as someone who graduated
If you did it in High School, you're going to do it in college. It's going to suck up your life, and you're going to feel too defeated to change it.

at least I'm feeling better now that the people from a discord server are starting to accept me and not just shove me off as a no-name.

>I'm gonna play video games forever

I wanted to play music for a living. I am, I regret everything. On a side note, I finally got enough dosh together to enroll in a private university. I feel old, I am old. Don't be me.

I used to think I'd replay my favorite games (SNES gen, mostly) once a year for the rest of my life.

I can't even stomach to replay games anymore. It's so unbelievably boring. And while I still appreciate my favorites, they're just so boring to play. I usually settle for listing to the soundtrack on youtube and that's good enough for me, since all I'm really looking for is nostalgia.

>Nintendo is so good, I don't ever wanna buy anything else