PSN sale thread? We're on week 4 and my money is runing out. I'm thinking of getting Battle Chasers Nightwar and maybe Pyre, but I fear Pyre will be shit.
PSN sale thread? We're on week 4 and my money is runing out...
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No one wants to talk about games... Page 10 here I go...
Battle chasers is really good user, I recommend it.
Is it a long game? I'm always scared about indie titles, specially kickstarted ones.
Pyre is ok. Just ok.
It's pretty long, combat is really deep with lots of different options for playstyle and there's lots to do. I'm about 30 hours in and I'm about halfway through the story, but probably less because the dungeons keep getting longer.
The gameplay doesn't seem too exciting, but I fear the visual novel aspect of it will be boring. How is it? Just ok as well? No mindblowing soundtrack like Bastion or anything?
I finished it in 50 hours But I still had things to do
That sounds great, I'm gonna get it. Is it a hard game?
Really curious about Pyre, I already have Battle Chasers, pretty neat game
Probably 4 days to beat if you really push it. I got around 25% through in one day before getting bored.
The guy saying the combat is "deep" is just wrong. You use resource spending skills a bit more than most jrpgs, mostly because basic attacks generate a special type of MP that can't be stored between battles. But like all jrpgs at any given time you tend to just spam out the most damage efficient move.
There's some synergy stuff like doing a debuff and than a move that does extra damage when they are debuffed but it's nothing wild.
You're buying the game for the visuals. It also has a pretty addicting character dev system. Steady supply of gear upgrades.
The story is basically filler which is disapointing. It really scratches the JRPG itch though.
There's no visual novel aspect to it. They tell the story similarly to Fire Emblem; short cutscenes with character portraits. It's also voice acted and every scene is skippable. The soundtrack is forgettable but the combat requires a lot of strategy and you can't just spam the attack command or you will die unless you are really over leveled.
It's pretty challenging but not unreasonably.
I was talking about the visual novel aspect of Pyre, not Battle Chasers (ignore if you were talking about Pyre)
Oops, sorry, wasn't talking about Pyre
Buy Monika's game!
is she from battle chasers?
>the combat requires a lot of strategy and you can't just spam the attack command or you will die
I only played about 25% but I didn't find that true at all. I literally forget what Guts other moves were because all I ever did was that one attack that does a crap load of damage and scales with mp. All of my characters had like 1-2 attcks that were the only one one's I ever used, healing excluded. It's the standard JRPG formula. I was clearing the dungeons on their 'hard' mode with very little set-back.
Even if it did get tough why would it matter? You can just walk out of the dungeon, sleep at the inn and come back with all the monsters you slayed still dead.
>week 4 of a large sale
I wish they would put the new additions in the first few pages
How does it play like? 90's era jrpgs? I'm good with that.
>don't like to spend $20 or $30 on a digital game
>end up buying ten mediocre games for $3 each instead
>will probably never play 90% of them
Every damn sale.
Please let there be a Tales of Berseria sale on US PSN
Please let there be a Tales of Berseria sale on US PSN
Please let there be a Tales of Berseria sale on US PSN
I don't wanna pay too much for the censored version of the game.
what games did you buy recently?
How's the PS4 version of RE4? I'm seriously considering buying it again. lost my gamecube copy years ago.
Its fairly middle of the road in terms of difficulty probably leaning more towards easy rather than hard. Game is balanced more in your favor and most if not all party combinations work as long as you keep your gear up to date. The two patches they've released so far aside from making the game more stable have lessened the game's grind and nerfed everyone's ultimate weapons as well as changed a really good rez on death skill on the "tank" character to a heal on hit instead
Pyre's big weakpoint is the gameplay everything else about it the ranges from good to great. They do a good job of making you feel attached to the characters and the soundtrack is pretty strong maybe just a bit bellow Bastion in terms of quality
Yes, she's a High-DPS rogue
It gets quite a bit more challenging further into the game, regular enemies start hitting like trucks and inflict a lot of status, dungeons start getting longer and you get a lot more options. Even if you don't find the game is challenging, you have lots of room to try out different party strategies since you can rebuild your perks at any time. I think being able to leave the dungeon and heal is silly but just because they give you tools to make the game easier doesn't mean the game doesn't have depth. I mean, would you really want to exit the dungeon and trudge all the way back to the inn after every battle? It'd take hundreds of hours to clear the game that way, and you'd never develop a strategy to beat bosses.
Overworld: Think super mario world or mario 3. You travel across a fixed path, it's pretty small but is servicable.
-Dungeons: Randomly generated. Can reroll dungeons or redo them infinitly. Can also scale up their difficulty slightly. A few floors with a boss at the end. Has a lot of 'puzzles' and cool interactables compared to other JRPGS. It's not your standard shit RNG dungeon. Encounters are down tales of style but you have limited ammo 'dungeon skills' which if used on an enemy make them start the fight with some debuff: stunning them, etc.
-Side quests: 1 floor dungeons that are 'kill everything here than kill the boss'
-Itemization: Ramdomly generated loot with very basic stats (nothing crazy). Has crafting/shops but I found them pointless as enemies drop loot very often and the RNG does a good job of not giving you shit drops unless you intionally grind on mobs outside your level range.
