What jrpg has the best combat system?
What jrpg has the best combat system?
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vesperia of course
>combat system
I enjoyed the combat system in this game
Ditto. They could do a lot of things to make it more challenging but instead it's gotten even easier over the course of the series. What a shame.
XIII-2's combat was super enjoyable.
Tales of the Abyss had a pretty creative battle system, you know? With the field of fonons and what not so you're attacks could change and become stronger based off the combination of elements and what not.
reminder that Laura is best girl
>What jrpg has the best combat system?
Shadow Hearts series
Resonance of Fate
Persona 5
Grandia 2
Paper Mario TTYD
I think BoF4 combat is very enjoyable
monster hunter
The combat in that series is just convoluted and just feels like they slap on things they see other games do.
Really? I thought XIII and XIII-2's combat was sub-par. You're just pressing X while waiting for the ATB gauge to fill up and what not. I guess it was a bit more fun in XIII-2, but still got bored of it. Same for Lightnings Return as well, and they even tried to make Lightnings Return combat interesting and it was still boring to me.
Shin Megami Tensei 4 Apocalypse
Certainly one of the most unique. Once you get the hang of it it's pretty damn fun.
Any SaGa game or its spin off Last Remnant
>Grandia 2
>Not Grandia 3
But I agree with your entire list for the most part. If you want fun combat systems play any of the games this user mentioned, especially Shadow Heart and Resonance of Fate.
Tales of Vesperia.
Tales of Hearts R.
Shin Megami Tensei, any of them.
berseria is fun
>inflict stat down effect
>inflict status ailment
>inflict stun
>now your souls are probably maxed, mash the fuck out of combos + R2
>I think BoF4 combat is very enjoyable
Problem is the game is easy as fuck (apart from some retarded forced minigames).
That's not a problem. A games doesn't need to be hard to be fun.
if monster hunter is an RPG than i guess splatoon should also be considered for the "rpg with the best combat" discussion.
I never got the hang of it. I literally just barely learned how to keep the top alive while I raped everything on bottom with the occasional forced need to do something up top.
Fuck that fighting system man. Splitting my attention is bullshit.
Not that one, lol
If SRPG's are not counted, then unironically FFX. Too bad they did not utilize its potential fully.
>Shin Megami Tensei, any of them.
SMT I and II are slow, clunky and way too easy.
SMT IV is horribly unbalanced.
I very much enjoyed FFXIII-2's
This might be the answer here. Vesp was quite amazing.
Games have to be in the range of "somewhat challenging" to "balls hard" to be fun. Easy games are never fun, if you actually like playing games.
Xenoblade 2 after chapter 3 or Xenoblade X before mechs. I also really like TWEWY and the rhythm based system from mother 3
This one isn't the best IMO, but I've been playing the demo over the last 2 days and it adds movement to the traditional ATB system in a really natural way.
It adds a bit of thinking on top of what you already know with the typical ATB system, however, I feel that it's also very underused.
If it had skills like Xenoblade where positions affect the effectiveness of attacks then it would've been way more useful.
>if monster hunter is an RPG than i guess splatoon should also be considered for the "rpg with the best combat" discussion.
To be fair, Monster Hunter is an action RPG. The entire game is about upgrading weapons, armor, accessories, your farm, taking on quests crafting,, etc.
It's not exactly like a game like DMC or something.
That's just your opinion.
I agree.
Okay, except those.
If something is too easy then it generally means you will care less and pay less attention. It typically means that you don't need to use the mechanics in the game to progress, so most people won't bother.
This is why for example Batman Arkham Knight can seem to have a shit combat system on Easy/Normal, but the combat becomes way more fun on Hard since you need to play the game as in inteded instead of basically just mashing your way through.
Nah, it's fact. If you like easy games, why play? Just watch. There's no point in playing a game you can't lose.
>Tales shit
>Falcom shit
Oh how this board has fallen.
Grown up.
-SMT nocturne/strange journey
-xenoblade 2/X ground combat
-bravely default
-golden sun TLA
-mother 3
I really wished someone would rip off golden sun's djinn system or mother 3's battle system, they don't deserve to be stuck on dead series
>"Hey look it's something mildly popular. Better tell everybody about how I hate it for not good reason!"
OH how could I forget the mario and luigi games
he says as he posts the worst combat system from a mario RPG
>Ddales of mesperia mmy favorit game!
Valkyrie Profile
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Valkyria Chronicle 3
>"I'll talk like a retard. That'll show him how smart I am!"
>He posts as he adds an image of a Mario RPG that isn't paper Mario
One of the points is that the system gives you a lot of freedom in how you want proceed with fight.
You can stick with defensive paradigms and auto-battle through everything, but it also lets you approach with a lot of depth. Going aggressive using all the available tools, quickly switching paradigms as a response to enemy attacks, canceling the atb to push out a spell early, choosing the debuff paradigm vs chaining, etc. It can be super fun when trying to get 5-star ranks or just beat bosses quickly in general.
