Can we have a grand strategy thread?

Can we have a grand strategy thread?
What are you playing?

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I'm too stupid to into grand strategy

shit thread kill yourself eu4 doesn't deserve to be grand strategy. bad game

Vic 2 as India.
>tfw won't be able to reverse colonize the British Isles because 2slow

EU4 is casual fun.

I was thinking about playing Japan, what clan should I play?


Why people keep falling to this bishounen meme. He's fucking useless lord who submitting to a fucking monkey in shame.



ROTK 13, can't seem to stop playing it even though its repetitive. I wish Nobunaga's Ambition had similiar system with interacting more with officers. In Sphere of Influence all it is, is deploy take this castle, pacifiy an enemy officer, take another castle till you've controlled everything.

It'd be good if it didn't hide important features behind DLC

m-muh one-eyed dragon

You can get all the DLCs for free though.

Play the greatest strategist and most resourceful statesman of the time, Uesugi Kenshin


Destroy the Shogunate.

when's the last time you played, user? they patched that out months ago

Okay but bear in mind Paradox has its own general on /vg/.

Does Matrix Games have anything good? I got Always Jacta Est and it was fun but more of a wargame than I was hoping for.

Hasokawa and Uesugi are both easy to form Japan with. Pick one depending on whether you want to be real aggressive or more economically stable. Either way ally the other one.

doing it right now my n word

HOW user

Tell us your secret.

I wish I could enjoy EU4 but it feels so fucking basic and boring, most of time I'm just waiting around for my points to fill up and there seems to be nothing interesting to do but paint the map


>Mesoamerica and Andean technology groups are on par with North and South america as technology tier 1

Why did they do this? It's not like they just didn't bother to do research/know nothing about those cultures, the events for the Aztecs and such show they did actual research, as does the Flower War mechanic as part of Doom for their religion, though Doom itself is sort of wonky an ahistorical

They should be tier 2 along west and central africa, at least.


Be a crazy christian samurai and remove Amaterasu in the name of Rome and the pope.

>Ryukyu is a Chinese's tributary state
Welp, how do I take it now? and what to do fter form Japan?


Ming is pretty retarded with their naval department (keep making big ship and trade ship) so you can just beat them to shit with galleys spam.

>give region historically accurate complexity and national density comparable to europe or asia

Nevermind, it's self-contained and has no involvement from the main game map.

Was Mesoamerica really this fractured? This looks more broken up than the HRE.

It's attempting to include even the smallest tribe.

Does medieval 2 total war grand campaign count?

Only one answer.

No, but fell free to talk about it. I like Medieval II

What are some of the most important dlc you need?

>Try to play Oda
>Conquer 1 or 2 provinces before I stagnate because everybody allies a major daimyo or have like 3-4 allies and I can't make any moves

Any tips boys

All of it or don't even bother.

I have 2097 hours in CK2 and I've never finished a single game.

I always get bored after about 200 years and restart.

Help Sup Forums. How do I stop doing this.

pic is unrelated to, just a random screeshot I had,

Go to war with people at war, manage alliances so that you don't go in alone.

Wait until they all sengoku'd each other and start picking off the losing side.

That's expensive! (Can you rank them pls?)

Start 200 years before the end.

Just pirate them.

Art of War and The Rights of Man are the top two and all taht i use

just pirate them retard. literally the only people who don't pirate paradox DLC are redditards.

:o That's illegal...

Just got Hearts of Iron 4 since it was on sale.

