Start forcing your fresh memes
Start forcing your fresh memes
>2013 and 2016
Kostanza has been around since 08
>Sup Forums has been a frog infested wojack spammed shithole for so many god damned years you've lost track.
>future looks like more of the same as every newfag also spams these same dead tired memes.
2016 was also the year of Half-A press for Sup Forums
I miss grafix cat.
Wojack, costanza and pepe are timeless if used sparingly im tired as fuck of these wojack edits though
2018 es el ANO del perro
I just have this
>I'm tired as fuck of these wojak edits
i want old Sup Forums back
never fourget
>ayy lmao was 2014
Jesus Christ
Was it actually 2014? Where did the time go?
Soy isn’t just a meme, it’s our latest and most effective weapon against the SJW and numalemenace.
Shiggy was 2011? It feels more recent
top kek
>smug pepe
Smug Pepe was the result of /r9k/ inventing PeePee PooPoo to stop normies from using the meme.
>quentin memes aren't Sup Forums now
no it wasn't you fuckhead
smug pepe is old as fuck
fuck that guy and fuck you
>barney posted more than le gold face man
Genuinely surprised
What the fuck happened from 2013 to 2016?
everyone forgot it was a quentin meme.
>4 reddit memes
Way to out yourselves.
Also video games.
2017 was the year of mutt posting
All Sonyposting is great.
"You are like a little baby, watch this", ISSHYGDDT, SUCC and >tfw to smart are also great.
>pepe and wojak were just a chill guys that wanted to play some vidya
They didn't deserve what happened to them.
>every new "OC" is more half-assed than the last
feels like saving a jaypeg over and over
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door,reddit is 2 blocks down
Obsessed eurocucka transcend memedom
>Iris Heart
/biz/ is surprisingly ok.
Yeah but ishygddt was only a thing since circa-'10 and became the top meme on Sup Forums in 2011l
Ayy lmao was one of the most effective government disinfo ops desu
That's not fresh. That soy is stale and sour.
I've been coming here since around 2004-2005 but was mostly on Sup Forums then. I think Sup Forums was something I started visiting regularly around 2007 or so - does anyone remember what the big memes were back then? I don't remember anything Sup Forums specific around 2007 or 2008.. I remember "Jade's Game" and stuff like that but not the *zeitgeist meme* of 2007-2008.
13-14-15 was almost entirely shitty JUST edits, not that newfags talking about "board culture" would know
I wonder when we started using wojack's and pepe's names. Wojack had always been feels guy and pepe had always been feelsgoodfrog and later on sadfrog, I'd be surprised if the people who used those memes back then even knew their real names, but lately all these edits for both of them started popping up and all of a sudden their real names became norm.
>Sup Forums has 4 TDKR pictures and they're basically the same images
>sakura fish is still an active Sup Forums meme
>Sup Forums
Shows what you know. It's from Sup Forums
>barneyfag spammed that hard
I must've have missed something there
God of Soy.
as long as you're not an arkie
These memes are a product of self-destructive posters. They're supposed to make Sup Forums annoying and inhospitable because that's what Sup Forums is for the people that created them.
I fully expect and hope for a resurgence of gondola
The only yim yam that isn't awful and it died almost immediately
He's THAT autistic, I'm pretty sure he made his own script.
>Heresy is only in third place
another wolak edit most likely
>sakura fish is still an active Sup Forums meme
faggot mods permmabanned him this year
Pretty sure feel has been around since 2011 at least.
Doge and ayy lmao were the death of memes.
gondola is fine. if spurdo or gondola get more popular normalfags will ruin it.
Memes reflect society
Virgin and Chad is pretty decent. Maybe it won't be a classic but people won't hate kt.
It's huge!
here we go
>it’s our latest and most effective weapon against the SJW and numalemenace.
avoiding discussion/arguments by calling them variants of soyboys, nice
The problem is that new memes are only made to be annoying
No one who makes a wojak or pepe edit is doing it because they want to make a contribution, they do it because it's annoying and they can get away with it.
if you strike me down, I shall consume more soy than you could ever imagine
Ironic memes became popular
le 56% face
>wants to get into arguments and debates because ???
Remember when this was a thing?
The new meme is forcing your fetish into every thread you enter regardless of context
t. diaperfag
>McChicken times 2
thanks /ck/
ayy lmao posting was great. It made the schizos over in /x/ implode they legitimately thought it was a government op to make aliens seem ridiculous
>all the shit i made getting reposted
>wow why don't you want to have academic intersectional feminist theory DEBATES on Sup Forums media boards in your spare time?
I mean they could just say "go away" but there's no fun in that
>3 high quality functioning boards being used as intended
>3 functioning boards being used as intended
This is what an inoperable tumour looks like. Sup Forums was always still there, just not on boards where the users and mods have given up.
>that shitstorm /x/ had over a supposed "legitimate" ayylmao image that was immediately deleted and made headlines across other conspiracy theorist schizo communities
Nintendo was selling the box that the Splatoon 2 Bundle came in.
Not the game, not the system, just the BOX.
I don't quite follow.
So why is this a meme image on /biz/? What's the story
>Biz/ is filled with iris heart.
I dont know whether to be scared or aroused by this fact.
Of course Biz/ would have a smug sadist as their waifu.
>I don't want to argue, just circlejerk all day
Nice Safe Space.
Gondola requires creativity, which means it's off limits for Sup Forums. No one here can make anything that isn't another Wojak edit.
i have been here just as long as you and i can't remember shit anymore. hold me.
What's the gondola's origin? Sup Forums?