What do you want to see in FE Switch?

What do you want to see in FE Switch?

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Tharja begging me to put a baby in her.

They should add guns to the game, but the ammunition for the guns is babies and you can get more ammunition by getting everyone to fuck each other. It'd sell at least dozens.

no waifus

Completely eliminate any sort of marriage system, eliminate all child units, bring back magic triangle.

A game that combines the elements of CQ, SoV, and Heroes in one big package. And of course even cuter girls

A game like this with waifus, cute dresses, and midriff.

The MT would need to be reworked if it comes back.

Fates gameplay mechanics like attack stance and debuffs. A actually well written plot this time.

Child units not included if they can't be written in without some Hyperbolic Time Chamber bullshit

guys i can't stop listening to this, help

>Large scale maps a la FE4
>Smaller maps with varying win conditions for important chapters (stuff like escape chapters or throne captures)
>Relatively small, tight group of characters, which are all tied to the story and not just generic nobodies.
>If they must include child units, don't allow us to use both children and parents, kill off the parents, or make them retire, or whatever.

A Geneology remake with Thracia as an unlockable second campaign.
Echoes was pretty good for what it was so I want to see how they manage those ones.

This will make you forget all about that.

A serious game. This dating sim jpop drama waifu bullshit is getting old.

Anything that will trigger oldfags.

Anything that will trigger newfags.

Anything that will trigger oldfags and newfags.

I prefer youtube.com/watch?v=iWO4ff1HXYY

Same turn reinforcements.


More Carmilla


This, but enemy units also have movement stars.

All units that aren't the Lord are locked behind amiibos.


And staves can miss.


Something brand new and revolutionary to the series. Good writing.

I'd rather have a proper Shining Force game.

Very large tiddies.


MU, Conquest tier maps, that dungeon stuff from Echoes, archers that are actually good, interesting battle animations and qt waifus.

smallest cup size is F cup

Fuck no.

And enemy dancers are now a thing

Echoes map design
Awakening unit designs
Conquest plot
RD unit availability
FE7 tutorial

>Echoes map design
You mean the DLC maps, right?

And fog of war completely blacks out the parts of the map you can't see.

More mechanics related to movement. Stuff like shoving, lunging, tossing lighter units to higher elevation, a more balanced canto, having two units on one mount with reduced movement and one attack per person, etc.

And FE11/12 visuals.

It already has all that

Awakening has some of the best unit designs of the franchise though.

anything that isnt censored

Thracia was a mistake.

No shit Echoes gameplay is all I ask.

As much as I hate Fates, I'd rather another Fates than another Echoes, at least Fates was fun to play if you skip dialogue.


>Echoes map design


Nigger I'm an Awakeningfag and even I disagree.

Unless you are talking about waifus, then I agree.

>A well-written story
>Translators who just translate and don't drastically alter the characters/plot
And I'm really reaching with this one
>Every character is worth fielding and is useful in some way

Are you dumb. He's taking the bad aspects of one of the games and mashing them together.

>As much as I hate Fates
> Fates was fun to play

>Every character is worth fielding and is useful in some way
This has never happened and likely never will.

Misread, my mistake.

Conquest is Thracia/ PoR tier in terms of gameplay. The story and cast are awful, sure, but the mechanics are solid as fuck and many of the maps are great.

FE4 came close

For that last one you'd literally have to do full deployment and/or only give you 1 character per a unit type i.e only 1 infantry sword.

>Conquest is Thracia/ PoR tier in terms of gameplay. The story and cast are awful, sure, but the mechanics are solid as fuck and many of the maps are great.
hence the confusion, how can you hate a game whose core component excels. don't tell me you're some weird storyfag.

I want everything Conquestfags don't want so I get to see them cry about it.

Because ISIS can't into balance.

Well, a little, in terms of story I did enjoy 3/4/8/9/10 a lot.

>don't drastically alter the plot

Why retards act like NoA butchered the entire story?

The story is same shit on all versions.

Reminder that people who circlejerk Thracia never played it, and people who shit on SD but praise New Mystery never played either of them.

>I want a game with incredibly empty maps, grinding, pathetically barebones and easy gameplay, gimmick mechanics and a dumb story where it turns out a village boy is actually a prince with magic blood and blessed by a god

For all the hate Corrin got, he had LESS plot powers than Alm.

A complete lack of Treehouse involvement. Hire 8-4 or someone else for localization.

Nigger, Thracia and New Mystery have had fan translations for years now.

People who shit on Shadow Dragon are hypocrites though, silly recruitment mechanics aside it's a great game.

Loli waifus.

