January Direct Predictions and Hopes

What are your
>wildest dreams

Other urls found in this thread:


>Smash 5 announcement when?

What direct?

WiiU remasters and a very little bit more.

Expectations: Octopath release date

Hopes: Same aa expectations and maybe Pokemon Switch Teaser

Wildest Dreams: Reggie does something memeatic

Any estimated dates for it?

Why does everyone keep insisting that there's going to be a direct this month?

>Nintendo announced buyout by Sony
>World improves as millions of manchildren kill themselves

EA leaked it by accident.

I expect disappointment. When was the last time a Direct managed to live up to the hype you had beforehand?

>less competition is good for me
With IQ that low, I have to wonder...you’re a nigger or a shitskin, aren’t you?

Expectaions: FE Switch, Indies, WiiU porta

Hopes: Smash U Port, Bayo 3 release date, new dkc, Switch VC

Wildest Dreams: F-Zero

There is no fucking direct.

Everytime, because I have reasonable expectations to hear or see about a new game or two, not 100 breathtaking new IPs and incredible full footage of long lost franchises

>Smash U Port
Why this over smash 5?

Smash 5 wouldn’t realistically be coming out for 3-4 years. And since switch sales are eclipsing Wii U already, I think it would be smart for people that didn’t have a chance to play it the forst time around

Jan`10th say rumors


What’s the chance of them not screwing f-zero up by making it too easy

Pikmin fucking 4

That was a bullshit leak.

Yeah guys there's only 3 major surprises
I'll spoil two of them for you

witcher 3 is being ported to switch with a general downgrade, but includes the DLCs. No ETA,
so probably at least a year off
game boy classic launching september 2018, will include a shit ton of gameboy games, ie pokemon, zelda, etc. No pricetag announced

bleh boring.
you have my attention.

More Mario shite
>wildest dreams
Nintendo goes 3rd party

Prove it

Okay, her is what I really want:
>Mario Odyssey DLC
>Mario Kart 9
>Mario Party 11
>Pikmin 4
>Captain Toad sequel
>Mario Maker 2
>some other fun party games (like Wii Party U or Wii Sports Resort
>something Final Fantasy related
>something new from Retro
>new Pokémon game
>new TrackMania or port

its not vc, its a literal gameboy, like the nes/snes except its handheld
I guess they weren't going to do mini64 while they're still squeezing blood from those rocks for VC and whatnot

and kirby
Please give me a virtual console,i rarely have enough time to play new games, i just want my punch out and gameboy mega man games please
>wildest dreams
punch out switch

>gameboy classic
oh god no please no, the screen would be shit compared to how good gameboy games could look on the switch i need all my gameboy mega man im sure nintendo would pick the shity ones for a gameboy classic

Xenoblade 2 January Dlc announcement. We still dont know of their side quests or main story.


That sounds pretty cool actually. Here's hoping all the scalpers don't snatch em all up.

I don't usually make predictions, but I wouldn't be too surprised if they announced a Prime trilogy port. Either via VC announcement or a new compilation for the Switch. Quick and easy, the games are als enough to warrant it and would hype up Prime 4 a ton

I have no idea what kind of screen its using
just wait 10 days and they'll probably mention it

Say it with me. Animal Crossing.

Animal Crossing.

Expectations: A lot of indies no one cares about, teasers for one or two big games (Probably Wii U ports like Smash)

Hopes: Animal Crossing Switch announced, Metroid Prime 4 information, N64 Classic Edition announced, Smash 5

Wildest Dreams: BotW follow-up announced, genuinely good, new 3rd party titles/IPs, Pikmin 4, FF7R/Kingdom Hearts 3 Switch ports, Mother 3 VC release, F-ZERO




Animal Crossing

NO, you are lying, you are full of shit

whatever screen they use there is no way it could be as good as the switch one because they need to make it look like a gameboy for normie nostalgia fags to buy it

and if they make a classic gameboy that means y virtual console is dead and so is my dream of a switch with all the mega man games on it


All I want is Pokken DX DLC

My dudes

What we already know like Kirby and Yoshi with more information on Wii U ports like Bayonetta and maybe Smash
Big new games
>Wildest Dreams
HD remake of Xenogear and Saga

>implying I have any patience left after the 9 year wait for Pikmin 3
it's even worse because they said they were "almost done" with it like a year ago

Expectations: Indies no one really cares about
Hopes: Mario odyssey dlc
wildest dreams: snes games on switch

Another look at SMTV and Bayo 3

I can't wait for the tears of disappointment.

