Personal gaming achievements

>I never once gave money to a kickstarter

>I've never made a thread on Sup Forums

>He doesn't fund developers who don't have money to fund themselves
You're killing the game industry desu

>i am not anthony burch

Is it ok to fund kickstarters then pirate the final product?

>You're killing the game industry desu
I never payed for a game on steam

>I don't use reddit

That’s cyber bullying

>i don't complain about tank controls

My Nigga

play brigador

Way too often the reason they don't have money is that they're hacks and not even publishers like inXile will touch their amateur hour shit.

Some exceptions occur like Darkest Dungeon, but if the game ends up good then I'll just buy it later rather than take a huge risk getting cucked with another $3.3 million game.

>Not being an idiot is now an achievement

I never buy consoles on day one

if you fund a kickstarter youre getting the game anyway you penis brain

Wouldn't funding a project get you the fucking product you funded? Why would you need to pirate it?


>never donated to kikestarter
>never bought games with lootboxes
>never bought dlc
>never bought games with dlc
>cleared revengeance without knowing you could upgrade because I never paid enough attention
>have made people whose legit strategy in fighting games was run the fuck back and spam fireballs even if they didn't need that to win with characters who are not grapplers but rely on rushdown
>made a guy irl ragequit in third strike in front of a decent sized crowd
>cleared the nes wolverine game with leaps of faith as a kid

I've never bought a season pass

who the fuck would?

have there ever been any good day one exclusives?

I've masturbated to more female game characters than I can counter ever since I was 13.

ya so it can remain in early access forever?
or another Might No.9?

I never resubscribed to WoW after 2009

wow an asian giving the white power sign, what has the world come to...

i have never read a more pathetic post, you are genuinely proud of all that, christ

I've only crowdfunded one game, it was a game that sounded great and the developers had crowdfunded once before and not only kept every promise but overdelivered many times over at personal expense to themselves. Game is going on schedule so far and the playable they put out for backers is pretty great for a WIP with so little done.

>never bought games with dlc
>cleared revengeance without knowing you could upgrade because I never paid enough attention
Stopped here, Revengeance had DLC and therefore you are a liar on top of being a retard.

>developers who don't have money to fund themselves
Then they don't deserve to make games. Simple as that. Why would I pay for product that hasn't even been made yet with no assurance of quality or certainty?

Your next line is : I was just pretending to be retarded

>I have never played a MOBA game in my life despite being an RTS junkie

Dick Measuring, The Thread.

Listen, and listen well, you little piece of shit and everyone else who does this, this isn't a tech related rant, or even an anti-game rant.
The word 'game' is a substantive, you will IMMEDIATELY stop using it as a verb, go back to elementary school before posting on the internet, have I made myself clear you analphabet spoiled faggot?

>Then they don't deserve to make games. Simple as that.
Yes, please let us only have AAA rehashed garbage. Let video games be like Hollywood complete with Disney Universe trash.

>no assurance of quality or certainty
Yes, there has literally never been a Kickstarter that had any other than words on a page to go by, never ever.

>I never once played videogames

>I recognise it's the people who play games' fault that the industry is in the gutter, not the publishers or the developers

>never played ASSFAGGOTS
>never bought a season pass
>never played a game with lootboxes
>never donated to a kickstarter


>Yes, please let us only have AAA rehashed garbage. Let video games be like Hollywood complete with Disney Universe trash.
You're being deliberately stupid.
>Yes, there has literally never been a Kickstarter that had any other than words on a page to go by, never ever.
They can show off all the screenshots and demos that they want, you've still already paid money into a game that hasn't been finished

>Not having done something is an achievement
Call me when you managed a perfect streak donating to every good kickstarter
>B-but n-none of them are good
Childish faggot.

>I never bought a key to unlock some cash crate.

>Beat KH2 at LV1
That's all I can really think of

>You're being deliberately stupid.
Yes you are.

