Morrowind thread

Morrowind thread.
Just reinstalled and about to start a brand new save so I made this thread for you to discuss all kinds of fun Morrowind things.

Other urls found in this thread:

Objectively correct Telvanni>Dres>Redoran>Indoril>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hlaalu

Anyone play tes3mp? it's actually pretty good but has like 1 server with 20 players at most at a time and it's a shitty reddit circlejerk

Fucking really?

Essential mods?

Morrowind code patch
Better bodies
Better clothing
Better morrowind armor
Less generic series
Starfire npc additions

graphics mods only ruim the aesthetic

Skyrim: Special Edition

None. Vanilla or nothing.

>OP image
Usually they're pretty civil, yeah, but sometimes these threads MISS MISS MISS the point.

the punchline is that this thread is about to go to shit :(

Patch project
Delayed dark brotherhood attack
Solstheim rumour fix

That's all

>not liking the vanilla body aesthetic

Sotha Sil expanded
hope you like gears

the vanilla bodies don't have any "aesthetic" though, they just look like shit ripped from some n64 game. replace the bodies and you're gold

Tamriel Rebuilt

Morrowind Rebirth

Balmora underworld

Fuck that, Sotha sil sucked

i also couldnt get it to work properly small brain as fuck

I want to play this but cannot get over the fact that it looks like a late PS2 game, someone redpill me.

Don't be a little bitch

the absolute state of Sup Forums

ay same

Graphics fags only ruin things for themselves.

a few of these are redundant, but this is 10/10 morrowind experience for me, minus mastering magicka because it overpowers wizards 10fold

is there pvp? is it basically installed just as a mod for openmw?

There is pvp. You run it with openmw, yeah.

are you telling me you load all these mods at once without any issues

>morrowind rebirth
i started morrowind for the first time last year. still having fun with it. should i wait until ive exhausted basically everything in the game to try it? is it something that would be fun directly after exhausting vanilla, or is it something to come back to later on?

yeah it works great. weirdly it started crashing a month ago, but reinstalling code patch, .exe optimizer, and the 4gb patch fixed it

>changed the font

Honestly its something to try after you have played through Vanilla, because it changes more than just adding more things to explore and play with.

Some of the changes honestly in Rebirth are kind of annoying, they fix some of the broken aspects of enchanting and alchemy for example.

But Rebirth is good on a second playthrough.



make a download for us user

2nding this, I'd love a DL for this.

It's alright, I gave up at the non-linear timetravel puzzle

thats one of the things i reverted immediately, but only because it fucked up the format of paragraphs and the UI. i pretty much just wanted bigger font. i run it one resolution below 1080 because the font is too small

thanks for the info on rebirth also


I really wish I could've gotten it to work.

also my whole morrowind folder is 17.9GB.

does anyone know where i can upload this shit?

Make a torrent or google drive/MEGA possibly

I'm RARing it right now. I'll see what the filesize is then, because the google drive and MEGA wont let me post more than 5GB or so. and if it's not less than that, ill figure out how to create a torrent, which im sure isnt very hard

here's my nigga. idk what part of the mods make his helmet look eyeless, but fuck it

whats your build this game, brah?

im gonna work on uploading this shit, are you faggots even still here? keep it alive, or just let me know there's actually a purpose to what im doing

got sidetracked watching videos

i played with a friend for a bit, it was a bit wonky but the experience was there. what ruins it is the faggots spawning in enemies and murdering everyone l

how does the game handle different mods between users?>

only did the vanilla servers with expansions. i imagine you can make a server with mods, but who knows how well that runs