How do we save Overwatch?
How do we save Overwatch?
Not really clammin to resuscitate it
by ignoring it
more lewd skins
also post widowmaker cause shes my bae
>ass too small
>tits too small
>feet not exposed
into the trash it goes
Lawl Overwatch wishes it had dark souls topic amount of replieS
By thanking your healers. Start by doing that.
I thankthem with my cock
No, we don't want that. Just appreciation!
-More frequent release of new content (i.e. maps)
-Mapping tools for users
-Servers with custom games/maps
Make mercy not meta anymore. Literally anti-fun the character.
Give them outfits just like that.
Showing appreciation with my dick
Remake EVERY map in the game and completely change blizzard's map design philosophy.
"kill people in a choke point" is not fun, and never will be.
>can now browse rule34hentai without getting a deluged of malware ads and bitcoin miners
They have to be hidden, right? I find it hard to believe one update to ublocker worked when Gelbooru is COMPLETELY unbrowsable now.
You are what's wrong with the community.
What ranks are you guys?
How do I get Master rank?
lol just shoot her dude
you're not playing some stupid tank, are you? she dies easily.
Give Pharah's armor police sirens or something, make it as obvious as with Roadhog whenever she gets close
Use NoScript as well nibba
Adding in new content and QoL changes more frequently aside, slowly shift the design towards rewarding skilled plays by removing shit like scatter arrow or adding back in JR's self-damage. Possibly change it so that Ults are gained not through damage but the little shitty points for fulfilling your role.
Who cares now post more of this sand cutie.
Make the game not healer-centric.
add some skins and more anime characters that require no aim
This image is wrong, Shes a full body amputee
>He wants another generic Call of Duty fps
yawn, just kill yourself my dude
Blizz needs her to be broken as shit so they keep the female audience.
Do you guys think the diverse cast is whats keeping the game active?
Gameplay isn't even that good.
only mercy and dva would be with a black guy
he's looking at her as if she just told she's pregnant.
You get big communities by making it braindead so even casuals can play it. That will give you huge publicity and price pools for tournaments which means even esport fags stick to it.
Same way WoW got huge, most casual MMO there was back then. PUBG too, instead of having to mod arma3 or play some shitty map of some zombie game, you just get pure buggy battle royal.
Also paying streamers to stream your game is good too. Though with blizzard it's just an endless loop of succes. People are too lazy to look further than Launcher or Twitch Frontpage. I guess it could be worse though. Imagine if everyone was just playing one game.
Imagine getting cucked in a game, jesus christ you people are finished. Just hang yourselves.
Fuck off, healing isn't even that hard.
No, nobody wants that small thing
Yes it is!
>generic blakkk boi
>not Doomfist
Delete her from the game. It'll kill two birds with one stone, the cancerous character and her fanbase.
Doomfist is with Mercy.
Make Blizzard listen to balance decisions from me and only me!
>all these japanese games ported to PC
>STILL not blacked animu girls
goddamit PCfags you had 1 job ONE JOB
You can't
Half of your job is accomplished by showing up, and the other half is not dying. Healing is not hard, and it's sure as hell not worthy of any kind of praise.
Make a full on movie or story mode
Regulation to stop the loot boxes
There's no saving it, there's no destroying it, like all Blizzard games it has a cult-like following that guarantees its continued success.
Not the user you're replying to but how so?
Overwatch 2
Is Overwatch even popular in esports?
Is there a set for this?
Just make a porn game already.