Which one do you claim?

Which one do you claim?

Obviously the one with 20 attack speed. It'll be easiest to land hits, with the hammer you may be hit while trying to attack.

Alpha damage > higher dps


>no spear
>no axe
I rather sudoku myself.

Probably the normal sword, I like a balance between seeing big numbers but also being able to attack decently quick.

How exactly is the damage spread over time? Post charge and cooldown frames.

>dodges your swing while you are left open and vunerable

Katana obviously. Better in every situation.
>5 weak enemies with 50 health
>Kill each of them quicker opposed to killing 1 at 1/4th the speed
there is no reason not to pick the katana. Unless armor is a thing.

The bigger the sword, the bigger the reward.

>Enemy has 55 dr

Since the only thing that varies between the weapons is the frequency you're allowed to land hits, katana ends up being the best.

Dark Souls gives large, slower weapons other bonuses besides just damage for a reason.
It'd be a contest if, for example, the hammer had a range three times that of a katana.


Me like smash

>Enemy and you trade blows
>Enemy survives
>You do not

>actually knows how to land hits

All the weapons have equal DPS

Hammer for big crits


This is heavily unbalanced toward the swords. Probably pick the katana for range.
Heavy weapons should be given extra damage to offset their lack of speed.

The ninjato.

The katana is superior in every possibke way, it can chop low tier mobs faster, a miss with it is barely noticeable compared to the hammer, and allows hit and run tactics, you need more specifications OP

even 55 doctors won't be able to save him when I'm done

>5 attack speed
I mean you can let something that slow hit you if you want, you just don't have to if you don't intend to lose

The virgin katana vs the chad hammer

The hammer, I dont care about which one is better because I'm not a tryhard faggot and I like to one-shot things

>flat damage reduction
>suddenly do no damage

If the only objective of combat is to reduce an enemy's health number to zero then the faster attacking weapon is superior because the increments are smaller.

Look up "integral approximation" for an idea of what I mean.


The hammer attacks both faster and harder so the hammer yes.

Why are spears so underaprecciated?

>flat damage reduction
If you learned game making in your school's BASIC course I guess

>Warhammers are slow

Where does this fucking meme come from?

Where’s the sword that usually means you’re a faggot but is objectively the best fucking weapon.

swing around a stick vs a streetlamp and tell me which one is easier to swing

hammer beats the katana in pvp

>both attack, 50 damage vs. 200 damage
>hammer kites on cool down
>both attack again, 100 damage vs. 400 damage

I'll take the Hammer, Crushing blow decide the victor

i dont think you realize the S in DPS


I prefer balance and adaptability. If I need more damage, it's back to the drawing board, obviously, but on the whole, a basic sword will get you through most situations.
But it depends on the game. In DS1 it was Bastard Sword or Claymore for swords and Great Scythe for a win button outside of tight corners. Grass Crest Shield and flippy ring for extra win.
In DS2 I used a mix of weapons, but ultimate settled on the chad Greatsword. I found the deadzone movement to discourage my usual agility shennanigans so I stuck with just killing what I hit ASAP.
In DS3 I love the black knight sword, estoc and hollowslayer greatsword. Of course, more crest shield for the win. Hornet's Ring, Cloranthy ring, and Knightslayer's ring are also nice.

Spearniggers disgust me. Literal useless bitch weapon they give to normies who don't know how to use real weapons.

Don't forget, anyone who uses a heavy hammer will have high def to counter their slow attack speed.

Meanwhile Katana fag has no def and only agility.

>suddenly remember about it
How was it?

Katana user can attack 3 times and still has time to run from the hammer

>shoots you between your eyes before you can even come close

Sword soy boys always insecure about their weapon.

>hammer kites on cool down
>katana user teleports behind u
>sorry kiddo
>nothing personnel
>critical backstab for 500% damage

What's my crit percentage?


