AGDQ Starts Sunday

Who's hype? Prime comfy and shitposting time.

Post highlights from past years or cool videos on speedrunning in general.

Other urls found in this thread:

first event on the schedule

i'm already annoyed

>tfw new job takes up all my old GDQ time

I guess I'll be able to watch the Splatoon 2 run, but I'm going back to work on Monday.
I'll probably still be hooked on Xenoblade 2 and more interested in playing that, too.

>ctrl-f bonesaw
>0 results

I would really prefer if you would be quiet. Talk about ESA or the Asian speedrunning community. GDQ is just a shitfest nowadays.

>tranny attention whore week
Why bother at this point

sorry but those are full of non english people so it fucking sucks to listen to

Oh fuck me, it's this Sunday? I thought it was next. Gonna miss if it that's the case.

>no Super Metroid

Can't wait for all the disgusting trannies to ruin it yet again.

>Final semester at college
>only one online class
>Going to be able to watch the entire week whenever I want

Fuck yes

what are some comfy games to casually speed run on PC in preparation for the agdq binge? also, how do we avoid having trannys, fat fucks, and beta apathetic cuck numales from further infesting our comfy gaming sphere?


It's probably best that they skipped it this year.
They've had too many people in the race drop out, and having to resort to meme categories to try and keep it fresh.

Or they're over-reacting to the controversial "throw yourself infront of a bus" comment directed at the people who wouldn't stop WA-ing

On one hand, I commend them for trying to break away. On the other hand it's a nice tradition, and Super Metroid is almost always guaranteed fun, even if the majority (or even all) die horrible deaths. I'm most disappointed by no Tropical Freeze run. Probably one of the most fun runs to watch ever.

I don't actually see many games on there that I"m too excited about. Breath of the Wild seems fun in concept but I think it'll be too much running around. Can't wait for Mario Odyssey in SGDQ though. I've watched a few Any% runs of it and that game is fast and exhilarating to watch.

>watching trannies play games and get triggered by the chat

Super Metroid is pretty much guaranteed to never happen again because of the bus incident last year.

Half Life 1 on PC
Resident Evil 4 and 7 on PS4


>BotW being speedrun by someone who isn't a tranny


Whoa here. What's up with the "Throw yourself in front of a bus" comment? Backstory?

O shit I didnt even see that.

you didn't notice? Tetris isn't being played

I don't see why though, exactly.
The problem was the person who made that comment, not the run itself. That behaviour could've been during any run.

The bid war also brings in a ton of donations and is a staple, enough so to have yetee shirts and other merch based on it.

>no 3+ hour RPG runs
>no save/kill animals bullshit
>but 8 (eight) setup blocks, some of which take 45 minutes or more
This is going to be an interesting GDQ, it could be better or even worse than the previous ones due to these new quirks

It's funny.


Link to asian speedrunning community?

>Whoa here.

Found the Redditor.


>no save/kill animals bullshit
That's what you think, until you find out that the brainlet masses will think themselves so fucking clever sending in kill/save the animal donations anyway

During the SGDQ 2016 Super Metroid race, the audience wouldn't stop making WA noises like Waluigi, I forget the specifics.

Someone on the couch got fed up with it and asked for the mic, and asked the audience that if they want to prevent cancer they should walk in front of the shuttle bus that runs every half hour. The donation reader had to ask them to not do that.
Whoever it was that said the inflammatory comment was escorted off couch and the official twitter said they dealt with the issue.

why were the organisers so triggered by dogs?

shadow permabanned. he's also washed up like werster trihex oats whitegoose and caleb

just meant for

LMFAO. What a hero. That's what GDQ needs more of, not less.

GDQ know these meme donations are too important, they'll make up some other category to capitalise on it, or more than likely have one of the setup blocks be the Super Metroid run.

But then meme donations from Germany and all that, people are gonna meme.

They don't want to be Islamophobic.

He tried submitting a run, but got rejected. He's probably shadow banned like the other user said. He can still show up at the event, but can't do any runs.

>dying light

Nice, looking forward to it.

GDQ staff overreacts to everything.

In a Super Metroid race, someone who was actually sane called the audience out for yelling memes (in this case "WAAAAAAA") over and over, but invalidated his own argument by telling them to kill themselves.

I know this feel.

I'm only missing three days, but fucking still. REEEE.

>tfw clearing backlog games while watching jrpg speedruns
top tier comfy

Because no fun allowed. People were posting that emote in the chat since the disabled guy had it on his tablet.

What was the reason?

He didn't ask for the mike. He ripped it out of the donation readers hands.

It's a FrankerZ emote. Same deal as the Kappa emote, just displaying it on stream prompts the chat to start spamming these emotes.

And of course they don't like chat spam unless they explicitly permit it like in tasbot segments.

fuck me i'll be working all week

>but invalidated his own argument by telling them to kill themselves.

Was perfectly reasonable considering what a bunch of fucking autists everyone was being.

>literally bullying a potato
Do these people have no fucking sense of propriety? Does that man not suffer enough? Can you not bend the fucking rules just once to let him be happy?

It's not like they're the fucking ten commandments. There is literally no consequence for making that exception.


