It's ok when Intel does it
>Wait for Cannonlake they said
Never listening to Sup Forums or you guys ever again
time to buy another laptop ;___;
>they don't know what insider trader laws are.
Who's going to regulate that in Trump's America?
At least I only got a g4620 I guess.
It's illegal to sell stock?
if you know that it's about to take a dive then yes.
Ryzen wins!
can someone post that wojak where he is ripping his face open while screaming
Selling stock for a company you work for early because of insider information before the public knows is.
>20-30% hit
Oh Danny boy the pipes the pipes are calling...
On the surface it looks like he may have sold due to insider info, which is very illegal in America. Though it would probably be the case that if he
Still wont switch to an AMD.
Is it illegal?
>Was thinking about upgrading
>Hear about this Intel bug
Oh well, time to wait it out for a few more months, no big deal, this thing can still run games extremely well. On a side note, does RAM no longer drop in cost? I was thinking about grabbing a few sticks to make this seven year old build last a bit longer but the RAM I used still costs as much as it did when I built it.
More like delid
RAM prices are currently very high due to illegal price fixing by the memory manufactures. (Samsung, Hynix) It's so bad and so blatant China's government is investigating them.
>post yfw you bught Ryzen and get to keep your 100% performance
Oh fuck
Let's say you own billions of dollars worth of stock in a company. You learn from workers that there is a MASSIVE performance problem that affects all of the products you sell. The products you sell are supposed to perform faster than the competition, well, you are about to announce that speeds might drop by at least 25%+. So you sell your stock before the end of the stock day, when the sale price is still climbing, only for the stock to crash once the news gets out.
>due to insider info
Holy shit
The patch to fix the kernel leak will perform constant searches, which will clog up on board RAM and slow down processes.
That's bad enough as is, but when people use those cards for bitcoin mining, slow performance is murder on income...all $0.20 of it.
Does this mean AMD is King?
Hey AMDfags, Intelfag that wants fucking off this wild ride. Is the Ryzen 5 1600X pretty much the go to for AMD CPUs? Plus I need to upgrade from this shitty old 6 year old i5 anyway
Speaking about the bug, how will it affect me since I mostly play vidya and make music/videos? I'm only aware that it affects VM.
wait till february or you will regret it
>wait until X
>no no, wait until X+1
Every time.
For now at least the fix is being applied to all x86 CPUs. There's a patch from AMD to disable it on their chips but that hasn't been accepted upstream yet while they make sure that's actually the case.
As for Windows, that all happens behind closed doors and nobody is sure what the fuck will happen.
If I had to bet though, I'd put money on Microsoft fucking AMD chips over.
you have to cash out sometime.
Things no one ever gets punished in a significant manner by?
Someone should make the an AMD whirrr image
Isn't that also kinda hard to prove?
zen+ soon, stalker. like this month
Gotcha friend
I will still buy Nvidia GPUs tho
Good idea user
patrician choice user ;)
Guys? Guys!?
I don't like where this is going...
>bad thing happens
>delay/supress news
>sell stock
>news comes out eventually
Not really, it's fucking obvious, it's more like trying to try a mafia boss.
Everyone knows they're guilty, but what the fuck are you gonna do?
Muh due process prevents you from the proper administration of justice.
Normally, yes. Yet when you sell your stock shortly before announcing bad news that will hurt both your company and your affiliates, people start to notice.
Martha Stewart served five months in prison just for selling drug stock when she found out that the FDA was doing an investigation on it. She wasn't even involved with the company on a personal level.
>got early word of this yesterday from linux kernel mailing list
>sold all my intel stock
>rebought $67850 in AMD
>already up 8%
And that covers changing over my rig! Fuck yeah capitalism!
Is this the risks they were talking about?
user...I think you are missing the point of this thread.
So what is a time limit? It's been about two weeks before the news broke.
>Almost bought a computer with Intel
Haha talk about dodging a bullet.
Why would they? They are using their chips for XBox
Except Intel is huge, so just like in the Equifax scandal there will be some "hearings" to show that "stuff is being looked into" but literally nothing will happen to the big fish.
A CEO selling that much of their own stock is never a good sign. The fact that this news is getting out after that shows there was definitely an intentional delay of information.
Most CEOs are given stock options merely as a gesture from the company, but know their heads will roll if they pull an Enron.
Just to give you guys a bit of actual business perspective: the normal way C-levels guard against this sort of thing is to have a 100% fixed vesting schedule done up at least 12 months ahead of time. So on a fixed schedule or fixed date some amount of stock is sold automatically. If he did that then he should be set regardless of how the timing looks, and it is right at the start of the year so it makes sense for taxes.
If not he's in trouble.
Intel is massive, and this was probably a government ordered backdoor, so nothing's gonna happen.
whenever its "government" read CIA its them every fucking time
The point should be for everyone to make lots of money buying and shorting on their tech autism, if you do that then you don't have to worry about this because you can just buy whatever still works.
>tfw switched to pc mustard race after my launch ps4 died and i got fed up with modern consoles, as i went through 4 xbox 360s
My old shit works fine. Im just gonna play old games. Fuck intel. Fuck modern vidya
Even ancient intel processors are affected by the bug. Although if you've got AMD you're fine.
I've been away for a while, could someone explain what happened and if I should be concerned about my Intel PC?
Nope. Intel i7 6970k Dc because my pcbro buddy i met in a research project suggested it. Im pretty pissed off and am gonna go quell my anger with some Journey to silius on my NES.
Peace Sup Forums. This news broke me tonight
As long as women can't have abortions, I'm happy.
Why would you be happy, that's only going to accelerate the death of the white race.
100% of poo is still poo.
nothing, but it's fuel for AMD
Expect anywhere from a 5% to a 35% hit to your peak performance. If a game is only hitting a 30% load then you probably won't notice it at all. But if a game is constantly hitting 80-90% expect some major performance loss.
CIA probably has one with AMD too it's just theirs hasn't been found out yet. These things only ever get fixed when it gets out of the CIAs hands. Same thing happened with that exploit wannacry used. CIA knew about it for years, it got out, Microsoft puts out a patch, malware hits nearly every vulnerable system in a day.
I wonder why
the ceo would sell all of his stock
really makes you think
In linux patch notes, evidence of a fix for a hardware level CIAnigger backdoor got spotted, it's a massive 0day that hits possibly every intel cpu.
The bandaid for it decreases performance by 5-30%.
It might not effect gaymen that much (windows patch isn't out yet so no one knows how hard directx games will be hit) but they just pissed off every single datacenter company.
Heard from other user that this bug affects cpus almost a decade old, is that true?
Nothing past westmere (2010) was tested, and they were all compromised, so yea that'd be almost a decade, it might even go back to 1993.
>2010 was 8 years ago
It's a 50,000 dollar slap on the wrist while he walks out with a few million extra bucks.
Google and Amazon servers will be some of the hardest hit.
They're going to pay off the judge to actually punish him.
Thanks for clarifying it. Looks like my i7 930 might be affected by it.
inb4 comcast paid everyone to gimp all os data throughput to soften the blow of their eventual bandwidth neutering.