>shoots 1 of the 50 people charging you
>49 people have just trampled you
nothing personal

Do you? Look at the OP's picture. Assuming attack speed is a linear stat like damage is, all the weapons have equal DPS.



>circle strafe
youre move

Did that sword just transform into Aku?

Katana has a higher chance to proc crits

A warhammer uses less metal than a sword and had much greater leverage due to the spacing of your arms. Even if a knight missed the blow with the hammer they could use the pole itself to wrestlemania your ass in close quarters.

I love this board

Yearly Reminder If you don't use Brass Knuckles or Gauntlets then your a faggot and a Wuss

Is this game bugged?
i think the tool tip lies, katana should be 20 attack speed 500 damage.

Katana is the best. Kill small mob enemies quick and get the same damage on bosses as the other weapons. It also has the furthest range.

Taking into account things like crit chances, poise, enemy weakness though it's a lot different

>not taking advantage of attack speed and stacking on hit effects
Come on now

name a single game like this

>playing games with rngancer

dark souls

I AM the weapon.

Katana gets fucked by armor.
Longsword is actually shorter than the other options.
Hammer is slow and likely only does damage on the hammer head.
If the longsword were as long as the katana I’d pick that one.

i swear to god nobody ever puts a mace as an option

>kill small enemies quick
>has to attack several times over the course of a few seconds to get a kill
>warhammers first hit kills the enemy

because mace implies bleed and ain't nobody wanna calculate that shit

>peasant weapons
Back to plowing your fields while I do so your wive, subservient scum


>deflects your arrow with my blade
better luck next time bowfag

This one

>15 Atk Spd
>75 Dmg
>+50% crit and +25% damage when attacking from above

>has to attack several times over the course of a few seconds to get a kill

you don't know that, depends on their health. Even then, the katana is the better choice unless the enemies HP is near multiplies of the hammers damage.

>dips soy into the arrowtip

The maul. Big hits > anything.

>katana for PvE for consistent damage
>hammer for PvP to btfo someone with a lucky crit

>playing games where dr directly subtracts from damage

Doesn't even make sense. The middle sword is probably the same weight as the katana, just with less reach. The difference in attack speed and damage makes no sense.

Katana wins if damage and speed is the only factor we are counting.

More speed = more deeps dished out to not just one target but many, especially if you need to chunk groups of enemies like an edgelord

>you don't know that
>hammer does 200 damage
>if enemy has less than 200hp it dies instantly
>katana only does 50 damage
>1-4 swings pending on its hp
>if its even higher it will take more swings still
In the end, the Hammer is up to 4 times faster than the katana in grinding small mobs.

>modern memes are only edits of wojak
how far have we fallen?


Have you considered that the katana is folded 1000x over?

Spears are literally the most useful weapon type. Amazing range, lightweight and fast, can use both ends if you end up in close range

>while I do so your wive
>sleeping with beasts
You should join him plebian.

Don't give them attention

Alternatively, there's this.

>100 Atk Spd
>25 Dmg
>+100% crit when attacking from above

spears can only poke though

Katana swings 4 times faster and thus does the same damage. All 3 weapons are the same outside of length and flavor.

That thing looks fucking cool

for me personally it's all about the wakeup animation.. like in the 2d ds castlevania games, katanas were so op because the wakeup was instant and the animation canceled as soon as you jumped or landed, meaning you could attack super quickly with it. some of the heavier weapons had a long wakeup and were useless as a result

>are the same
Except that's wrong, if you have ever played a game with these sort of stats you would know, speed only applies to the time between attacks after the initial attack.

initial attack has no speed on it, so if you kill a mob, your cd is instant and you can swing again and again and again, without the speed stat effecting you.

This is why the hammer is better, as if it one shots an enemy, it can swing again instantly. Unlike the katana who is stuck in the cd of his speed stat.

You know what I hate about those "archers"? they are limp wristed faggots that cannot pull a bow like an english bowmen back then. Everything they show is not even half the force of what is possible because they are weak.