How are you enjoying? The online is a blast!
The only thing I could say is that I've played Doom on a plane at 39.000 feet of altitude, 500mph, and it was amazing. I'm pretty sure you can't do that with a Ps4 or PC.
How are you enjoying? The online is a blast!
The only thing I could say is that I've played Doom on a plane at 39.000 feet of altitude, 500mph, and it was amazing. I'm pretty sure you can't do that with a Ps4 or PC.
so.... laptops/2-in-1s aren't a thing now?
You would've had a better chance of not looking like a false flagger if you didn't include that final sentence
I played it at home, with significantly better hardware and controls.
they're too robust and not really comfy plus keyboard/mouse pad is atrocious on the go
Any tips on how to join the mile high club?
The people who make these kinds of posts are people who are ashamed of liking video games, so they just play their Switch while multitasking so they don't feel bad about """"""""wasting time"""""""" playing games. Then they come on Sup Forums and say "see guys I don't sit around playing games all day, I-I'm not loser like you lol"
>buying multiplats on Nintendo consoles
good luck bringing a laptop on a plane
Nintendo fans doesn't give a shit about other platforms even less PC they have to respect their gods and shill them as if they had the best hardware just because "it's handheld!!"
be successful irl
its not bad but the joycons hurt you hands playing shooters after 20 minutes
>better controls
Did you even play the switch version dipshit? Of course not
>b-but a mouse is b-better!
i'd rather get cancer than ever play any other MP fps on consoles, the aim hurts.
Enjoying the Switch your wife's boyfriend gifted you for christmas?
>>b-but a mouse is b-better!
You can stutter type until you're blue in the face, it won't change the fact that it's a true statement.
>implying I'm a burgerfat
Imagine being this much of a delusional nintendog faggot.
It's a decent port considering the hardware. If I'm at home I'd rather play it on my PS4 but since I travel a lot I take it with me for long trips. Don't bother with online though. Arcade mode is pretty fun.
gpd win still runs it at 40fps, i'd rather simply use moonlight even if there could be an input lag at least its not looking blurry as shit
Multiplayer is slightly more populated, but the poor graphics and controls ruin it. Got the PC version on sale. Much cleaner visuals and better controls, but online is dead due to bad weapon balance.
Fucking what.
Not the kind of game I’ll buy for mine. That’s a very intense game on appropriate difficulty settings, I can’t imagine trying to control that on the joycons while on a plane on a 6 inch screen in public
that's totally allowed
+1 I also played when Doom was new and even the 6.66 update didn't revived its online lmao
>gameboy came out in 1989
>people still bragging about the very the concept of handhelds 28 years later
I got it for Christmas and it's enjoyable. I'm impressed with how it looks, though I've only played it handheld since I'm on the go a lot. I don't notice the halved framerate, but I never played it on any other console prior. I also got NieR Automata on PS4 for Christmas which has been occupying more of my time.
I bet you thought that was really funny, too.
>mouse came out in 1968
>people still bragging about the very the concept of cursors 50 years later
it's a mice not a mouse
I prefer the PS4/PC/Xbox for Snapmap. But the switch version is good for campaign.
Multiplayer is crappy though.
some drone just called me a retard and said "you must not play games competitively" because I said Doom 2016 online is bad lmao im about to kms