I just bought the STALKER pack. What am I in for? Isn't there a mod for SoC that's highly recommended?
I just bought the STALKER pack. What am I in for? Isn't there a mod for SoC that's highly recommended?
only get ZRP it'll fix the game without ruining it. complete does similar things, and i think it even improves the graphics but it's a huge noob trap and it fucks with the vanilla difficulty which is perfect. seriously, the difficulty in this game is what makes it so immersive, constantly on edge and unique.
play on master.
Ignore this advice, vanilla STALKER is honestly too dated at this point and a lot of things like the weapon assets did not age well at all. Get Autumn Aurora.
Set difficulty to Master.
Don't ragequit before getting to the Bar.
Get out of here, Stalker.
get MISERY its must have
For the first playtrough just use the official patches. Don't be a pussy and hold on when the game gets hard as shit.
It's a two way road, at least if people are buying it maybe someone will make a new STALKER someday.
autumn aurora for the second playthrough
Doom's mod merge for the freeplay playthrough
Play CS with SRP
Play CoP
Go crazy with CoP mods
Play CoC/CoM/Last Day
ill play with your coc
ive been really interested in a freeplay mod. Something that could ideally generate small missions and has some improved faction stuff / companion stuff. ideas?
CoC with addons is the way to go
But be aware, it is a sandbox mod, there's no main story (and if you pick the story mode it's just SoC's), plenty of sidequests, a lot of addons for seemingly everything
Go to for questions info and all that shit
Why would you want to play on Master
peaking for every kill isn't fun
appreciated, my dude
Having a lot of fun with CoC
>vanilla stalker is good
Why can't you just play it faggot
>vanilla stalker is bad
where da bloodsucker smutt at
you can always tell who ran at the military base with a jacket and a broken pistol and tried to take on a entire military base of soldiers with ak`s and body armor then rage quit
t. freedom
Is this a Serious Sam reference?
now it makes sense why duty is so uptight, they all have eachothers sticks up their asses
I was on here yesterday user, I fucked up my game and got to bar by accidentally doing all the main quests after 2-3 hours, leave while you still can game is overrated
You know goddamn well these people didn't make it past the first rescue job against like eight bandits
...the bar is the main hub you idiot, thats where you go to do the entire game. you made it out of the tutorial area.
anyone whose played it twice speed runs to the bar in 15 minutes and THEN starts the game
to be fair, so did i probably when i first played this at 15, but still. how hard is it to like, try again/turn around go a different direction
Even as a pleb I managed to save scum them with my sawed off shot gun.
i think he might have meant 'got too far'?
I love how the first thing the game makes you do is insanely difficult the first way through
did you get rekt by
still dosent make sense. "got too far"? a rushed playthrough is like 10 hours, its an average of 16. where did he give up? im seriously guessing at the first underground
>He didn't arrive in the dead of night
>knife two or three look-outs,
>grab the briefcase, and haul ass out of there by using the roof latter.
>bothering with that weak ass reward when theres a silencer and ak in the starting camp and next to the train tracks
>not just blitzing it after that straight to freedom for the free vss vintorez with scope, 4 sets of armor, 4 m4`s with grenade launchers and a 6 shot gl, for free by the time youve snuck out of the military base
>not holstering your gun and just walking up to the soldiers under the train tracks and paying them 200-300 roubles to pass instead of fighting them
you are not supposed to run and gun user, take your time
I agree with this, except for the master setting. Play on that if you want to have no ammo the whole time.
Is the full STALKER pack worth it or should I just get Shadow?
>Paying like a bitch
>Not going through the tunnel for free artifacts every time or jumping over the fence with a barrel
torrent them, or download from the repositories
>again bothering with that when literally 300,000 roubles of free gear awaits you
shocs the best one, but really, no one cares if you torrent it because none of the money goes to the original creators anymore
>So much of a brainlet you can't even come up with anything original, just the opposite of what I already said
Thanks for proving my point
Freedom is for commie tumblrinas.
which is why you jump over the armorys shoulder, shoot the lock and literally rob them dryyyyyy, and then insult to injury, jump back out and sell the loot you stole RIGHT back to them