Other urls found in this thread:
Soundtrack>>>>HUD>Options Menu>Animations>Gameplay>Controls
All depends on the game, man. Something like Shovel Knight doesn't need a compelling narrative to work, but games like The Last Of Us are very much driven by their story. Though if a game DOES have a focus on story, I can't imagine why the music would be more important. It's great to have, but it's not a necessity.
At any rate, you're right about graphics not meaning shit.
VA is also important.
You right
>a game needs to look pretty before it has a good story or score
Furi's graphics/visuals are more important to me than the story, and they're far more important to the enjoyment than the narrative ever could be. The soundtrack is not necessary for it to work, but I enjoy it a lot.
I can appreciate a beautiful looking game as much as the next guy, but there's no point if there isn't any substance underneath the gloss. Journey looked stunning when it released, but it was great because of its innovative game design, not because the sand textures were pretty.
May > Misty
sjw friendly content> loot crates> brand name> season pass> pre order packages> 4k> cinematic experience>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>shit>>>>>>>gameplay
The only objectively wrong statement in this thread.
That's why I put Gameplay>Graphics
Cuteness of girls > Gameplay > Soundtrack > Graphics >Story
Graphical Fidelity != Aesthetic Appeal
I didn't know how OP could get beat, but this hero has done it.
Just post it.
but animations and controls make up a good chunk of the gameplay
I prefer to judge a game based on how all of its parts come together, prioritizations like these are kind of useless desu.
I never get why people rank these things when often anything is fine done well, and the importance of each depends heavily on the genre. In addition to that, people always forget other important parts of games, like loading screen minigames.
Visuals and graphics ARE more important than story
Story > everything else
Older Mister > Young Misty > Dawn > May
try this again in 4k.
gameplay > soundtrack
VAs are lower than trash
>VAs are lower than trash
Truth. Weebs who endlessly whine about MUH JP AUDIO are fucking pathetic. VA is worthless.
nuKasumi is so cute. Old school Kasumi is too. Frick it, she's just CUTE.
Hey Ubisoft! How are you doing?
Story > Style > Graphical Fidelity
I'd much rather my fun had some meaning within the context of the game, so it sticks with me long after I've played it.
Games like Drakengard, Dragon's Dogma, and so on are still talked about because they're both fun and the story or lore is interesting in its own way. Both of those examples look like churned ass, to boot.
>loading screen minigames can reward you with rare items
>game gets a remaster
>now it loads too quickly for you to ever complete the minigames
Excellent choice.
Gameplay > Game mechanics > Game ruleset > Game controls > Interface (UX) > Sound design > Soundtrack > Art Direction > Graphics > "Level" design > Lore > Pacing > Characters > Plot > "Plot" (Fanservice) > OP's Mom > Sup Forums
I feel like I really missed out. Misty meets so many of my fetishes.
But she was popular before I could be sexually into such things. As a result, now that I'm older, I see her as more of a sister thing and can't really get it on to her. I feel like I'm missing out, bros.
>the last of us
>gameplay more important than Sup Forums
you missed out.
Cool meme
wanna hear music? use spotify dumbass
Art style > gameplay > soundtrack > graphics > story
Gameplay>music=story>art direction>graphics
>gameplay top priority
SO. MUCH. THIS. and everything else can suck my nuts
Theme > Characters > Story > Gameplay > Art Direction > Score > Graphic fidelity
VA's can provide more emotional depth to the story and improve a game greatly though.
It's not necessary, but calling it lower than trash is nothing but retarded.
Just fuck her like you'd fuck your sister senpai i don't see the problem
Any fucker that places music any higher than second to last is a stupid motherfucker that most likely lives with his parents. VG music is for permavirgins, and you know it.
Listen to real music, and you'll get your tunes there.
When will she get with ash?
>Brainlets always saying graphics don't matter
>enjoy 3d games with millions of colours instead of playing atari games
Really makes me think, Improved graphics and physics due to hardware means improved gameplay. Faggots are so pretentious about muh graphics everything is important but muh graphics but they don't even realize audio fidelity is yep an extension of graphics. So unless you are stuck playing shitty ass fucking SNES games shut the fuck up about how aboove graphics you are you fucking dumb pretentious cock heads.