I can't tell if these are falseflags or not, but I agree. Where the fuck is Pikmin 4, Miyamoto?


NES-N64 and GB-GBA VC available soon after the Direct with GC titles on the way
Story of Seasons trailer

>wildest dreams
Animal Crossing Switch trailer and announcement that it will release in 2018
Pokemon Switch trailer
Okami HD for Switch
Suikoden 1&2 collection
Final Fantasy collection
Castlevania collection
A good fishing rpg game
Nintendogs for the Switch

>Pikmin 4 is in development and "very close to completion", Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto has exclusively confirmed to Eurogamer.
>Published 07/09/2015
Yeah..then they went and announced that Pikmin 3ds spinoff later

Miyamoto is a Professional Cocktease.

>DMC Collection
>DMCV Switch exclusivity
>Dante shown kicking Bayonetta out of Smash 5

Wait, it's the 10th? I thought it was the 11th, not that I'm complaining about it being a day earlier mind you. That said, I wish it was on the 9th as I have that day off of work.

There was an interview of miyamoto like last year that confirmed that Hey Pikmin was a different game from Pikmin 4.

Nigga what, the point of Pokken DX was to include DLC (which didn't even come to the Wii U version at all, the DLC only came to Arcades before).

I think it might have been leaked.

These guys are in charge of a Nintendo magazine, and from the description it seems that they know info of the direct ahead of time. And on the cover of their latest magazine they have "Pikmin 4" alongside already announced stuff.

How much of the direct will be wasted on Fire Emblem I wonder.

Breath of the Wild: return of the champions

Animal Crossing
Platinum Games
>>wildest dreams
Advance Wars

oh man I sure hope so

The switch has enough children's party games as is.

I WANT to believe

No way Smash is getting announced in January, that'll be an E3 thing.

Honestly, I really just want more surprises. The E3 reveals felt like really safe stuff. I want more things from out of left-field (especially if it's from a dormant franchise), like what Kid Icarus Uprising was.

All I want is Animal Crossing. The Switch is literally the perfect system for it, combining the best aspects of both the handheld and console games.

it has a sleek and glossy screen, similar to the switch I think, its not a touchscreen though. I mean unless they left that out for some reason, but why the fuck would it be, thats extra cost
it looks like they're making them as cheap as possible while still being a vast improvement on the original gameboy, it even has a joke about how the original gameboy was not backlit and shows a kid trying to play it on a train in the night during the video which is all cutesy and shit
I have no idea what these kinds of things will cost. Like $60 or something?

I think there's been a magazine that accidentally added Pikmin 4, but it was meant to be speculatory.

Is it specifically stated that they know about the direct?

Xenosaga HD Collection, or remake or something.
The rumor earlier last month got my hopes up and Kos-Mos Re; also got my hopes up.


A new DKC title. This doesn't translate to I want Retro to develop it, don't come at me with that shit.
Nothing, I've given up doing that with Nintendo.

Xenoblade and Xenoblade X port

2 was my first and I absolutely fucking adored it

ive been looking at Xenosaga series again in light of XC2 and I would love this too
when I played it as a kid the story was really too much for me to understand

>wildest dreams
A full Xenoblade HD remake with X's engine
Xenoblade with some texture re-work Twilight Princes style.

>Is it specifically stated that they know about the direct?
From their Patreon:

>We'll take an in-depth look at it, evaluate more modern ports to the Switch like DOOM and Bayonetta 2, and then report on . . . well, some things we aren't able to say publicly here quite yet! (But early 2018's going to be pretty exciting for Switch fans . . . )

>And check back here in January for more info on this next issue!

