All of the best exclusives like Nioh and Ys 8 either have been ported to PC or are going to be ported in the near future

>all of the best exclusives like Nioh and Ys 8 either have been ported to PC or are going to be ported in the near future

>every upcoming game is multiplat with PC (MH World, Ni No Kuni 2, etc.)

What's the point of this console now? Is it just a Bloodborne machine again?

Other urls found in this thread:

Sony is never going away


You seem salty Soyboy.

Yo user give me your .hack vol 4

>PlayStation 30th anniversary comes up

>People swear that it’s the last PlayStation and soon we will have pc singularity



I have a PC and still have a PS4 Pro. I have more than enough exclusives like Yakuza 0 to make it worthwhile in my eyes. What else would people get a Switch? Lmao.

It's really hilarious how people are so far gone from reality that they think this impresses people

Same reason people buy xbones or any console, they want to at most turn it on select a game and let the console automatically do the rest.
Actually what happened to the steam boxes, weren't they supposed to cover that?

It's been 0 days since someone said playstation is going to die any second now.

The console has been out for 4 going on 5 years now and it still only has one exclusive worth playing and have to pay for online play!
Why would anyone settle for anything less than a PC?

Why would you play games that are not Japanese?

I never understood this argument.
A game being multiplat doesn't mean that it's then ONLY available on PC. You can still play it on your PS4. That's why you buy it, to play the game on your desired console.
Some people don't like gaming on a PC. They don't want to buy a big monitor and relocate space for a desktop PC.

Hilarious how you just straight up ignored Persona 5.

> who’s only goty was an unfinished arma II mod that’s played by a bunch of inbred Chinese
>a platform who’s major digital storefront is the equivalent of a garbage dump

Yeah, play Asscreed, Madden, and Call of Duty is what us real gamers do, right guys?

Also on Ps3.

which means it is a Sony exclusive game, only available on Sony systems.

It’s still PlayStation

But this thread is about the PS4?!

PS3 has no games

The special edition of p5 was ps4 only

If people only bought consoles for exclusives what would be the point of anything but the switch?

>Bloodborne, Yakuza, GR2, TLG, Horizon, Uncharted 4
>ported to PC
>GoW, Spiderman, TLOU
>coming to PC

>inb4 I don't like them so they don't count
Retard or Soyboy, or both

good taste user

Do you go into Switch threads and get angry when people list BOTW as a Switch game? It's on Wii U after all.

>If it came from Japan it's weeb
Lol, no. The loli panty sniffing waifu shit you eat up is weeb. Nice try tho :)
>If you don't worship my loli waifu you are Madden and COD shitters
Lol, absolutely SEETHING

>Hilarious how you just straight up ignored Persona 5.
70 million PS4 owners straight up ignored P5. It's not a good game.

>It's not a good game.
sour grapes

Switch only has Mario for a good exclusive tho

Damn, I guess every PC game is shit because over 100mln PC owners ignored it.


>1.2 m sales on a 72m install base
>must own game

PCfags won't get the best WOFF which is the best FF released in years


is there more than one version of the game, it came out on steam in November

>doesn't even understand the sour grapes meme he posted himself

>can't even answer to argument
>still repeat the same broken logic

I bet GTAV is best game for you.

>1.2 mln
>source: my ass

Ys 8 was never a PS4 exclusive.

Boy you must feel stupid right about now

It's a Vita game that got a PS4 version

We already got it chucklefuck.

This guy gets it

I'm not even same person but still don't know what your point is. You posted picture of PS4. And?

I bought those and enjoyed them.

The Last Guardian
Taiko Drum Master
God Wars
Utawarerumono 2&3
Odin Sphere Leiftrhasir
Everybodys Golf
Yakuza Kiwami
Crash Bandicoot trilogy
Wipeout Omega Collection
Ratched and Clank
Digimon World Next Order
Dragon Quest Builders
Persona 5
KH collection
Project Diva X
Yakuza 0
Gravity Rush 2
Project Diva Future Tone
The Witch and the Hundred Knight
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth
Disgaea 5
Infamous Second Son
Gravity Rush remastered
Deceoption IV
Uncharted 2

I only speak for myself, you don't have to tell me that you disagree with me or that you don't like those games. I did, that's why I am posting them.

I love Miku

Andrew House did this.

Best place for fighting games and BB is goat.

but fighting games are for niggers

>What's the point of this console now? Is it just a Bloodborne machine again?
It's whatever you want it to be

whats the point of including FFXII on there when it'll inevitably be on PC in a few years

Lol, kay

>multiplats and games not even released yet


to play all those games on a machine that works.

Everyone in this thread should feel ashamed of themselves including me


People have

oh hey it's that fat guy always standing in GameStop 5 years ago asking for one copy of (embarrassing japanese game) please

It’s a twitch machine for me. I’m always watching a Twitch stream while playing games on PC because fuck being lonely

Hey Sonybros, is Wipeout Omega Collection worth $40? its either that or Gravity Rush 2+Horizon ZD for $20 each

>all this shit getting ported
>only games I care about on it are still exclusive

wipeout goes on sale randomly so wait a bit
get gr and horizon for now


Shooters don't belong on consoles
>Second son
it's ok
>The Last of US
Shit frame pacing on the pro but otherwhise great.
>J Stars
inferior to the 3ds games
>Until Dawn
Worth a playthrough with freinds but has zero replay value
Remaster or remake? It's good.
>Uncharted Collection
1 is shit. 2 is good. 3 is decent. Also REMASTER
>Digimon cybersluts
Battles are on the easy side
>Gravity Rush
REMASTER. For some stupid ass reason they didn't graft slide to a single shoulder button.
>Uncharted 4
more of the same.
this game sucks. Play the ps2 game or the capcom fighter for your jojo fix.
>Star Ocean V
This is the worst star ocean ever. People who meme that 4 is the worst have not played 5.
>Odin Sphere
Remake. The best way to play the game.
>Project Diva
no comment
>Last Guardian
Objectively awful game with shitty gameplay and worse framrate.
>Let it Die
no coment
>Gravity Rush 2
didn't innovate the combat enough. Instead of kick2win it's throw2win. Sneaking missions are a pain
>Kingdom Hearts 2.8
Remaster + a short teaser game.
>Yakuza 0
The best Yakuza game yet. You don't have to play the rest, they dickride Kiryu for too long.
>Digimon World
Terrible unrewarding gameplay because your mons die. All difficulty does is bloat monster HP and shorten mon life so have to play easy.

>Kingdom Hears 1.5+2.5
Remaster. Kingdom Hearts is 2 is 90% the reason people bought this. Worthless if you hacked you PS3 because installing eliminates the drive form slowdown.
Not as SJW as Sup Forums memed. It's a good game that is much less aimless than BOTW
>Persona 5
The UI is pure sex, but the game is still easy to not scare away casuals.
no comment
the platforming is not 1:1 with that of the original, it's much less forgiving.
>Zodiac Age
don't kid yourself, this is a timed exclusive.
Just play 0
>Gran Turismo
No comment (fuck racing games, seriously)
This game has LESS content that duodecim 2012.
>Yakuza 6
Rushed for the aniversary so it's lacking in content and runs like shit
>Kiwami 2
Just play 0
>Dragon's Crown Pro
No reason to buy if you have the ps3 version because of crossplay
>Everything else
stop shilling unreleased games, they're just as likely to be shit as they are good.

What's your opinion on Spiderman, is it fun? Worth a buy?

Oh wait, it's unreleased. Fuck off.

PS4 will have the most active online for MH World since 80% of PC's player base sticks to mobas

>t. scared whiteboi.
I'm white and I love fighting games!