The only kickstarter I ever backed was the Wakfu animated series kickstarter to get a blu-ray version released.

>Yes, please let us only have AAA rehashed garbage.
I'd respond to this, but I'm too busy managing my dorf fort.

>You need to buy a game in order to play it
Full retard

>I didn't fall for the pc gaming meme
Saved soooooooo much money, feels good

I beat a game fast enough to refund it for full price

Never once paid for DLC.

>Personal gaming achievements
- never played a pure FPS (*only if it had a TP mod / option)
- never bothered with a single "badge" / Asscreament / Trollfail etc. (*except the first and last one I ever got -- "Inside Outside" in Dead Rising {1})
- never play fighting games to win, but to win WELL (*not victory sans risk / triumph without glory)
- never pulled punches in vidya discussion fora, on pain of perma-banning (Steam being the latest cuckshow)
- never shilled for a [shitware] game based on brand, sunk cost fallacy or for the sake of discord
- never spent money on an MMO beyond the most basic requirements (literally,

>mfw I'm not Anthony Burch

*pays for online and $60 games at launch*

>Never once paid for DLC.
If you ever "pre-ordered" a game that had pre-order "bonuses", you paid for DLC.

If you ever bought a (e.g.) "GOTY Edition" game (with all its content present), while a base game version was available (for le$$), you paid for DLC.

If you ever paid to play and MMO or always-online game, you paid for DLC.

...just sayin'.

Some kickstarters have different levels of donation and a lot of the time just giving them a buck wont get you the game. They usually reserve that for people who pay 15~20 dollars.

I haven't bought a game in like three years but still play vidya every day.

>I never ever bought a game from Ubisoft or EA

Why did you use this picture now I'm going to get nightmares you fucking asshole.

Got me worried for a second there, but still a clear score!

I seriously hope that one about the fireball spam runaway wasn't also third strike since fireballs are complete ass in that game

>I never made a in game waifu
>I've never played a VN

I stopped pirating because pirating is for fags

Then you really are a resolute warrior for the true gamer cause.

>>cleared revengeance without knowing you could upgrade because I never paid enough attention
Amateur, I beated the Sam DLC with S Rank in Revengeance mode

Fuck those stupid VR missions, holy shit they're the worst

I funded Pillars of Eternity and Torment for the lowest price that would still get me the game. Everything turned out alright but never again.

>Never played a moba
>Never got into MMOs
>Never bought a lootbox
>Got good at fighting games
>Can play fps on kb+m and controller well
>S-ranked the Devil in Cuphead
>No backlog


I beat 6-2 and beyond

I beat Cuphead 36 hours after I bought it with exactly 300 deaths. I'm not sure whether that's high or low though

I've never played FOTM Sup Forums shit.

>never continued on a saved game after dying
>never enjoyed a Valve game
>always considered JRPGs to just be strategy games with extreme soy toxicity
>only played 1 "RPG" worthy of the name
>always considered Ubisoft to be artisan vidya
>never enjoyed an "indie" (read: *dependent* on cheap software and artwork) game
>play games on all systems, tho considering just emulating the limp wristed switch hardware

You're worse.

ive beaten alot of games in pretty much all genres and iam pretty happy about that

also i fap to gay furry porn


>completed jacket run in Kero Blaster
most fun I've ever had with a game, lads

>play game

This thread is shit

>”I have an unreleased game fully completed that I’m not going to make public!”


t. Anthony Burch

How can someone be so fucking wrong.
Never seen someone this retarded before, gratz idiot.

Got all the masks in Majoras Mask without a guidebook or the internet.

In hindsight, I may be autistic.



How autistic and out of touch with reality do you have to be to believe this image, let alone make it?

I never purchased a single console past the PS2/GameCube era.

Played Halo 1-4 on Legendary one after the other

rude desu

Is she /ourgirl/

i 100%'d all yakuza games including spinoffs

It’s not too late

I beat Lady Maria first try.