How do you people even get a backlog...

How do you people even get a backlog? I either just beat a game or get so uninterested that I uninstall it and never touch it again.

Sometimes I have to stop and fap to Misato tiddies so the games keep getting pushed back.

I dont have much of a game backlog but have a huge manga/anime backlog

It's complicated

for digital games the cause is sales, even more with bundle sales

for physical releases it's the fear of getting jewed by scalpers if I don't buy the game at release (this seldom happens anymore though, since I buy more digital now)

so I buy a lot of games, but don't have too much time to play, then I got a backlog

not even remotely best girl

>How do you people even get a backlog?
Have the same problem with women, talk to them once and they give me their number for no reason all trying to bother me on WhatsApp

>How do you people have games you want to play but haven't had the chance yet?

Misato is so pretty and deserves better...

Congrats, those uninstalled games are now your backlog.

>still no good misato doujins that doesn't involve pegging shinji
misato is not a dom you fucking nips

You know those games you never touch again? thats a backlog.

That's dumb

Are there any doujins where Shinji is pegged by a girl?

used goods deserve to die alone

yeah all the ones with kaworu

By going on mu,v and a

>why am i so much better than you?

whats the point of this thread?

There's a whole series by an average artist who draws somewhat disgusting boobs about Ritsuko doing experiments and dragging Maya in for the fun.

I always wanted to be raped by Misato


>want to play a game that isn't something I am actively playing
>spend dosh on a new game or look at this giant pile of games I deemed myself to good for
>play something from the pile and give it another shot instead of spending dosh
Thats how we all, rpg-exclusive shitters aside, got our backlogs and you will be no different.

lmao not even close

yeah but what if all the games you get are shit

by finding more games you want to try out than games you actually finish or remove

Then you play shit.

>stop playing shit
>the games you play are shit

>How do you people even get a backlog?

Impulse buying during Steam Sales.
It got really bad for me. To the point that I limit myself to only three games per sale.

Welcome to Sup Forums

I consider those just dropped. The backlog is the list of games that I still want to play.

I spent a couple years unemployed, and during that time I wound up 'saving' almost every game that I was able to get. Then when I managed to find work I bought up most of what I'd wanted to play but couldn't afford at discount. So three years worth of games dropped into my lap in a very short amount of time. I imagine that's how a lot of backlogs start.

Ew why post Rebuild Misato?

You buy more than 1 game at a time. That's how you get a backlog

Same. Recently tried hollow knight after buying it from the summer sale. Played 30 mins and hated it.

Fight me

well, miss best girl, a backlog it's not about "completing a game that I, for whatever reason, stopped playing", to me, it's about making a list of games that "i'll get around to play at some point".

Said list is made of games that are available on platforms I already own.

For example, in my backlog, I have:

- Trails In The Sky 1 and 2
- Killzone Liberation
- 7th Dragon 2020
- Finishing God Eater Burst last missions
Current: Tomb Raider Anniversary

- Persona 5
- Demon's'ss Soulss's
- Ni No Kuni
Current: Tomb Raider 2013

Yeah, i'm in a TR roll atm.

What are you, gay?

no, or id like misato lmao

There are two types:

Vidya hipster who want to be '''cool''' in a crowd of online virgins by having played every game that crowd considers good

And people who actually fall for Steam marketing -- i.e. actual retards

>only two and they both suck
so your...