The fucking injustice of it annoys me.

please tell me why GDQ is a hotbed for unconvincing transexuals

You cannot influence viewers in any way. See BigJon flashing a NES golf game box he wanted in for next GDQ after a run. Banned for years.

all the hot ones are too busy getting railed

I used to enjoy watching it live, but it's such A pseudo PC speedrun show disguised as a tranny parade. It's a complete fucking joke. The donation comments always pissed me off also.

This was probably the funniest thing to happen at the event. Bless the guy that said it.

he'll probably be cropped out of the group shots and denied mic again, knowing how petty gdq staff is.

Watch his Jak & Daxter run

>implying there needs to be a reason

I don't really get why they're so prominent. Like I have no objection to people being trans, but I don't care for the way some specific individuals behave at GDQ.
Cis-women don't behave this way, and would be frowned upon for behaving in such a way, so it's not becoming of trans-women either.

They're fadsexuals. It's only worth it if you flaunt it.

Not him but can you give me a quick rundown? I never got around to actually researching why he ruffled everyone's feathers.

AirCanada or whatever fucked up his flight. Told people to tweet them. GDQ staff tweeted AirCanada twitter by apologizing for the mess (they though people tweeted their twitter, but they didn't), AirCanada responded to GDQ with a question saying they don't even know why they're apologizing. Whole run Bonesaw and the couch just had fun, it was full of banter, Owen Wilson jokes and shit. The staff warned him several times during the run to stop with the jokes. Basically he was having too much fun. He also brought in a lot of viewers and donations. After the event the staff did a stream discussing about the event and most of them didn't understand why Bonesaw's run was so popular.

I guess it's the general oversensitive nature of the event staff and organisers that guarantees a safe space for trans, whether convincing or not.

furries in neon pink/blue fursuits will be accepted next

>Unironically using the term "Cis-women"

Kill yourself.

I doubt it, if they don't allow anime dolls on the couch.

(T R) A N (N) Y %

No he didn't, he was literally sitting on the couch.

Fuck off back to R*ddit, faggot

Watch the fucking run and stop begging the hivemind to regurgitate pre-chewed opinions into your open mouth.

All one has to do is claim to be trans and they're in. That includes people dressing like a Tohou character.
The precedent is set: If you are trans, you can kiss another tranny on live broadcast.

because since the whole event is kinda dedicated to fighting cancer, they feel like they'll be protected from any insults or stuff like that

the irony amirite

>trannies done quick
Can't wait to hear PMG desperately trying to act like an anime girl and interrupting runs with >her witty insights every two minutes.

My point is if they wanna be respected as women they should try acting like respectable women.

I'm not watching it. I'm not sitting through a repeat of the bullshit festival of tard drama that happened last time.

His run was shitty and didn't show off the route properly according to the Jak and Daxter speedrunning autists, he was also having far too much fun banter with the couch which included him shittalking an airline and doing Owen Wilson impressions which I guess the staff thought might offend them and get the event in trouble or something.
He's not technically banned but they might well intend to never feature him as a runner ever again regardless.

It was really for the J&D run? Never change gdq

>Trannies Done Quick

no thanks

Thank you for your concern
All meals served at AGDQ are soybased products
Hormone injections are distributed by our staff at our discretion

>caleb gonna choke again

You forgot where he came back the following marathon and rammed a fucking Greyhound into the side of the stream room.

Will she ever speedrun again?


>implying he didn't violently rape the donator as he threatened the audience at gunpoint

>Not being run by the accordion guy coerced into attending cons dressed as Kass
What's the point?

Forgot link


I need your best 56% face pictures
I plan on derailing every single GDQ thread that gets posted.

>Risk of Rain
>4:45 AM
this is how they treat us guys. let that be known when this is being played and scaz is sitting there with only 5 other people. this was done on purpose cause they know that game grew from here

It is because Speedrunning is mentally unhealthy at its core yadda yadda Far Cry 3 quote.

More simply Speedrunners tend to crave approval (Hence why they run in the first place), right now being Trans is "popular" and their hugbox reinforces that they strongly approve of Trans.

It is also important to note that incredibly few people in the world feel like they are beautiful and the inevitable rot that a sedentary and shut-in lifestyle can cause Transgenderism to have a certain appeal to people who feel like "Im a ugly boy, but maybe i could been a pretty girl." even without actually having gender dysphoria, reality of course is that the "ugliness" isn't correlated to gender and they would look just as bad as the other one, but people love their own beautiful lies.

>gianna will never return
>chair sniffer banned

One of the few things I got to see live. It was a blast. Like all humor and dumb shit you laughed at late at night, when revisited it's like, that was dumb.

whomtf is Gianna?

>hyped for speedtrannies

God I hope that bitch who says 'poyo' isn't there during a Kirby game

He wasn't sniffing the chair though and this meme is stale

She will be there during the kirby block, it's a given.

>everyone who first organized the event is banned
>no more toptier banter or good friendly moments
>it's all tranny's and autism
>they even got rid of their big money maker game
>tfw there will never be a top tier moment like this

What happened anons? How can an event where you sit in a room with a bunch of smelly nerds playing vidya games turn into such a big thing thats tranny and autist haven?

You all bitch about trannies, but I think Edobean is even worse.
>tfw hearing "POYO!~ :3" nonstop during last SGDQ's Robobot run

You and me both

>andy's LTTP run

so good