pfff hahahahahaha
Pfff hahahahahaha
Still waiting for an improved DW1
Daym, did it do that terrible ?
>mega man battle network
>shin megami tensei
>monster rancher
>dragon quest monsters
>yokai watch
>monster hunter stories
>world of final fantasy
There have been many would be pretenders, but I wonder when people will realize that Pokemon's dominance is untouchable and that it will never die?
Id have bought it on switch
Im not buying a PS4 period
am I supposed to know what the fuck this guy is even talking about?
Shame that shots down possible sequels i really like Cyber Sleuth.
Still getting it on my vita
digimon had its niche
It lost it after years of shit anime and games, it tried real hard last year to revive the brand but failed
Only 30yo nostalgiafags care, digimon is living with borrowed time Im afraid.
Wouldnt surprise me if they pull the plug on it permanently soon
No one cares that you can only afford a Switch you poor nigger.
I can afford anything the PS4 is pure garbage and Im extremely happy I didnt buy one.
>sonic forces
That's not something to be proud of
>14. [PS4] Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings 22,681
>38. [Vita] Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings 7,806
>41. [NSW] Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings~ 6,684
Its just another game in the huge list that sold better on it
How well did .hack// do?
>moeshit that doesnt even sell 10k on fucking vita which is the moe platform
Whoop dee fucking doo
Then you won't get to play it :)
You should have posted a better example than an horrible version of an already horrible game
Enjoy missing out this gen, Homosoreass Rex
It's not even going for the mainstream pokemon audience of kids and nostalgiafags, its going for the underground weeb fanbase that likes to buy lesser known games with hot anime girls drawn by people like Asanagi
I guess not, but Ive seen enough of it and its not a must have for me.
Its a third, final installment of a trilogy suddenly being shoved outside of Sony console in decades.
Why the fuck would Switch owner suddenly jump to it?
>Also new this week, Gust’s Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon launched at 18,207 copies sold on PlayStation 4, 7,168 copies on PS Vita, and 4,463 copies on Switch for a total of 29,838 sales.
>b-b-buh we didn't want it anyways
sour grapes
SMT isn't only the grandfather of any damn monster collection game but it's also alive and well.
What the fuck you are saying.
They should have learned, the kids do buy their stuff but poor planning made them rely solely on nostalgiafags.
Digimon seriously needs to die already
and Im an adventurefag from 1999
But enough is enough, there is no passion left anf the concept is outdated and dumb, it worked in 2000 but not so much today
Fuck they cant even model a proper digital world with interesting shit on it like socket trees and telephone poles now its all just blue tron world bullshit
Let digimon die with dignity
>[PS4] Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon (Limited Edition Included) (Gust, 08/31/17) – 18,207 (New)
>[PSV] Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon (Limited Edition Included) (Gust, 08/31/17) – 7,168 (New)
>[NSW] Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon (Limited Edition Included) (Gust, 08/31/17) – 4,463 (New)
>[PSV] Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star (Marvelous, 11/10/16) – 73,019 (New)
>[PS4] Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star (Marvelous, 11/10/16) – 67,356 (New)
>[NSW] Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star – 10,247 (New)
Yugioh and SMT still exist, bakugan was always doomed to fail, yokai can still live with the anime like Sonic Booom did.
DQM is older
Extella is a late port of a musou not a new release.
>pokemon games keep getting worse
>they sell better
>digimon games keep getting better
>they sell worse
No justice
So switch pretty much dead for third party huh
But Switch is the new Weeb platform of choice! REEEEEEE
Kill yourself gen 7 was great
No HMs alone makes them a huge step forward
>emulating pokemon
Okay, you absolute mongrel, do you have a single fucking fact to back that up? Because SMT is both florishing and bloody well older than pokemon you absolute moron.
Digital devil story is older than any mon game you retard.
USUM is a slap in the face of the average fan
>didn't cut the cutscenes
>instead there's MORE of them
>no cool features like Emerald/Platinum
>no battle tree because fuck you
>merchandize lied about the plot
>Weebshit that flopped on everything but flopped slightly more on the smallest current install base
What is this all trying to prove
>no including dinoking
Sucks to be you I didnt play Moon and went straight for ultra
Also welcome to third/1.5 versions kid
Every single monster series does it by the way
>weebshit that sold 130k copies on sony platforms sold only 10k on the switch
>"flopped slightly more"
It flopped so hard on the switch that the sequel is PS4/Vita only with no switch mentioned at all.
It's showing you why Digimon isn't on Switch, because the audience doesn't buy those games
Your butthurt is hilarious though, keep it coming Nintenbro
>The one example that didn't flop was a late port
Now how about those other ones user
1.5 is suposed to make the game better, not add more hurdles. USUM managed to suck my joy for Alola.
