What happened to her?
What happened to her?
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I shot her in the chest.
Imagine if there's a mini game where you had to use the touch pad to play with her vagina
I had sex with her :)
I wish I fucking knew
She got raped by horses
how did they manage to fuck up her face THIS bad?
steph asked that quiet's model be uglied up a bit because she thought it looked more attractive than herself
All is revealed in hahahahahaha
>thanks for taking me out for ice cream, user
wat do?
No problem but never speak English to me again
She gave birth to Sniper Wolf.
she fucked some peshmerga dude and had a baby girl. she's the mother of sniper wolf.
Liberate her with my big Canadian cock, I'll show her my windmill if you know what I mean
Put her saddle on and gallop into the sunset
She fucking left our discord server. Didn't trust bloody Droid ffs. Not even him.
Seeing Gab butthurt over MGS comments was the best:
God she's ugly..
She activated her parasite when she spoke didn't she? Is that not how it is supposed to work? She never got the "fix". But in that case, wouldn't she risk spreading the english strain unless she killed herself shortly after?
I remember I met this Dutch guy, I asked him if Dutch girls love Canadian guys and he said that they probably would because we saved them
There was a brief period where I was obsessed with Quiet, despite having never played MGSV.
Buying a statue of her wasn't my greatest decision
Doesn't look that much different from Joost. Joost's mouth area and soychin, no jaw are terrible. Only soyboys find her attractive.
Put a bag over her head and doggy all night
Gab is basically Joost without make-up
This is the canon option.
I shot on her chest
someone posted her face with that makeapp thing and she basically looks the same
i hope kojima does a better job with her character model in death stranding
She's not in Death Stranding, she confirmed it at a recent convention. She was making it seem like she was by saying she can't comment.
nice try joost. we all know you are in it
A horse for a horse. Seems fitting.
Too deep! Too deep!
Did he cum?
>finger wasn't even on the trigger
Good thing she's willing to suck dick for her career because she's not going anywhere with that brain
>thinks trigger discipline is a bad thing
you're the dumb one
She died an ignoble death in the desert.
how did their character model actually end up uglier than the actress?
>google reverse search
>"did you mean: girl ?"
Wow ... just wow
are characters not allowed to be slightly ugly?
>tfw no Quiet gf
She pretty much dead because she spoke English
Shadbase, really
Joosten? Kojima pumped her, dumped her and is still not returning her calls. He has Mads now.
>tfw no joosten gf
>tfw neither western and eastern devs can make a single decent female face even when theyre given a walking model and they only need one
>meanwhile in potatoland, the literal perfection
Always follow trigger discipline ESPECIALLY if you are pointing it at another person. If you don't practice this you're a fucking moron.
Soyboi trying to pretend to be a man I see.
shes very good at handling guns. one of the reason koji-san hired her
Anyone infected with the vocal cord parasite strain of their language that speaks that language and wasn't vaccinated with WOLBACHIA dies a horrible death. Since she was literally the only person on the planet that had the English strain, she more than likely perished.
Y-you too
How come she didn't infect anyone else.
Because she was quiet
Why didn't she infect snake at the end though?
It's an airborne parasite, and there was a sandstorm
Am I missing something or wouldn't the wind make it infect people miles away?
>tfw seeing Joost getting fucked thanks to all the quiet r34 videos.
>soviets, afghans, pashtuns, and africans speaking english
Dude, stop bringing facts and logic here.
what the hell is this?
Pictures or fuck off
I was expecting her to just show up later in the story, but no. She was dead. Probably why I liked MGSV more than the average person, with that cancer gone.
>She pretty much dead because she spoke English
The Parasites kill people by multiplying in their lungs and shit. The bitch ain't got no lungs to begin with so she's fine. She either went and lived a hermit in the desert or burned herself alive (as in the novel).
Kojima wanted to leave it ambiguous.
>not giving her the bukkake instead
It doesn't kick in right away, by the time it started spreading or was infectious she was long gone from Snake.
>speaks English to save husbando
>fucks off ASAP to avoid infecting anyone now that she's contagious
>lungs were burnt away so the parasites can't kill her which would be great if she wasn't contagious
>cutscene shows her with one round in the chamber ready to go before she wanders into the desert and symbolically disappears with a gust of wind
>was never heard from again
>in MGS4 Old/Solid Snake was led to believe he was in the same position as Quiet but with FOXDIE instead of the vocal cord parasites and he tried to shoot himself before Big Boss showed up to tell him he wasn't contagious after all
will MGS5 be the peak of her videogame career?
Probably burned herself to death after saving Venom.
What's the code?