Why does he keep on jobbing to Mega Man?

Why does he keep on jobbing to Mega Man?

what the hell does jobbing to even mean

Wily built him wrong, as a joke.

At least he debuted in one of the best games.

Because he's just a shitty prototype of Wily's true masterpiece, Zero.

Jobbing is usually when an established or built-up character loses to a new threat to quickly give him notoriety. Think Vegeta from DBZ and how he spends much of the series getting his ass kicked by everyone he fights. Vegeta is relatively high-tier among the Z fighters but he loses overwhelmingly to Recoome, final form Frieza, Android 18, Perfect Cell, all of which were more or less debut fights to showcase their power. It can work in reverse too, Nappa jobbed to Goku for example, as did half the Ginyu Force.

But I guess it can also mean "losing repeatedly to", which is what OP seems to be going for.

Nope, that's how people use it incorrectly. It comes from pro wrestling. A "jobber" is a complete loser from the start; either a total nobody/rookie or a career loser. They were often used in the Territory days of wrestling, especially on TV, to make stars look good. They weren't meant to look good or get in any significant offense; they got their asses kicked and their job was to look like their ass got kicked real bad. They did their job, hence "jobber". The only true jobber in Dragonball is Yamcha who loses basically every single fight since his debut.

Bass losing to Rock constantly doesn't make him a jobber because he beats a lot of things and people other than Rock. The Rock never beat Steve Austin until Austin's retirement match, Rock wasn't a jobber.
t. /wooo/

>Make a Mega Man
>Only games where he even gets the Variable Weapon system he never even fights Megaman

He's like Vile level useless

stream when?

Ah, shit. I knew this at one point and I guess I forgot, with hearing it used the way I described so much. Apologies.

this was a great doujinshi
i'm glad i bought it and uploaded it

>theres this guy who just browses the catologue just waiting for a chance to turn it gay

what is it

its a doujin where megaman turn Bass into a girl and fucks her
but this user think thats gay so i guess we won't be able to see it

>into a girl
yeah count me out then

Would Vile be a jobber than since he always gets fucked X and/or Zero?

Nah, he beats X twice, Zero once and Zero has to kill himself to give you a chance to beat him.

This guy is a lot closer to a jobber. A literal who who basically exists so Zero can kill him and look cool.

Vile beat up X in MHX right? Also if Vile beats a bunch of other people other than X & Zero then he's not a jobber. Jobbers don't win anything unless somebody gets involved for them.

its actually a gay one
where megaman busts into Bass's room and proceeds to rape him
then leaves

well then link it faggot

You can skip Vile in X3 and literally nothing changes because the ending is dependant on Zero's status rather than Vile's survival. Vile just whines about losing to Ecks in MHX because he was a little prat in that game.

Though I'm not sure if X3 is even canon because Sigma just appears in X4 in his original body like nothing happened despite being erased by Dopplers vaccine.

Wily is truly a genius.