Will there be Yakuza 3 Kiwami?

How would you improve yakuza 3?
If it happens, would you buy?

3 and 4 desperately need a Kiwami remake but 5 looks good because it uses the same engine with 0 and Kiwami.

Doubtful since it doesn't need a remake.
Also they will never remake 4 due to Tanimura's actor and if they do, they'd have to completely replace him which would piss the entire Japanese fanbase off.
tl;dr not happening

>due to Tanimura's actor
Did he pass way?

3 and 4 also use the same engine, you're confusing shaders with engine.
Yakuza 5 featured improved shaders, but it still used the same enigne.
5, Ishin, 0 and Kiwami 1 all use that same engine with improved shaders.

No, worse, he was involved with massive scandal and is now doing time.

Improve it by not having a 6 hour intro with nothing but running around and cutscenes and zero combat.

It was my first Yakuza game and it almost turned me off from the series forever until I have it a second chance with 0.

funnily enough i just started playing it again today since i dusted off my old ps3. i would like one, but i doubt it will happen.
i honestly feel lucky enough we're getting kiwami 1&2.

Kiwami 2 shits all over the original game with the overwhelming amounts of cut content so I don't know why you retards are hyped for that trash.

It really isnt that bad, and I doubt they will ever get one. At best they will get better shaders on 3 and 4, port it to PS4 with some added stuff so that it is inline with the updated timeline 0, Kiwami and Kiwami 2 have presented. Probably will port 3, 4 and 5 to PS4 in a collection

it does? i'm just glad to replay the story without hooking up my ps2 desu. it's not like kiwami is even full price.

No. 3, 4, and 5 are going to be remastered for PS4, but they won't get remakes.

yakuza 3 is the best one of the entire yakuza series barring 0

I don't disagree but glad to see an opinion not many have since many say 3 and 5 are the worse ps3 era yakuza games

Most of the soundtrack is cut
The entirety of Chapter 11 is cut
The entirety of third city (Shinseicho) is cut
All the unique locations specifically for cutscenes (such as the pier/port) are cut and scenes are moved to generic locations in Kamurocho instead
All the licensed music is cut (even in Japanese version, which was unheard of for them until now)
Out of 29 tracks from Yakuza 2, only 5 return in Kiwami 2, rest is literal generic wubstep replacement music. If you're familiar with how raped the music was in the HD Collection of Dragon Ball Budokai 1+3, Kiwami 2 is basically equivalent of that.
Iconic Kiryu getting stabbed scene is completely butchered with cartoony stock sound effects, removal of neo-noir color palette and replacing the jazz music with modern autotune J-Pop.
1/4 of the sidequests cut entirely.
Combat copypasted from Yakuza 6, so Kiryu fights nothing like he did in any the previous games because he has a new fighting style in Yakuza 6 and the combat is literally Batman Arkham tier awful where you automatically "stick" to nearest enemies, also enemies can ruin your combos by blocking (which staggers you) and thus makes any form of comboing not only next to impossible, but also not advised.

tl;dr it's a huge stinking turd

doesn't need to, just needs to be upscaled and 60fps. but no one likes yakuza 3 anyway so who cares

Apparently his actor was also an asshole behind the scenes

That's a rumour I never actually found a source for so I don't like listing that, but the fact he was a massive drama queen involved in a huge scandal is basically all you need to know about him.

>How would you improve yakuza 3
There's no salvaging that shit.

I played 4, and it's definitely good enough. At most it should get an HD remaster along with 3 or 5. Using resources to remake them from scratch would be a waste, especially when they could do something else like more spin offs and sequels.

>Akiyama game when

I don't know where all this hate for 3 stems from considering it's the least offensively bad written out of the PS3 mainline games.
Is it because Gen Z soyboy numales can't handle slower pacing with the orphanage?

I just want a western physical release of 5.

>No, worse, he was involved with massive scandal and is now doing time.

talk about commitment to the role...

Okinawa is the best set in all the Yakuza games.
Comfy sunny environment. Nice people.
Fuck kamurocho

Honestly I like all cities more than Kamurocho simply because Kamurocho got fucking old by being rehashed in every game. I know it's the center stage for the series but would it kill them to make 1 game without Kamurocho?
Even Kenzan's and Ishin's cities are explicitly designed around Kamurocho, so it just feels like Kamurocho: Feudal Edition

Where's my fucking Kenzan fan translation?
Give me that!!!