Pretty good/10
>start out as GERMAN REICH
>start promoting fascism in USSR
>stage coup in astrakhan
>japan moving in big time, dominated china, probing stalin's B-hole
>Fascist russian empire revolts, for some reason takes like the middle third of USSR territory
>USSR now split into two, fighting 4 fronts, against Reich and balkan allies on west, two fronts against fascist Russian empire, Japan on the east
>crush USSR
>Fascist Russia takes over, immediately requests to join Axis
>turn around and dispense justice on western powers that didn't support me and tojo's anti-comintern crusade
>France holding the maginoit line really fucking well
>it's now 1946 and I have the bomb
>nuke the shit out of them

I will say the mood this game gives during night fights is fantastic, bombers flying overhead, cities glowing with fires, pretty br00tal reminder of how much devastation went around in WW2

creamapi, you paracuck nignogs :)

>start promoting fascism in USSR

This triggers my autism. All you need is literally 2 clicks and years to turn the USSR into a fascist ally. Fucking casuals

Stop being a pedo

you nuked france you shitlord?

meant to here

it was my first time ever playing the game, just saw promoting the party and staging a coup as options and thought it might work

You couldn't conquer France by 1946? Really?

Johan, stop shilling your games. We will never buy your disgusting dlcs.

nukes don't even do anything worthwhile
>oh no it'll take me 45 days to repair infrastructure, whatever will I do???
doesn't depopulate or even kill combatants, biggest waste of time to be honest.

only like 13 times

Thats the problem. It just works. Also drawing a line to Moscow and hit the engage button works too.

Use this my african american

I didn't have supply or logistics guys in my divisions because I figured they were a meme so troops didn't do so hot trying to get past the 10/10 forts when they'd been on the front lines since 1938

>free content

Is this fake?

you have to use schlieffen plan to fuck them in the ass with motorized/light armor divisions

Not just free content, but Japan related content too. Granted, I'm not an EU(4) expert by any means, but what gives?

It's literally just minor map/country adjustments.
Shit you can even do it yourself using Custom nation designer.

What would you recommend to a noob to Grand Strategy? I'd ideally like to play as Poland and conquer the planet, but I'm open to other options.

I've seen games like Stellaris, Hearts of Iron IV, EUIV. Are they noob friendly? I've seen people say to try the earlier games but I found some too complicated

EU4 is the easiest Grand Strategy for me personally, but some people really like CK2 in that regard.
Play as Spain or England the first time.

EU4 is arguable the easiest but you still need some times to understand it.

Oh, I completely forget about HoI4

God bless

That's as of the 1420's, as of 1519 ii and central america looked like ; as you can see there was a lot of consolidation, especally since the Aztecs gobbled up almost the entire central region.

Most of Mesoamerica operated on a city state system, so a lot of political states in both maps are indivual city states. Larger kingdoms and empires that controlled multiple cities obviously existed as well, but generally speaking even larger political states formed hegemonic states, where the ruling city state just demanded tribute and allegiance from the ones they ruled over but otherwise just left them alone to still self rule politically and culturally. (For this reason, any borders you see in a map of mesoamerica are sort of nebulous, since there weren't really actually national borders so much as de facto regions a given state could project control over or occupied)

The Aztecs were hegemonic, for instance: The city states of Tenochtitlan, Tlacopan, and Texcoco were the main ruling cities, and all the other cities in their territory were tributaries. The Tarascans/Purepecha empire, as seen in , by contrast, were actually an imperial state and directly ruled over all the cities in their empire, and had true defined borders they maintained.

Well, most of them would have been actual city states and not tribes. Most of mesoamerica had actual fully urban state goverments (even in the 1420's the average city size in the region was 10,000 to 20,000 people) Looking at , only the stuff marked with "territorio" were tribes or non-urban cultures, everything else were either city states or multi city kingdoms, confederacies or unions of city states/kingdoms (if marked with "confederacion") or empires (if marked with "Imperio")

As you can see, only the super northern bits, the Yucatan peninsula, and central america proper (which really isn't even a part of mesoamerica) had an actual larger number of tirbal cultures.

I fucking love Oda Nobunaga story, I love watching dramas and reading manga about him, but Nobunaga Ambition is so boring, so I stick to RottK13 as well. Wish there would be way more events or more things that keep me going... At the end my time with Koei strategy games are minuscule compared to my time with Paradox games

Also, the mod fractures the League of Mayapan prematurely, which was a union of a few seperate Maya kingdoms and city states, pic related

So most of the northern Yucatan wouldn't have been split up like that as of the 1420's, it only split a few decades later. But the Maya in general never really unified, the League of Mayapan was the largest single maya state in history.