>DS shit
I can tell this babbys first digimon game
Clearly the audience on Sony platforms doesn't buy them either
Fate extella is a fucking port of a damn musou.
Not a new release. If were a new release then I would side with you but isn't the case here.
Also fate is handled by Aniplex.
You mean all those games that sold almost 4 times as much on PS4 as they did on the switch? Yeah, 25% of the PS4 sales sure is just "flopping slightly more".
False equivalence though, since the digimon game barely reached 20k
More of them buy it then on Nintendo platforms.
I look forward to your extreme butthurt when Catherine Full Body never comes to Switch too.
>4 times as much
Yeah and not a single other example cracked 30k on PS4. They all flopped on everything. Nice damage control though
All of which are successful in their own right
Goddamn I forgot about Spectrobes though.
>More of them buy it then on Nintendo platforms
So why did this it flop then
Damn that sucks, still can't until it comes stateside
And they censored the western version
Its like they want to lose money
Maybe if the game was not a Vita Ps4 exclusive.
It should have come to PC and switch.
Not sure why bamco ports everything to everything other than Digimon and Gundam.
Honestly that's probably the best example right there. You have 2 factors for Sonic Forces and that's:
1. Terrible game
2. Switch version is the worst version
And DESPITE both of these huge problems, the Switch version still sold the best for what I could only guess is people just wanted it more on Switch than anything.
It still sold terribly, i don't know why you're bragging about a game flopping on Sony than on Nintendo
>It should have come to PC and switch.
Keep crying.
>Guise game flopped but switch version flopped more therefore switch sux :DDDD
It's not out in the west. Releasing it on PC right now would give them like what, 100 sales tops?
>want game to do better so that the series doesnt fucking die
>lol ur just crying
Grow up
>Sony fanboy bragging about a game he didn't even buy
Its the Bloodborne affect
who the fuck cares about some cheap pokemon ripoff
I know that digimon is older
Do you do this shit when Nintendo gets third party exclusives? Or is it only bad when PlayStation has exclusives?
It's not out in english yet, dumbass.
>american version is censored
>eu uncensored
*breaths in*
I dont like exclusives period
Did sony pay for having digimon exclusive?
I fucking doubt it
>It's not out in english yet, dumbass.
You still won't buy it
Did Nintendo pay for having SMT V exclusive? Did Nintendo pay for having Bravely Default exclusive? I fucking doubt it
I have it pre-ordered :^)
left is eu/jp right is na
Why are you bringing up switch exclusives you insecure bitch
Enjoy your dead series
>Digimon is dead
at least it had a moment, even though it was a short moment.
>I have it pre-ordered :^)
Sure you do user, sure you do
>Why are you bringing up switch exclusives you insecure bitch
says the guy whining about PlayStation exclusives.
Stay butthurt I guess.
Quit projecting
Step backwards more like
So hows Tri?
I'm not.
>responding to bait
>Xros was shit
>Tri was worse than 02
>Appli is just xros again
>Cyber sleuth thunder is dead
It hurts
Should of had Appmon desu.
And a marketing campaign maybe.
that last part with the youtube comment is honestly peak comedy gold
Not really even as vpet pokemon is older.
>xros and appmon
Also they actually managed to sell to kiddies.
>actual bottom of the barrel weeb games are finally dying
thank fucking god.
It’s time for innovation, not a million sequels with rehashed content.
What is the best thing to play to satisfy my pokemon autism besides pokemon?
I remember that cybler sleuth sold well, especially in europe where it was sold out on amazon. Was a pretty cool game besides the dumb hard mode that forced you to use certain digimons.
deff gonna get hackers memory and next world soon
World of Final Fantasy I guess
World of Final Fantasy was nice and a fresh experience, I didn't like the stack mechanic before playing it, but it's actually pretty nice. Too bad the story is bland and gameplay gets repetitive after a while.
Repetitive just like Pokémon after all. I think the genre is one of the worst kind in RPGs. Since they have to waste time and resources for every monsters, the combat end up bland and nothing exceptional cames out from these kind of games. And no, competitive Pokémon is not interesting
buy a 3ds and a flashcard, theres tons of pokemon rippoffs
What exactly do you mean by innovation?
I just think mass fusion is lame
I hope you mean DS flashcart or I'm going find you and shove a 3ds in your arse.
Not him but make interesting games? I love anime titties as much as the next guy but can't they make something original for once, can't they make the gameplay as good as the tiddies? It's all incredibly mediocre action game or incredibly mediocre turn based game.
Yeah but those two shows handled it jist fine.