Still being worked on (TM), the translator had some IRL problems to deal with but he's back working on it again.

i didn't know that, that's a huge shame. thanks for spoonfeeding me.

the dragon engine was a mistake so no. i dont want any remakes.

I just want a release with everything they cut back in.

pretty much this, i was willing to overlook 6 but after kiwami 2 its obvious the new engine cost more than it was worth

they need to slow the fuck down and make a complete game

People greatly overblow the amount of shit cut from Y3.
Kiwami 2 has A LOT more shit cut than Yakuza 3 did in the west.

This fucking sucks. Any chance of them maybe patching the combat or something?

No, because the combat is directly tied to how they made the Dragon Engine, also used in Y6.
Also combat is naturally even worse in Y6 since it doesn't have the minor improvements of Kiwami 2.
For starters, Y6 doesn't even have Komaki techniques.

The Dragon Engine is literally cursed.

Don't be retarded. THat would be too difficult and too uncharacteristically Japanese. Japs hate admitting they fucked up.

Why did they make it? did they just think it was cooler?

Power of da Next-Gen (tm)
All you need to know is that Dragon Engine is so bad they're using the old engine for the Fist of the North Star game.

Because everybody in Japan complained that they used the exact same engine for a decade

I noticed that as well and was shocked when they confirmed it
0 turned out extremely well though, I have no problem with them using a new engine just the liberties they took with it in terms of physics and combat and optimization

>Dragon Engine is so bad they're using the old engine for the Fist of the North Star game

good lord

>they're using the old engine for the Fist of the North Star game.
Thank god for that, that means we can have those sweet 60 fps

>The entirety of Chapter 11 is cut
it's not.
all of that shit has been relocated to sotenbori and altered slightly.
not defending the game but did you even play it or are you just parroting the shit you've seen?

You're thinking of Chapter 12.
11 is just cut mostly.

no, it's chapter 11 where you find the survivor.
only thing that was cut was the third city but the process to find the survivor has been moved to sotenbori and altered slightly.

All of these games look like such garbage, there is no way to fix them. Sonyfags need to stop hyping the series up just because of exclusivity. Once sega wakes up and put the series on Steam I might change my stance.


Good lord i just saw the stabbing scene in kiwamoi 2, the fuck happened ?

By quoting me you already gave me a (You) you stupid sony cunt.

Dragon Engine happened.

Holy shit, didn't know that. This shit is silly, fix your shit orange yakuza babyman.

>the game is bad, but if it was on pc it would be good
master race mentality.

I can't blieve this engine is that cursed

Game look and run like dookie, big PC with big beefy arm make game look and run better. Not hard concept tiny pea brain retard

He is the shitsposter.
Dont mind him.

>Dragon Engine is cursed meme
it's because they're developing this shit under a small as fuck timeframe while also working on other projects.

Japan cannot into custom engines ever since the HD era. This isn't the 90s/early 00s anymore where making your own engine for each game was viable. Engines are extremely time and resource intensive works that require top programmers to do nowadays and Yakuza team was very, very clearly way out of their depth when making the Dragon Engine.
Also see Square Enix with their Crystal Tools engine (FF13 Trilogy, FF14 1.0) and Luminous Engine (FF15) both of which got thrown into the trash in favour of Unreal Engine 4.

3 is shit, why would they remake it? It has no substance. 0 had nishiki and majima's origins, 1 had date and haruka, and 2 had majima's wife. 3's orphanage angle was too much, not too little.

I think it's because it wasn't needed. It tried so hard to justify its existence.
>Kaoru is gone guys, can't have a love interest stay for long!
>Majima is back to the tojo clan guys, we really need him to!
I could go on.

2 didnt have Majima's wife retard

Bout to start 4, what should I expect? Anything I should know before I go in?


did you play the others?
also rubber bullets

Main characters don't know how to call an ambulance and still don't stay away from large open windows.

Rubber bullets.

>did you play the others?
Yep, played 0, 1 and 2, and friend shipped me his copy of 3

>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who are younger than Haruka

>mfw an American who lacks reading comprehension
I said it was a material they could have worked with, even though they went with Makimura.