They seem to be a spiritual successor to Nintendo Power, and I guess they might get insider info as a result.


Why can't we have a Mario Party online? Yeah, alright, random people suck and they'd probably quit. But you can't ignore the fact that a lot of us have friends or family we'd love to play with online. Especially if there was a way to save the game and continue later still.

What kind of bundles are you hoping for?

Didnt someone in some forum said something about 12th and also amazon didnt leak like 18 switch titles marked as "just unveilet at nintendo direct"?

>3DS in 2018 (Sushi Striker, Kirby Battle Royale, Atlus' garbage, Pokémon Crystal VC, Detective Pikachu, another late localization of a Yo-kai Watch game, some old game gets remade for the 3DS idk which I'm guessing shit).
>Splatoon 2: The Shellendorf Institute stage will be available the week of the Direct; also shows Arowana Mall with a February release
>Xenoblade 2 DLC
>Dong Freeze gets ported
>Fire Embmeme
>Another Pokémon spin-off for Switch instead of the main series game because The Pokémon Company is fucking retarded
>Kirby Star Allies
>Yoshi's Kindergarten Shit by good-feel (the Yoshi game revealed at E3) powered by ue4
>Bayonetta 1+2 reminder
>Indie garbage
>Paid online in fall

Unlikely to ever be shown (I hope I'm wrong):
>Super Smash Bros.
>2D Mario
>2D Zelda
>Main series Pokémon game
>Animal Crossing
>Pikmin 4
>Metroid Prime 4

Get a Wii U lazy negro. Or at least a 3ds for the first one.

- Kirby on 3DS and Switch
- Indies
- New Splatoon 2 content
- New 3DS games no one cares about
- More last-gen ports of AAA games
- Fire Emblem Warriors DLC
- Fire Emblem 16 trailer
- Direct ends with Prime 4 teaser
- Bayo 3 gameplay / release date
- Animal Crossing. A Switch game is essentially confirmed, but I just want it to be announced. It's likely they're saving it and other big games like Pokemon and Smash for E3 though.
- Smash. Read above.
- Pikmin 4.
- Mario Odyssey DLC, I want more Bing Bing Wahoo
>wildest dreams
- F-Zero

GameFreak already announced a main series Pokémon for the Switch

yes i know, they don't reveal main series Pokémon on Nintendo Direct though, just Pokémon Direct

Timesplitters 2/FP

There were pokemon games in the direct
They weren't on the switch
when they announce the switch pokemon it will be a different event

as long as they announce darkest dungeons for january like there are rumors of, i'll be happy. anything beyond that is just a surprise which i don't expect since directs usually stink on ice

Because a port being released in 2018 is realistic

I think it is possible for Smash 5 to be announced in 2018 and be released in 2019.

tf2 for switch

Zelda HD collection, including the 3DS/Wii U remakes and hopefully Skyward Sword


In Poland no one knows what Nintendo is

Poland doesn't know what the holocaust is either

why do these "insiders" sometimes blurt out everything but other times go "I can't publicly talk about it"? It seems super arbitrary

They have to say something about the virtual console/online service come on

Some info on Monolith's or Retro's new games would also be good

>screen goes black
>faint music starts playing
>"The wind blows hard in December... Our last fight, do you remember?"
>Xenoblade Chronicles X2 December 2018


Expectations: Pikmin 4, FE Switch
Hopes: anything SMT, Smash
Wildest Dreams: Golden Sun, Advance Wars

All I want is US release date for Deep Strange Journey

l expect indies, fire emblem, and maybe acouple of new ips in the vein of 1,2 switch

l hope we get a gameplay trailer for metroid prime 4

as for wildest dreams, kid icarus uprising 2

Is the first one actually playable on the "new" 3(2)DS? I heard it had a pretty poor frame rate.
Also what other jRPGs would be worth getting if I were to pick up a new 2DS?
