Is Ryu literally /our guy/?
>lives off Ken
>no job
Is Ryu literally /our guy/?
>lives off Ken
>no job
>Lives off his best friend
>Travels the world
>Beats literally everyone except Akuma
>So many girls want his hobo dick
He is a chad
>loses to Akuma MULTIPLE times
>fights Akuma in his mind and loses
>becomes mentally fatigued
Ryu is shit.
ken needs to pay him more to beat akuma its clearly a cashflow issue
Akuma is pretty much the strongest fighting game character, Ryu will get there eventually.
Especially since Akuma ALSO has a huge boner for Ryu
Have you even played SFV? He's regressing, not progressing.
t. ryu main
t. Ryu main
Ryu is a real master. He doesn't need in food or water. He lives to fight.
That's an excuse he makes because he refuses to find a real job.
Have you played Third Strike?
>Pic related
Why is Ryu so precious?
Third Strike, where he's weaker than Ken and Sean?
Didn't he beat Akuma in SFV? That's how he learned to do his magic only hurts evil people hadokens right?
>weaker than 3s sean
>MSN Messenger
That was Necalli
in SFV Akuma beats him, and then tells Ryu he will keep watching his progress and smiles.
Akuma is the biggest Ryufag of them all
People in this thread defending ryu baka. How short do you have to be to look up to a homeless man in danger of being deported to brazil
Daily reminder that it's still 1000 years too early for USA's golden boy Punk to beat Chadkido.
Has Ryu ever been the best in any Street Fighter game? He's the main character but he's garbage.
Why didn't they make him put one arm behind his back in V
>it was his year
But apparently it's soon enough for a Brazilian like MenaRD to beat him.
Season 1 SFV he was considered one of if not the best. Then season 2 amputated him and removed shoryukens
>lives off Ken
all i know he's the world's greatest pillow fighter.
MenaRD is Tokido's Ryu. He let him win because he wants to watch his progress and see if he'll develop into a worthy rival.
why the fuck would he need a job
all he does is travel and fight
he doesn't have bills to pay
I'm assuming he was pretty good in SF4 since Daigo mained him
Mid-ish, Daigo is just really good. Then he hit Evil Ryu who is unanimously considered Top tier, hovering around second or third
How does he survive? Photosynthesis?
friendly reminder ryu gets cucked by a literal sandnigger for the MC spot in SFV
yeah but Ryu cucked both Nash and Guile for "killed bipson" so it's not all bad
Bison comes back so often that this hardly counts.
When will they learn?
He can still beat Alex no problem. That's good enough. Why is Alex considered the protag of 3 again?
Why do I find this hot
What the fuck is wrong with me
Because he was the frontline character as designated by capcom. He wasn't popular enough and the japanese audience has the worst taste in all things, so then they moved it back to Ryu/Ken/Chun
Tall girls are life, unless you're 6ft where a taller girl is either a man or an ogre.
t. amazon fetish
He might actually be dead for good since he's gone in Third Strike.
and Chun-li, Juri and Cammy. Everyone has a reason to kill Bison, really.
well we'll have to see if they do anything with Neo-shadaloo. Ed and girl Ed might be trying to do something with Bison. Who knows
My tempered and disciplined martial artist can't be this cute.
>strongest fighting character
Fire & Ice Jesus (Gill) Oro, Cody, and gouken would like a word with you
Cody is canon the strongest SF character.
How does this trog even use a keyboard? This knuckle-dragger's fat digits probably hit A-Z every stroke.
gouken's a baby back bitch that got lucky once and evaded death becuase "muh nuthiness", it's bullshit and im furious
>Gil was beat by a wrestler from New York
>Wrestler from New York was beat by Ryu
>Ryu was beat by Akuma
>Gouken was beat by Akuma
Cody still hasn't fought any top tier fighters so his powerlevel is a mystery
Just posting best boy btw
Well, I suppose the question is whether or not they'll keep on with Ryu once we get past V, because surely they're not going to pull some retarded shit where they still find some way to fit more story in just so they can keep from the 3 timeline.
Still, not to turn this into a company war but I find it interesting that the more popular company bowed down to change their game's mc while SNK who seemingly had more to lose when they had K' just said "Look, we have your old MC back now take it and stfu"
It's canon that his duffel bag is filled with thousands of dollars of fight money. You guys are fucking idiots.
homie the day we get a high tier alex is the day street fighter is redeemed
I really do hate tropes like this, to tell the truth.
Ones where you have someone who's obviously more powerful than the MC you're presenting but for some reason can't be assed to handle the situation themselves.
I was just fuming to a friend about how the SFV concept art has Ryu with one arm out like Oro. I want timeskip old ryu, competent sean, and more new characters. Especially new shotos with altered versions of the classics, so much room for creativity (with all character types) and until recently it's been mostly squandered
My guy...You know wassup
>SFV concept art has Ryu with one arm out like Oro
Wait, what?
Who needs a job if you like punching people to the faces and get away with it. That's like living a dream on maximum level. Wish to be like Ryu in the next life.
Stay mad akuma
You forgot
>Forever virgin because he's toó busy with muh fighting (vidya)
Sorry Im a schmuck, it's fan art. the only interesting ryu concepts straight from capcom have to do with him looking older and having a beard
I'm with you on that. I'm just ready for the show to just move on already so we can see how these people might look. I'm happy they did that with Sakura and allowed us to see her grow.