Pic related was one of my most intense and fun boss fights I ever had.
Valkyria Chronicles 3
Shadow Hearts Covenant
Suikoden II. It's only drawback is it is so easy. But this also points to why it is so good, since there's so many options and ways to break it. Runes are the best magic system I've ever seen, you have double and triple combo moves and you get to use 6 people in the party.
Runner up is Dragon Quest VIII.
I need to see what happens after this reaction image
Resonance of Fate easily
forgot the pic
>Me likey mash X mkae me focus on waifu story more best jrpg
Super Nintendo game is perfection.
My favourites are Tales of the Abyss, Valkyrie Profile, Valkyrie Profile 2 and Radiata Stories.
Star Ocean 3 is fine too.
And yes, all of them are exploitable hellholes, but that is just something you go into a JRPG knowing will be a thing. You start fine, you end up BLAHBLAHTIDALWAVE/AIMINGDEVICEAIMINGDEVICE-ing the rest of the time. It's the core fun that I speak of.
Do a flip, faggot
Trails of Cold Steel had a great battle system. But this still takes the cake.
>he thinks a turn based combat game is a button masher
Any SaGa game when it comes to turn based.
Is it better than 2? I only played 2 in the DC. Such an amazing game and a roller coaster of emotions.
>let's ruined arts, the game
>let's simplify the quartz system for retards
>Megalith + Domination laura
>delay infinitum
The fact the final boss can't even move before get murdered is proof that its not a good system. Then sen 3 go further and beyond and introduce the Battle Order / Break system
1 has a very, very, very generic anime story.
Minstrel Song.
>Amazing game and a roller coaster of emotions.
Everything you felt from Grandia 2 is amplified in the first game. It feels like a genuine adventure book with life and love.
Not necessarily a bad generic anime story though, as the world is still fairly unique and they actually spend time humanizing most of the main characters so they don't feel like generic waifu or bishounen clickbait
>I am going to join this people in search for myself as we perform artes of my power in the name of me so we can stab my brother/s
The Last Remnant
Minstrel Song did it right. Not only do you have a reason to utilize skills during combat, you are expected to do so as well.
Pokemon unironically
Turn battles:
Bravely Default/Second
Persona 5
Action battles:
Saruin, Sherah and Death aren't related to Elore though, they're Saiva's children, Elore is Mardia's son, together with the other gods like Ukom or Cyril, they're two distinct groups of deities.
>persona instead of SMT
>good combat system
At least until you realize you can simply stunlock everyone with dragon tempest while jade, anise and tear stay in the back casting their strongest spells and healing.
Temple of Elemental E-
This is my answer, the rows and combo system make experimentation fun and encouraged. As others said though, it's way too easy. The final dungeon is a pretty good challenge though. I feel like a port with ahard mode or even just a rebalance patch would makeit the absolute best combat in a jrpg.
>ywn play as Fou Lou actually getting a waifu that brings his love for humanity fully back
>ywn barge into every evil doer's castles going "FUCK YOU THIS IS MINE AS IT WAS MEANT TO BE" using your waifu to point you to who is actually evil
Abysmal story and cast saved by probably the greatest gameplay in a jrpg.
>I feel like a port with ahard mode or even just a rebalance patch would makeit the absolute best combat in a jrpg.
I like BoF4 as much as the next guy but let's not be ridiculous here, the combat is very simple even for its time, especially when older turn based RPGs on the same system like SaGa Frontier already had 90% of the mechanics present in BoF4 as basic stuff, and done better.
Except that's an ARPG, not a JRPG.
>Resonance of Fate
I wish they added even more animations to the guns. I fucking love aerial gun-play.
ToEE's combat sucks, though.
>that scene when he gets hits by the hex only to look up and see the bells, realizing Mami was the sacrefice
BoFIV had so many moments that kind of just fucked me up. Nothing moved me but it definitely brought out something in me.
Endless Frontier EXCEED and Project X Zone 2
Still a JRPG, only people who like to argue about everything think otherwise.
Bravely Default, Etrian Odyssey, Xenoblade, the list goes on
>everything dies in 1 or 2 hits, or it's practically invincible
Eh, I had ablast with it but that's respectable, guess I was exaggerating a bit. I have yet to play a SaGa game as they often sort of intimidated me, the idea of fucking my build over so bad I can't continue puts me off, but they seem like really cool and complex games.
>Want to unlock cool skills and collect all the unique characters
>Game destroys me for doing it
Fuck this game, fun to look at though.
In my opinion FFXIV. It is the only game I can come back to time and again only for the game play. I love the skill designs and the rotations combined with the encounter design.
>Have all the games on 3DS but never got around to playing them again
I should really sit down and replay sometime.
these t b h
idk if it counts but it's pretty good
Are you implying that "grown ups" down have time for hard games? Man I'm 31 and I still beat God Hand on Hard.
You have to get big chains, dude. If you're gonna fight everything, do it in as few fights as possible.
The fact people like you exist is very frightening.
>falling for the SMT meme