Vi sitter här i venten och spelar lite DotA

Vi sitter här i venten och spelar lite DotA.

Other urls found in this thread:

i feel ya mon

I hear you man

I don't speak Arabic


I understand where you're coming from my dude

Whatever happened to Basshunter anyway?


he's speaking swedish, are all the hamburgers going to your ears mutt?

He got Weinstein'd.

It really bothers me that this historical jewel isn't treated as the unofficial anthem by Dota 2 players because they're ignorant to their own deep lore.

swede spotted


there was no joke, it was another typical amerifat post about how europe has been taken over by muslims

He's still sitting in Ventrilo, playing a bit of Dota.

Så vad spelar ni denna kväll alla mina svenska kompanjoner?

settle down achmed

not sure if not serious or wife's roommate mohammed

Passade på att spela lite GTA Online medan snön fanns kvar med några finnar. Hade planer på att spela annat också men...

witcher 3, dd snygging

who is the basshunter of the new generation Sup Forums
is there even one?

här i tråd ska vi talar svenska när vi är jävlä homosexuel :DD åke och pelle tycker om varandra rumpa :D alla människorna gay homo i sverige :DD

Finland är Svensk lera.


vad är lera? något homosexuel term säkert.

1. blandning av jord och vatten
2. material som används till keramik


I started playing Warcraft III because of Basshunter. Too bad DotA turned out to be steaming pile of shit.

>implying there's a difference

Go back to sucking the sand nigger mudslime invader's cock you degenerate nation of faggot tumblr cucks.


Hurrit on homoja :DDD

what the fuck is happening in this thread


Unfildered Finnish audism :DDDDDDD

No swede is safe from Finnish bullies on Sup Forums.

no longer sitting in [comm software of your choice] because valve ruined the sequel

t. nysvensk