They lock Genji/Hanzo/Reaper faster than you can blink

>they lock Genji/Hanzo/Reaper faster than you can blink
>refuse to switch even if we don't have a tank or healer
>your options are to either try to fill the role needed in a way that plays off their strengths, or just go a self healing class and try to carry
>they end up dying over and over, feeding the enemies ult charges, making it impossible to carry
>They refuse to group up, work with any sort of synergy, constantly run off on their own and abandon you to fend for yourself
>tell them why their choices are causing losses
>Jeff apologizes to them for the "toxic" environment, gives them free lootboxes and bans you

junkrat mains are fucking worthless.

Fuck off with your edgy ass self

100% and that's why fuck this game

fuck off cobe

You can only choose one.

> he play normiewatch


>playing overwatch

Someone's a shitter Genji
