Woah hey guys

woah hey guys

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with that crimson chin tier mouth he had, no wonder why he started molesting girls

kamoshida out



He didn't really do anything wrong, so they had to make it into a cartoony ridiculous rape/suicide scenario to justify the awful writing.

What's up General Jawline?

Gotta love the dedication of some people.


They did the same thing with almost every Palace, didn't they?

>He didn't really do anything wrong

So which is it

you a fucking pedo scumbag or you just too stupid to understand the story?

Either way, you should be embarassed

He was evil, but plenty of people would be evil too if they were in his shoes.

And then they fucked up even more by linking everything to Shido.

He's not the only one at fault. Sure he did the crime, but the reason why it kept on happening was because he was needed for the school to enter the championships. Everyone involved in the incident is just as responsible as he is, Shiho included.

This, he just wanted the best for his team. He really does care for the students, I mean he offered Joker a ride to school for fuck's sake.

He literally did nothing wrong.

Well it is not cartoony if it happened in real life.
He is based on this man.

Just stop, soy boys just do not understand.

>A thread about Ann get to 500+
>This guy shows up

>woooah hey guys look at me and my fucking retarded chin hurrr do you see my chin see my chinny chin chin suck my chin

Why does P5 still use lame animu cutscenes when their 3D ones are better?

They mention that the parents of the abused students and a lot of the teachers were to blame too because they turned a blind eye to it. As much as people give Ryuji shit, it wasn't like he was wrong. There was a lot of shitty adults in P5.

That was such a fucking epic moment.

Kamoshida is completely the opposite of a soyboy.

Agreed, I was bummed out whenever they switched to a low budget 2D animation when the 3D models and animations are so good.

I was agreeing that he did literally nothing wrong, I was saying that soyboys do not understand that he did nothing wrong and insist on whiteknighting for the females.

Why did the protagonist turn down his offer to give him a ride?

What kind of dumbass would willingly walk to school in the rain?

Yea lets get into a car with a stranger on your first day of school

The virgin Joker.
The chad Kamoshida.

I really really wanted to romance Shiho.

>have sex with a hot stud like kamoshida and get to be an Olympic athlete yourself
Fucking students were such pussies, Man have you seen Kamoshida that guy is like 2 meters tall, build like a powerhouse and his super manly chin could cut thorough ice and don't forget about his slick suave hair, dide is basically nippon walking adonis, that ungrateful bitch shiho and marianne should be glad to be inseminated with the powerful sperm of kamoshida, their now aborted babies could been potential rockstars ro superstars

Ryuji is one of the most good alligned characters in vidya history. People hate him because they want to be edgy and hardcore.

one of the best sets of posts ever made

kamoshidaposting is fucking great

>t. child who got into strangers van cause of promised candy


I didn't mind their 2d animations, but I hated that they used those character portraits for dialog. Their actual 3d models were more expressive than the bland portraits.

nice chin bro

>awful writing
>rape and hostigation for YEARS is cartoony and a asspull now

you nintentoddlers even try anymore?

>hahah just sharing my thoughts kamoshida out

Drive-by Haru >>>> Drive-by Kamoshida