Why does Sup Forums hate David Cage?

I liked all of his games, what am I missing?


I unironically enjoyed Indigo Prophecy


he's a douche

a brain


First third of the game is glorious. About midpoint game shits the bed with conspiracies, illuminati shit and kung fu fighting/simon says shit.

he thinks game overs are bad design
he clearly doesn't enjoy the medium he's working for




Who else fapped to the Madison strip scene?

Hating on QTEs was the trendy thing to do back then.

David Cage is alright in my opinion.

The Tommy Wiseau of vidya

cage can be great at direct scenes. He is shit at making any sort of coherent plot for any of his games. He seems to dislike actual game mechanics or doesn't understand what makes a game enjoyable. He probably should be making short films instead, he'd be more successful. But then he'd lack the notoriety that he currently enjoys and carries his career.

>the whole Ellen page thing
Still makes me laugh. I'm surprised Sony kept him employed though

Is Heavy Rain too problematic for today's gaming environment?

