Recommend me some "Only on PC" Games Sup Forums Things like Thief, Deus Ex, Hexen, System shock, Roller coaster tycoon...

Recommend me some "Only on PC" Games Sup Forums Things like Thief, Deus Ex, Hexen, System shock, Roller coaster tycoon, etc.

I'm looking for games that are Mouse+KB savvy, and exclusive to the PC unit (98-2000 is fine too). But no games that are retail and found on other consoles or other forms of media. I'm looking to specifically explore what PC has to offer, not what I can find on any platform, better performance or not. Obscure or mainstream as long as it's fun.

Watch Dogs

Shadow Warrior (97)
Warcraft 1-3
STALKER trilogy
ArmA games

Heroes of might and Magic series (3 is the most popular)

Jagged alliance 2

Freespace 2

Pretty sure thats on console.
How is SW97 versus the newer ones?
Oh right, MnM is popular. Isn't dark messiah considered a Sup Forums all time favorite or something?

>How is SW97 versus the newer ones?
Miles above them in practically every possible way. I literally loathed the nu-SW games; just like nuDOOM and DNF, they totally missed the point that made BUILD engine "doom clones" so great.

Max Payne 1-2. They are early 2000's not PC exclusives though MP1 was for a bit. They both play on mouse and keyboard so much better on PC it might as well be a PC exclusive. PC versions also look better especially Max Payne 2.

I know some of these are on other systems as well, but whatev'. Pretty much any game made originally for PC tend to also be at its absolute best on the PC.

SW97 is completely different thing from SW2013, that is to say it's more like Duke3D than it is like Painkiller (and by extension SW2013)

The Witcher: Enhanced Edition


>How is SW97 versus the newer ones?
like night and day, in favor of the 97 one.
BLOOD and SW3D are arguably the best Build engine games.


Really? I thought nu-doom was great. It was like doom 2 but with a more arcade-y feel whilst still being modernized. I never played online though, so I can't vouch for that, but the campaign was fun IMO.

Played em both on console ages ago. Great games, but unless theres a vast difference, I'm looking for new things.

I'll give a few a look. I should mention i'm not adverse to /vr/ or modern.

Warning Forever
Battleship Forever
Narbacular Drop
Basically any roguelike (dungeon crawl stone soup, nethack, etc)
Evil Genius
Empire Earth, Age of Empires series, Command and Conquer
Tons of sims like simcity/cities: skylines, simant, simearth, etc
Incredible Machine and its successors
Railroad Tycoon
OpenTTD (open source transport tycoon, quite good)
Space Station 13
Dwarf Fortress, Rimworld, etc
Endless Legend/Space

>Evil genius
Good taste. I'll mention thats my favorite to date PC game.

>Really? I thought nu-doom was great.
Good for you. I hate everything it and nu-SW stand for.

>It was like doom 2 but with a more arcade-y feel whilst still being modernized
Hell no. It was nothing but a pure downgrade. And I only talk about the SP, because the MP is on its totally own level of shit.
Even a techmocaö genre switch.

Ooh I forgot: anything by Introversion Software. One of my favorite devs, it's just a couple of cheeky brits knockin about making quality stuff. Like Uplink, Defcon, Darwinia. They also made Prison Architect but I think that has console ports.

Gonna shotgun ya a bit here. Yeah yeah, some of this shit's on consoles (now), big deal. They are always superior on PC.

Thats fine, I'm just looking for specific PC only releases because chances are i've played it on console already. I've played over 7000 console games at this point, so most ports are under my belt.

Jagged Alliance 2

>I'm just looking for specific PC only releases because chances are i've played it on console already.
You should seriously consider re-visiting potentially many of them again on a PC. The differences can be like night & day, and not only visually / performance wise.

Oh I probably will, But when I have more time to do so. Right now i'm looking for new adventures (Well, new to me anyways) and a reason to utilize my PC more.

This is super helpful, and it amazes me to think how many of these games I actually do own, but can't play (Because they're the mac-98 versions...) But I still own stuff like Myst, Tie fighter, Dark forces, Fate of atlantis, Sam and Max etc.

Some of my all time favorites:

Doom -games (1, 2, Final)
Duke Nukem 3D
Shadow Warrior 3D
Half-Life -series
Quake 1 & 2
Serious Sam -series
STALKER trilogy
FEAR + expansions
Portal 1 & 2
Far Cry 1
Crysis 1 + expansion
Max Payne 1-2
Worms: Armageddon
System Shock 1 & 2
Fallout 1 & 2
Killing Floor
Red Orchestra 2 + RS
Warcraft 3 + TFT
C&C: Red Alert 1 & 2
Witcher 1
Talos Principle

Is stalker Single player or online only? I know Sup Forums loves it. but I've never actually sat down and researched what exactly it is.

>tfw a cute japanese milf is playing Blood on Twitch

>deus Ex
>only on PC

Well yeah, it's just a FPS like half life

I'm not counting "The consipracy" I've played that port and it was awful by comparison.

>re-buying games is ok when PC does it

But is it single player? Everytime I see people talk about it, it's always online mods and multiplayer, which is fine and all but I prefer campaigns in FPS games. On a side note I love the original HL more than HL2.

>PC only

Its fine. All suggestions are welcome. I can't expect people to know what I have, and haven't played. I'd just prefer PC centric responses

>pc only
>meanwhile lists deus ex/thief/hexen

>deus EX
>PC only

it's only single player, so I wonder where you saw online mods talk

Ah, then I shall check it out.

Am I wrong in listing those three? I don't recall seeing Thief on console outside the latest installment, and Deus Ex to my knowledge is PC only with the exception of "the conspiracy" port on Ps2, which isn't even the same game.

>PlayStation 2
NA: March 26, 2002

such exclusive

>which isnt even the same game
>minor differences

if you want to discuss ports being completely different games double agent or nightfire are true examples bub.

The conspiracy isn't the same game ya idjit. It's missing levels and has an entirely different ending.

I';m not saying you're wrong. I'm just saying from my experience the two felt vastly different. I started with the PS2 port and hated it control-wise, and thats when Sup Forums told me to play the original about 4 years ago. The difference was really apparent, and I ended up enjoying ti far more too.

wrong again faggot




Played them all with my GF last year, absolutely wonderful series and i'm sad it's done.

Typical sonybro trying to start a consolewar

>mustards don’t like it when people make “multiplat” posts in THEIR threads

Ignore him. Theres bound to always be shitposters. Anyone's suggestions are welcome. I'm just shooting for specifics.

Well... the PC had some pretty cool exclusive Harry Potter games earlier on

Harry potter is one series where i've played every single variant of every single game to current (Fuck EA for ruining 5-7) The Pc ones were good, but PS1 and GBC Sorcerrer/chamber will remain my personal favorites.

this mothrerfucker

Magic Carpet 1-2
Dungeon Keeper 1-2
Giants: Citizen Kabuto

The Devil Inside and Undying. Severance as well.

I'll check em out thanks