It's not a story heavy game. It's like 90% exploring and combat once you get past the prologue.
pls rate the shit i bought
>trembo the badass elephant
>stardew valley
>20 death metal for let it die
>tales of zestiria (shit game deleted it)
I might be wrong, but it seems to have some weird loading issues after the QTEs if I remember correctly, which makes the Krauser knife fight disgusting to look at. Not sure if it"s the PS3 or the PS4 version, though, and it might have been fixed via patches.
Might check it out another time then when its cheaper on PC, but soundsl ike something I WILL try out. Thanks!
Blue Rider
Crypt of the NecroDancer
Escape Goat 2 (super cheap with PS+)
Super Stardust Ultra
The Bridge
Wand Wars
I'm sure I'll have some fun with some of these eventually, but my backlog was already enormous.
>I think being able to leave the dungeon and heal is silly but just because they give you tools to make the game easier doesn't mean the game doesn't have depth
> I mean, would you really want to exit the dungeon and trudge all the way back to the inn after every battle
Let's say you've cleared 1/2 the dungeon and your party is very low on hp and mp. Next fight up ahead looks tough. Are you seriously going to do anything else other than head back to the inn than come back and clear the other half?
What's the alternative? Intionally dying? It really does lower the depth of proper combat management. Respawns might have helped that.
that Deus ex game is free on PS plus this year. is it any good? I've never played the series
Play Prey and Stardew.
Bastion is really cool, play that one
Yeah, I'll probably do Bastion first.
It's good gameplay-wise, but leaves lots of dangling threads for sequels which might never be made. Also, you might few a little lost if you haven't played Human Revolution.
already beaten prey yeah it was pretty good
Good to see Wild Guns finally go on sale. Might be enough for me this week.
I'm picking up PS2 Classics Sonta Monica collection, Assault Android Cactus, and possibly Resogun this week.
Also tempted on FURI. Any comments on it, anons? I love shmups and fighting games. Sounds suspiciously too good of a genre mashup.
was thinking about getting stardew on the switch. is it animal crossing like comfy?
I just played through furi and had a blast, the combat is fantastic. The only real flaw I had with the game was its short length, but it's definitely worth a second playthrough on furier mode it changes up a lot of bosses attack patterns to make them feel fresh a second time through.
good but short game, walking sections are boring and it has a very low budget feel to it.
I'm about halfway through the game or so and I've never had mp issues. I rarely use MP at all since I usually manage my overcharge well and my strategy is pretty efficient for healing and overall. I bring potions with me for emergency out-of-combat healing but Callibretto's dungeon skill is usually good enough to restore my health. There's also a single-use free restore of HP and MP right before the boss so you don't have to cheese, but optionally you can just skip it if you are self-imposing a challenge. Overall I find if you pay attention to your resource management and think about your strategy and what your enemies are capable of, the game rewards you with not having to do shit like that. Your arguments are perfectly valid and they really lower the skill floor, I agree with you on your points, but I don't personally find they hurt the game for me.
I know it isn't super popular on Sup Forums, but Pyre was my GOTY, only game I've cared about enough to stay up til 5 am to finish this year
tell me what you liked about it
list of vita sales that someone with a vita should be looking into?
WTF I love battle chasers now
Odin Sphere, Muramasa+DLC, Chrono Cross, Steamworld dig 2, there's more
Been waiting for christmas sales to fill out my ps4 with games. only have bloodborne and persona. What games should I get?
im listening. also if there is any that stands out tgen can you give a brief or long explanation of why? i like user reviews a lot
I actually liked the gameplay, played it on Hard with the extra difficulty options which helped make things more tense, but the best parts of the game are definitely the characters, music, and art. Choosing who to send home actually feels like it has weight compared to most choices you make in games, and it makes you earn the right to make those choices. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but if the Banner Saga meets NBA Jam sounds good to you then I would recommend it
Grab Uncharted Nathan Drake Collection and Uncharted 4, The Surge Complete Edition, Pillars of Eternity if you like crpgs etc.
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir is a remake of a PS2 game that COMPLETELY changes the combat for better. Very fast and fluid gameplay (60 fps even on Vita). It's an action RPG with beautiful, beautfiul graphics. Good amount of content, but gets repetitive.
Muramasa was made by the same company, but it's more action than RPG. More repetitive as well, but really fun and challenging. Gains lots of points if you enjoy japanese folklore.
>Banner Saga meets NBA Jam
This sounds interesting. How emotional was the story?
This is on sale on ps4, anyone have it? Is it a good buy? It's original price of $30 is fucking insane desu
Level design doesn't compliment the elephant's gameplay style at all later in the game. Really wasted potential
Haven't played it but looks like a solid rhythm game
>Stardew Valley
It's comfy you'll like it
>Let it die
>Paying for a F2p game
Thanks anons. For 5 bucks sounds like I could do worse. I'll get it this week.
I thought it was preddy okay. especially so considering it was a kickstarter game and we've gotten a lot more shitty, half-baked wrpgs out of kickstarter than legit good ones. Ended with a shameless sequelbait hook, but battle chasers gotta chase battles.
Never heard of it
Looks like nothing for em this week. Might consider Gravity Rush 1/2 and Diablo 3 but I'll probably just save my money for MH World.