>duh look how smart I am I am above useless things like a game not looking sounding and playing like ass
These are the people who buy underpowered nintendo consoles and hold back gameing from any meaningful breakthroughs. Thanks retarded nintendo children for killing video games. Go ahead and see what levels of gameplay you can get out of an Atari or NES and be disappointed that there are millions of games that can't run on those old shitboxes because graphics are actually more important than plebeians let on.
This user is right.
If it weren’t for Skyrim’s slutty armour/clothing mods nobody will give a flying fuck about game because of the floaty combat, repetitive dungeons, and mediocre story.
Todd doesn’t get it though and thinks it’s just that good to rerelease it in 2017/18.
She was every fifth grade boy's heartthrob in 1998. Sorry you didn't get to feel those feelings for her. I myself crushed on her hard.
That's like saying putting on a hat can improve someone's image greatly. It can, but it usually doesn't do that much for most.
still gameplay > graphics, pretty sure people would prefer hollow knight over ACO
Nah. I could count on one hand the number of games I thought were improved by VA and most of them were made more than ten years ago. 99% of the time all it does is bloat the budget, reduce the number of options the player has in the story, and sound like garbage. VA is one of the worst things to ever happen to video games.
Cute girls > Gameplay >Soundtrack > Story >Graphics
>mfw still no casio calculator port
You're the reason video games became so absurdly expensive and had to become casualized as hell to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Who cares about depth when you can stare at a tree texture instead. Video games would be better if they looked like upscaled PS2 games.
I mean, she has an amazing body
They *could* improve the game but 100% of the time they don't make a difference.They just exist because having a real time cutscene without voices is weird.
They either, have no impact on the game's enjoyability, or make it worse.
>good doujins never
>Really makes me think, Improved graphics due to hardware means improved gameplay.
Improved graphics no longer improved gameplay after the 5th gen. Improved physics is arguable how much can be attributed to muh hardware.
>These are the people who buy underpowered nintendo consoles and hold back gameing from any meaningful breakthroughs.
SMB was a breakthrough. Mario 64 was a breakthrough. Wii Sports and BotW were breakthroughts. Nintendo's hardware has never prevented them from making them and you'd have to be a blind fanboy not to recognize that.
Counter point no one has ever gone into a game or movie and ever said "Man this moment feels totally inappropriate for this track" it's always the music being inappropriate for the moment.
Yes, putting on a hat can improve someone's looks depending on the person. So you're admitting that it's helpful, but still calling it trash at the same time?
Which is all your opinions on Voice Actors, not a fact. Even stuff that doesn't heavily rely on story can be improved with VA's, take Gurumin for example.
I suppose music or visuals isn't important in a game either then? That just takes away from developing the game play after all.
>me not like nintendo
dude...what? SM64 is the epitome of the platform genre, TLoZ put dungeon crawling on the map, SSB increased the fighting game community way more than what SSF ever could for its time
Gurumin's VA is grating dogshit in both english and japanese. It most definitely is a fact that VA bloats the budget and reduces the possibility space of the game. It directly, adversely affects gameplay, particularly in RPGs, and it should be fucking excised from the industry.
>TLoZ put dungeon crawling on the map
I like Nintendo games, but come on, there were plenty of cRPG dungeon crawlers before Zelda.
>VAs are anywhere near as important as music and visuals
Holy fucking shit
>soundtrack being more important than the story
This is the same kind of people that listen exclusively to video games music and nothing else, god damn what a terrible "opinion".
In my old age I've started to unironically feel this way. Once I've accepted that no one's impressed by my high-brow taste in vidya, I've begun to lean more and more toward just buying games with cute girls.
I dunno if it's the scales falling from my eyes or a fall from grace but goddamn do I love me some big anime tiddies
The newer PM GALS ones are okay. Not great, but okay.
And people need improved graphics to realize more gameplay and artistic concepts. Physics games are a good example of this many of them would be impossible if a bunch of tards thought graphics should end at the amiga. We wouldn't even e able to play games in a 3d environment if people weren't constantly striving for more graphical fidelity to realize their ideas. Also there are millions of people who would rather play ACO than a shitty indie game so I don't really get what point you are trying to make.