You didnt state that anywhere

go to sleep nigga

>it's the least offensively bad written
>turn kaoru into a ghoul
>write her out of the story
>dude i'm your father's cia twin
>killing kashiwagi
>kiryu doesn't feel anything
>kill snake tattoo guy
>kiryu cries embarassingly loud
Only props I can give Yakuza 3 is the final boss, you're more of a nu-male if you defend Yakuza 3.

you could summarise 4 and 5 like that as well.

Yeah, their stories are trash too. 4 is just hilariously bad, though. 3 and 5 are the offensively bad written ones totally ruining characters. I can't remember where it was revealed that Majima's behaviour was an act, I think it was 3 but yeah that's the worst ''twist'' they could've come up with.

I'd rather they port 5 over so I can have an actual physical copy of it.

I just want 5 ported to the PS4 or PC, I want to experience it in 60fps. The combat is Godly but the performance is doodoo.


It makes him a lot more interesting though.

I dont think they ever straight up said it was an act though until 0, like they hinted since 1 that it was kinda off and may have been a facade

Why does no one mention what they added with Majima to Kiwami 2? Is it bad or something, or do you just focus on the bad?

I heard it's so short it's unmemorable and the performance with the dragon engine isnt that good with majima's quick fighting style

>Why does no one mention what they added with Majima to Kiwami 2?
You don't wanna know believe me, but to give you an answern it's short as fuck and not really interesting

You're right, just make them tragic. Always works, always makes the more interesting. It's not like they have no idea what to do with the character and it's not like the japs will eat this shit up regardless.
No, it's never been ''''hinted at since 1''''. You're giving them waaaay too much credit. UNLESS you have some examples.

I just remember someone telling me they knew 0 would reveal Majima's crazy guy thing was an act since in 1 he kinda shows he is very sane with how he sometimes acts with Kiryu and how he lets the lady go in the second boss fight. And then in 3 how he is so pissed and annoyed now that Kiryu is gone that he hardly acts like he use to. Then in 4 and 5 he hardly acts crazy unless its in short spurts.

I'm playing trough Yakuza 0 right now and i got curious about something.
Does anyone else feel like fapping to JAV after playing yakuza for a while? it always happens to me.

It did when I found out they were real JAV actors after recognizes like 4 of them

>North Star game
Yeah, about that, chances of getting it localized? Since we're very likely getting Kiwami 2, it would make sense for them to ship over Ken as well right?

>the girls are actually JAV actresses
user you just opened a new world of possibilites to me.

Have you lived under a rock? They've been using real Jav's since the first fucking game

0 was my first game dude

So, on a scale of 1 to Linkin Park, how edgy is this dude gonna be?

2 is the only JAV cameo that matters, Yuma Asami. All the other ones are disposable.
It's not like that guy had a hot take, user. He's been acting like that since 3. You could see that he was behaving normally in the 0 trailers. It's just a retarded decision to make him like that. It's also how the majimafag pandering started, NOT with Kiwami like most people say.

>People greatly overblow the amount of shit cut from Y3.
>over 20 missions cut
shut up faggot

>Yuma "Cowtits" Asami
I agree user. She was fun

I love the fact that it's just kiryu suit but with reversed colors

I'm not sure, he actually seems chill? I don't know much about him. He's supposed to take Kiryu's place right? What game?

I played 1 on ps2 and got trough the story only, played a bit of 2 on japanese on ps2 and now i jumped to 0, planning on picking up kiwami 2.
1? i think he's going to be cool and easygoing, a badass with a heart of gold like kiryu

Still waiting for Hitomi to be in one of these games

1. I'm guessing he's gonna be an aloof, goody-two-shoes until shit hits the fan. Then he gets a little sadistic and sarcastic.

they only use 1 type of body so Hitomi's not gonna happen, look at Ai. She's the cute kind of chubby and they gave her an hourglass figure. They could use the bodytype from that one girl with the big tits in that sidequest from 1/Kiwami. They'd still be too small, though.

Most likely just gonna be a joking Reverse Kiryu. Reverse being his suit. Hoping for a cool tattoo and fighting style, and Komaki to show up ancient as fuck to train him. That being said, wonder when Nagoshi is gonna release some more info on Shin Yakuza

euwwwww pleb tier taste user, she's disgusting

He's taking over in Shin Yakuza and that Yakuza Online thingy.

Tattoo speculation? Im thinking Kintaro