I know I'm in the minority about that as FGC likes what they likes and all and "muh story" is a taboo subject concerning fighting games but it's nice to see change and growth in the characters.
They were thinking about going with old Ryu for SFV but pussied out thinking it would be too big of a change. There's still hope SFVI is set after 3, so we might get a timeskip.
Old Ryu would be great, and everyone else getting aged up would be cool too. Sakura could be the new seasoned wandering Shoto. Ken's son could be the new shoto trainee, that police officer Dhalsim trained could be a new "yoga" rep, Elena could show up as matriarch of her tribe. Lots of cool shit they could do but I guess they're afraid of all the old favorites looking too different.
This is pretty much one of the reasons. They're afraid of fan backlash because things aren't the way they once were, and the fanbase can easily push back against them for shit like that. Imagine not seeing your fan favorites make it in a roster. You see how they had to put in an option for a Nostalgia costume for Sakura, right? Can you imagine not having that option for her? It would've been ludicrous.
I'm telling you guys it's all the fuckin' japanese audience, they have shit taste and if Capcom steps out of line to do anything cooler than status quo the nips will reeee until they roll it back
That's the shit. But being short is still painful.
t. 5'4"
How do you live with yourself?
Beating bandits, takes their stuff.
Do you have to carry a stepladder everywhere?
>Illuminati Jesus gets beat by best boy
I fucking love it. Though, it’s been confirmed that Gill holds back
>Alex loses to Ryu
All because Japan didn’t want to accept a superior MC
>Ryu loses to akuma
To give Ryu meaning to continually fight him
>Gouken beat by Akuma
Confirmed that Akumer just barged in fought then played dirty using the SGS
Which Gouken didn’t expect. He Still lives.
Oro and Cody physically limit themselves to be fair in a fight. Everyone else can’t even hold a candle except Oni a form, which Akuma can’t quite maintain properly
He enters local fighting tournaments. Not everything needs to be a grand thing involving killers from around the globe. He might find a local bar that's doing fight nights against a bunch of literally whos with a $500 prize. He can beat those shits without even breaking a sweat, and he's got enough cash for a few days, considering he's got zero expenses other than food and maybe a hotel stay every now and then.
>Cody limits himself
>Season 3 has Cody taking off his cuffs
If he ends up being shit in game and in the story, you people need to shoot yourselves.
Oh? How do we react here in the west?
Though I don't doubt at all that the Japanese audience holds sway over the product. This is the same country whose fanbase forced a hentai VN company to go Bankrupt after all.
Don't let that damper your feelings, user. A win's a win.
Fuck the Japanese though. They can Embrace AJ Styles and Kenny Omega, why not Alex.
>implying his reformed ways change him
“He ain’t the same Cody, user. The civilian life took away his edge.”
Also, Capcom would pull some fuck shit like this and have Cody job to some bullshit character which is why I’m scared
I know a 0300 (infantry - an undeniably shit job, but a lot of respect) Marine who is that tall. Motherfucker can still move his legs faster than me.
I honestly pity anyone in a firefight with him because he would probably be nearly impossible to hit at his size.
AJ, Balor, and Omega are all recent.
Alex was way earlier.
>I honestly pity anyone in a firefight with him because he would probably be nearly impossible to hit at his size.
You just aim lower, user. This isn't Goldeneye 64.
Point taken. And thank you for not embarrassing me by reminding me that Best Boy Balor was also embraced by them as well.
Because he wasn’t over in the Biz Cliz Brother brother
But really, because early 2000s Japan didn’t embrace cool gaijins till 2015. Even though Hulk Hogan was an IWGP champ. Likewise, faggotry. Japan can’t accept a “fellow jap” taking a backseat for long.
Well in the west there was the Hot Ryu craze and, anecdotal evidence obviously, everyone I know prefers the changed-up designs. Granted I'm sure there's just as many "keep it boring and the same or ill throw a tantrum" people here as there are in japan, it's just that they listen to the japs, not us.
Everyone in the Bullet Club minus the Young Cucks, Hangman Page, Adam Cole, and Bone Solider are pretty over in Japan.
That also goes for non BC wrestlers too like: Chris Jericho, Ropongi Vice, Michael Elgin
I have noticed that. Not to turn this into an /asp/ thread but young bucks don't get as much pop as say the leader of the elite.
I'm into BC but I'm much more interested Ropongi 3K at the moment. I hope they retain at the Dome. It would be a shame to see all that hype be for nothing when they were literally shot out of a canon.
They will.
R3k is one of the hottest acts in the junior division
That's great to hear, though I'm also interested to see what Kitamura will grow up to be when he leaves and returns. Isn't he pretty hot himself? I know a lot of people are into Shota or Oka but goddamn my dude, Kita
His cuffs are off now.
Wtf is stopping him from squad-wiping the whole tournament exactly???
Well here's the real question: does it matter? We're not getting a new scenario with him involved in it, are we?
At most we're going to have some battles with him rocking the face off a few nobodies in his two/three battle story mode and that's it. Nothing that's really going to showcase his power level.
Capcom will make some shit up like Cody is more concerned about the City and its people and no longer cares about the thrill of fighting. Likewise, there’s always a chance they’ll say he’s still holding back cuffs on or not