Set username to Jews_Killed_Christ on PSN

>set username to Jews_Killed_Christ on PSN
>get banned
why american companies don't follow the constitution?

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Jews are still very, very angry about Jesus

show me the part of the constitution where it says that sony has to put up with your shit on their network


constitution sets out what freedoms the government is allowed to restrict, not what companies do on their private platforms

>companies can bypass the constitution because it's ''a private service''
nice logic

Sony's servers are private, user
They can do whatever the fuck they want

here's the part where the word of God says that the jews killed Jesus

>1 Thess 2:14-15 KJV
>2:14 For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they [have] of the Jews:

>2:15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:

This is actually pretty true, so much so that they refuse to use a + sign in jewish schools because it triggers them.

>american company

They should still abide by the constitution if they are within AMERICA
So its okay for them to host child porn? OH NO WHY IS IT ILLEGAL NOW ITS MUH PRIVATE SERVER

Thinly veiled Sup Forums-tier garbage thread. Kill yourself OP you dumpy soyboy faggot

your name was against the rules and you got banned

imagine my shock and sympathy

Sony is a multinational company and they own a HQ in California
Sony is 50% american 50% japanes

Jesus was a Jew.

freedom of the press means that you're free to print your own newspaper, and no one's going to put you in a gulag for it

it doesn't mean that anyone who owns a newspaper is obligated to print your bullshit for you




Im going to assume you are being retarded on purpose
It is not illegal for a private entity to restrict what can be said on their platform. They could ban you for the name orange if they wanted to.
It is illegal to host content that is illegal though

*tips dung*

i see you don't understand the words that you posted, there

Last I checked Sony wasn't part of Congress.

"congress shall pass no law", "sony shall cause no butthurt"; same difference right?

Where did all these ancaps with an interest in American law came from?

Because there is fuck all you as an individual can or will do about it and you won't be able to muster up the manpower for something so trivial.

You gotta go to the root of the problem, the Juden.

They do.
In fact, nothing in the constitution explicitly forbids them from doing so.
It explicitly say "Congress".
Private companies and individuals are not the Congress so they can do it on their own property wherever and whenever they want

Private companies aren't obligated to let you use their service, you violate their TOS you don't get to use it, simple as that.

> Bake the cake

A outlier

Didn't the Romans kills Jesus technically though?

Sorry sweetie, but it doesn't work like that, it isn't the 30's anymore

According to your logic a hospital can refuse to receive fat, indian, black, white or unhealthy people because ''it's their private business they are allowed to do what they want''

It does though


Jesus was a jew tho

only bugmen say shit like "freeze peach"

there are laws preventing this (at least in emergency situations), fag

bible says jews killed Jesus, anyo

>constitution does not apply to companies

Because the constitution only protects you from government censorship, private organizations have no obligation to respect such liberties.

I hope this is all a troll

Wasn't the death of Jesus all part of the plan and also necessary for mankinds redemption? Jews did you a favor.

They are retardo, you're just too stupid to read the First Amendment.
Freedom of Association and Freedom of Assembly categorically overrides Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression when it comes to occupying private property and using private services in basically every case ever.
You can't go into a business muttering about niggers and jews and not be surprised you get kicked out and claim "muh expression!"

Only Jews think that Jews are divine. Jesus was the Son of God and belonged to no classification.

First amendment doesn't include private organizations and it also doesn't protect you from public backlash.

You can ban demographics xyz if you want. If you alienate your entire consumer base in the process, noone is going to protect you from scrutinization either.

Jesus was Jewish though.

at least he didn't drink semen

Why ESL pretending to american be?

Sup Forumsyps confirmed for raging cocksuckers in denial