People get way too hung up on shadow dragons visuals, dumb gaiden requirements and lack of supports and often overlook how well it refined the core Fe gameplay whilst having one of the best localisations in the series.

My Unit/Avatar creation

There's like a 99% chance I won't be buying it anyways, so it might as well piss off Conquestbabies so I can laugh at them.

Don't forget FE11 official art.

Thracia does legitimately have some good features, mainly the varied win conditions that pretty consistently appear throughout the game and aren't just one off gimmicks.

Alm was just a prince raised in secret by a knight. Corrin was simultaneously the prince of three kingdoms, a dragon, chosen by a sword of legend, and had the favor of divine dragons or some such nonsense.

That would defeat the purpose for at least 50% of the playerbase.

I played all three and shit on Thracia and SD but love NM.

Amusingly enough, I have the opposite desire if they decide not to make a good game, I want them to make it as anime as possible with as much waifushit as possible to trigger people like you.

Conquestfags already had to suffer Echoes shit gameplay already.

Corrin was also shit on for a good deal of the game and failed half the things he set out to do.

Is that a bulge?

Doing something like what RD did with swapping between different armies in chapter 3. Seeing the armies you built end up fighting each other was stressful.

NM has god-tier gameplay though and SD is also damn good.

Thracia is fun but fuck if I'm going to play it without save states, fucking staves.

Marriage, shipping is what drew me to the franchise
Also less dlc cancer

>FE4&5 remake
>Chapter 1 is Sigurd's Tale
>Chapter 2 goes back and forth between Seliph and Leif
>Chapter 3 they team up.

>succeeded in getting Garon to sit on the throne
>succeeded in killing daddy
>succeeded in killing Garon
The only time he failed that I can recall was stopping Hans, but even then he accepted that he couldn't completely stop them yet and so he focused instead of ending the war quickly and minimizing casualties.
>shit on
Everyone in his family says that he shouldn't change after walking into an obvious trap and in conquest Takumi says he was in the wrong instead of Corrin. No one important shits on him. This isn't like miccy where at least characters go "whoa hey, why are we following the king? This war is retarded"

Tat sounds neat but would be a lot of work and might suffer like how Fates did for being too ambitious with three routes.

Fucking Fates is so damn unfinished they made an entire game with the unused assets like the world map and the free roaming 3d and villages. Fun fact, the villages in Echoes are full explorable 3d, you just cannot move and see it from a menu.

Goodass villains

I have mixed feelings about the kids. On the one hand they add a lot in terms of variety and replayability, especially given that you can pair anyone with someone else from their generation. On the other hand it makes for some weird and stupid writing excuses in order for it to happen. FE has never had good writing though, supports aren't much worse than they ever were on average (but I'm sure many would like to cherrypick the especially bad ones). So with the studio's strengths in mind, I'd say fuck the writing again for the sake of gameplay.

Ideal scenario: they get good writers, each unit has two to four pairing choices to flesh them out more, and the story is a generation gap a la FE4 (original cast need not die necessarily, that would seem rehashy).

Kinda forgot to mention that if they do do something like that, make it so that one side isn't stomping both in-game and out. Also maybe have characters actually die and not retreat. The climax hopefully doesn't end up like fates.

>Nestra, Cheve and Hoshido massacred
>Multiple characters die
>Xander threatens him a ton

My post had nothing to do with the viability of translations.
Most people who praise Thracia's gameplay are people who never played it and are just regurgitating shit a grandpa said.
The same goes for people who say SD is bad but New Mystery is okay. They just heard on reddit somewhere that SD is the worst game ever made, but NM fixed most of the problems so it's okay.
This is coming from someone who likes Jugdral and Archanea the most, too.

Agreed. My favorite thing about Thracia is how the game managed to merge story and gameplay so well. That one escape chapter where half of your army starts at the bottom near a shitload of enemy horses is my favorite map in the series.

Fates especially suffered because they brought in a manga writer and fucking Senran Kagura's writer to do the story and supports respectively and then chopped it up and rewrote it for three routes.

Vertical maps


>the MC succeeds in what he's trying to do after hardship, this make him a mary sue
Well shit, every FE MC is now a mary sue, since they never fail.

What I want: The refined Shadows of Valentia design philosophy.

What i'll get: The anime waifushit of the new games.

Ah, I see what you mean.

Yeah, wannabe grandpas are the worst. Especially the fags that say Gaiden is as good as Mystery of the Emblem or Zigludo's Holy War: Descent of Jihad just because Echoes is passable.

Not continusouly trying to put every feature that's been in the series up to this point in one game, pick a couple and make them good, not all of them and they're all shit.

Do you know if those two caused the stupid hyperbolic kid chambers? The supports I can get over, the kids less so.