I'm not the reason for anyhting, I think in your mind you have created an image of people who stare at trees (really lol) Dude I play games without the best graphics but I'm just saying as graphics improve so does gameplay. Designers can realize more concepts with improved graphics, there are thousands of games being released now that can't be released on older hardware. I'm sorry you think people only get games to stare at trees instead of imaging some people might actually might like to be immersed in a realistic world. Then you can be sorry for ruining all my favourite franchises by trying to port them onto tablets and iphones because lmao graphids dun't matter *drools*
>Picking one
>Not picking all at the same time
>hey dude, what's the most important part of a 10/10 girl? (bones, muscle, voice, dress, not being a whore, face, make up, smart, into nerdy topics)
Soundtrack > Cute girls > gameplay >Story > Graphics
You know what was cool? Full-Motion Videos in games. I don't care if it costs a bunch of money that could be used on developing any other part of the game. It is proven to have made every single game that has had it be better than if it didn't have it.
>le running in the 90s
do you mind?
Atmosphere>Central Mechanic>Soundtrack>Story>Accesory Mechanics>Graphics
Yeah they were, but the zelda franchise is the most known
Eh, Obduction was pretty great but CW kinda dragged it down by being such an obvious cardboard cutout. The rest of the FMV worked well in it, but he was the character you interacted with the most, so it kind of hurt the game overall.
I know you're posting Le epic vee maymay but tlou has a lot of game play and a pretty great multilayer.
>Implying 10/10 girls don't start with a nice fat ass and tiddies
It's more well known now because it became hugely popular but it's not like Dungeon Crawling wasn't already a prominent aspect of games by that point.
Actually starts with the face.
Most of that shit has nothing to do with graphic needs, but hardware limitations. We didn't got those improvements in gameplay because of graphical advances; with better hardware came both better gameplay and better graphics
Obviously VA's cost money like any other part of the process and shouldn't be prioritised over the other parts, but if you're making a story based game then spending some money on VA's can objectively improve your game's story.
>My first post includes "It's not necessary, but calling it lower than trash is nothing but retarded."
But sure, let's ignore basic reading comprehension and common sense.
>into nerdy topics
Nu-males leave
i wont to fuck misty
Very close
I only play arcade games and arcade style games, plus a lot of retro games. And jRPG are fucking garbage btw
>Improved graphics no longer improved gameplay after the 5th gen.
That's because devs no longer try to reach graphic fidelity they used to in the early 2000s because le graphics don't matter. Escape from butcher bay and Fear have more technology than BOTW that you tards are shitting yourselves over and those games are from 2005. Imagine all the gameplay that could be realized if developers kept trying to make games with the fidelity of mid 2000s pcs games standards instead of the wii coming along and proving to everybody standards don't mean sales. Also as maps get larger games get better I fucking hated all those loading doors in metroid prime it's so much better now with wide open maps.
it wasnt a novelty genre, thats for sure, but compare the advancements of dungeon crawling before and after zelda, modern dungeon crawlers owe the first zelda games a lot of their core aspects, sure those games hasnt dated well but if you compare them with other games of their time there's a huge gap in gameplay
Yeah everybody had that one cute tomboy strawberry-blonde haired girl that lived down the street when you were a kid, and Misty epitomized that like nothing else.
>Really makes me think, Improved graphics and physics due to hardware means improved gameplay.
Except this has never happened. Games are still the same corridor shooters with no actual world manipulation, and the graphics and "physics" are just facades. The few experiments with actual physics and graphical effects on gameplay generally flop or are mediocre at best. Graphical improvements haven't been meaningful for about a decade, besides maybe lighting and shadows, but even then the most meaningful aspect of graphics is maybe for immersion, but if you have a boring game you don't enjoy, the immersion doesn't help anything either.
>So unless you are stuck playing shitty ass fucking SNES games shut the fuck up about how aboove graphics you are you fucking dumb pretentious cock heads.
Wow and oddly the most played games I've played in the last 3 years have been decade-old 3D games (M&B, FONV, VTMB, Homeworld), and NES/SNES roms, and fucking flash games.
>Go ahead and see what levels of gameplay you can get out of an Atari or NES
Enduro on the Atari 2600 is still the best racing game in existence, and arguably River City Ransom on the NES is one of the best fighting games with an open-world and RPG elements, so fuck you.
Shes had a couple goodies way back in the beginnings of the Internet. None of them are online anymore sadly.
Dark skin Misty is the superior one by far.
>use a hyperbole
>get ridiculized
>resort to damage control
Is your last name Hayter by any hcance?
Faggot post more Mistys
>Go ahead and see what levels of gameplay you can get out of an Atari
The Atari 2600 had some pretty good arcade conversions that I didn't think possible for it until I got my hands on it after years of lapping up AVGN maymays. You'll eventually get there too.