Does anyone else immediately conquer the Anglo in their games?

HOI4 literally plays itself.

dude you can LITERALLY walk troops into paris through belgium with 0 resistance because the ai is abhorrent and puts all of it's fucking troops on every border except for the one that actually matters and will never attempt a push. you may as well just declare war in 1936 because it makes no difference whether you attack with 30 troops or 100

I have hundreds of hours and keep doing the same lol.

In most of my games of CK2 or Vicky I just completely forget that they exist since they do nothing or Scotland conquers half of England if I'm playing EU IV

>start as hosokawa going for Made in Japan achievement
>getting as much dev cost reduction as possible
>save up to max monarch points to develop ASAP
>manufactories doesnt even spawn by 1655

what a waste of 211 years of game time

thanks johan

>send parachute troops to attack some city
>they come back damaged and board the plane again
>they keep doing this forever
Fuuugg :DDDD

Where did it spawn? It's not Ming right?

idk cuz i stopped playing after i couldnt get the achievement anymore

i should have known i was going to get fucked over when colonialism didnt spawn until the 1530s

I have only played ck2 so far and was wondering what other title to pick up, Stelaris seems a bit too young to buy, and I am not interested in wargames so none of the HoI games interest me, I guess that leaves me with EU and Victoria, how hard is Vicky? Which EU is the best?

Shimazu, they have the best military, followed by Uesugi.

Taking a break from /gsg/ to play AoE2. Godfuckingdamn these "grand" "strategy" games turned me into a geriatric. Everything is so fucking hard to pull of in this game.

>Godfuckingdamn these "grand" "strategy" games turned me into a geriatric
this, after playing ck2, civ and anno I decided to buy and play new Quake, my god I am getting my shit pushed in, I am consistently the bottom player in every match

Hearts of Iron 4 Millennium Dawn mod
Want to get back into Stellaris but all my mods are fucked and the upcoming patch is just going to fuck everything up again, so I'm holding off for a bit.

EU3 and 4 are probably the best, you get to experience a loooong play time and really form a connection with your empire.

HoI4 is excellent but kinda restrictive compared to the EU series.

CK was pretty fucking impossible for me to figure out, I might be retarded but the UI seemed like a complete clusterfuck. I've downloaded the demo 4 times and every time I just get completely fucking baffled.

>Shimazu, they have the best military, followed by Uesugi.
Oda is better than both now.

can you play tall in EU4? I had so much fun being a happy merchant in CK2, with only a handful of provinces

Not really.

You didn't hear this from me but you only need to buy the vanilla game, all dlc can be pirated. Check the grand strategy general over in /vg/ for more info

Yes, you can go up to like 90% dev discount now if you keep prosperity up. Very easy to do if you're on an island and play an overseas territories game.

Playing as Leinster in my first game, took over all but two provenances in Ireland. Kinda just want to learn the ropes and mess around in the new world, maybe when I’m better I’ll try to form Ireland proper.

Good luck and hope England doesn't randomly want to fuck you over even though you are ally with them.

Should should try Portugal first.

wouldn't castile be better?

Are they going to go shogunII on my ass? I’ve got an alliance and marriage with them, and max relations. I’m not that scared of them, I am playing on easy and can field a sizable army, enough to keep them out at least. Should I start buddying up France?

Not sure how stuff works on Easy but you're probably safe since AI is less aggressive I think.
Also buddying with main land big guys won't help you most of the time because naval AI in this game is pants on head retarded and England just steamrolls everyone else with their navy stack of doom.

Call me autistic but I really don’t like the larger or more powerful nations in paradox games barring Vicky II, I just couldn’t get into playing as Castile or Portugal.