No g......
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This is so depressing holy shit
Literally 4 exclusives. kys
wow almost 50 games I don't want to play
My soygga
Why would you get them all physical. Must be a pain in the ass to switch games.
With only 3 actually good games
People are just extremely jelly of Nintendo incredible success
Because then you actually own the games instead of just renting them
Can you tell me the game on the bottom right?
Must be a rough life to have to validate your existence with fucking Nintendo games.
Are the japanese finally playing dewm now?
>Xenoblade 2
>Fire emblem warriors
>Mario Oddysey
>Mario kart 8
>Splatoon 2
>Mario + rabbids
>Pokken tournament dx
Only those count
so how come nintendo is allowed to post multiplats and inferior ports
No g....
>physical copy of This Is The Police
I don't see Shin Megami Tensei there, so still not buying it.
>all those fucking multiplats
I only see bloodborne
The funny thing with this meme is it would imply Bloodborne is a good game, or one worth having
fuck man, is rotating an image too difficult for you?
>EA trash
>sports shit
>Bethesda shit
Way to pad out your collections.
any arguments to support "Bloodporn is not a good game"?
I haven't seen any to support it is a good game either other than "It's just like my Dark Souls", which is overrated dogshit too
ask your mom to buy it for you and probably you would see by yourself.
Bloodborne has nothing to do with Dark Souls, except similar subtle/omitted plot and hit-evade combat system.
Stop drinking your soymilk, try TRT and probably you will be a decent person, instead of salty high-estrogen contrarian who you are now.
>Implying I would waste any money on that shit
Also, I already tried it, it was shit
as much as I like the switch. there are only a few games worth owning on it. Xenoblade, odyssey, zelda and maybe just maybe fire emblem warriors if you're into that.
Imagine being such a dumbass that you'd spend real money on tons shitty games to "prove" that your chosen console is the best.
u don't want just dance 2018?
Sounds like you don't know how the whole thing works
>console has been out for 4 years longer than switch
>nearly the exact same amount of games
Still mad about not getting to play DaS
Dark Souls is a multiplat and to assume that 95% of people don't already own a PC is fucking retarded. Game will even run on a shitty $300 computer as long as it's modern.
No, when you buy digital, you are just borrowing the games from Nintendo, and if you ever make them angry, they can say that you were being a naughty boy, and take your digital games away under their laws of getting banned.
There really are people who don't play games unless it's on a Nintendo platform.
No, there really aren't.
Was this supposed to impress me? Shovelware and overpriced, inferior, NA ports? Nintendo consumers make me fucking sick.
Only good game on the switch is Xenoblade.
>t. Nintendunce
That Switch 1 2 game has the ugliest box art holy fuck.
Lemme just put a nigger and a big nosed shiska on the front of your goy game.
There really are people who literally eat shit that own a PS4.
There are people who literally shit themselves, before eating it, that own a switch.
There are people who puke while eating their own shit and then lick up the puke who own a PS4.
no g....
There are white people that own a Nintendo Switch. Check mate, faggot.
>the average ps4 owner
what book
>He bought Troll and I
>hurr it's shovelware and ports they don't count!!!
It still rotates it even if you fix it, it's just how some phones are.
All the consoles and PC are shit this gen. There hasn't even been 5 good games between all 4 of them. The Witcher 3 is literally the only good game this entire gen. What a joke this gen is.
Yeah, exactly. Finally some consistency on Sup Forums.
>Only two good games and it's the worst platform to play them on
This is almost depressing.
really now
shit taste
There are.
Christ have some fucking standards man
I also bought the Infamous Second Son Collector's Edition. I still have the hoodie it came with, lol.
He owns the greatest console ever created, he's got pretty good standards
The PS2?
>all those Lego games
>all those maddens, fifa, MLB and NBA 2k's
>no man's sky special edition
>all that shovelware trash
Jesus dude, have some self respect
>shoehorning WWE2K18
>bunch of indies
C'mon user, I like my Switch but I rather have quality over quantity.
Switch is still shit compared to the wiiu
Why the fuck are so many anons posting DSP on this board tonight?